17th February, 2000
Dear Editor
With reference to Cllr. Deirdre Forde's speech to Cork County
Council on her motion in your paper 27th Jan. I totally agree
with everything she say's. The Council may be listening to what
the people are saying but they are not taking any notice. I agree
with her on the way buildings are allowed to shoot up willy-nilly
with no regard to the overall affect, for example up to a couple
of years ago the height of buildings were taken into account to
suit the overall affect on the village, but now that is gone, as
can be see by the new building next door to McDonald's. That is a
typical example of disregard for the environment. Also the
residents of Douglas, Grange and Rochestown have been asking for
a new Cemetery in the area. Now of course the Council are going
to tell us that the price of land is too expensive and more
profit can be made by selling it off to Property Prospectors. Why
wasn't land develop for one back in the eighties when land was so
cheap? Why because it seems the Council couldn't give a damn and
forward planning is not their best attribute. All we need to do
is look at the list of requirements needed in our area. Cllr
Deirdre Ford puts them forward as wishes but I would put it
stronger they are our needs which should be put in place
immediately so County Council Planners stop floundering about and
think about the way you plan and do things in the future.
Yours Sincerely
Patricia (Name and Address with Editor)
From the window of our second storey two room
flat on Sheares St. in Corks march area, early 1950s,
I had a wonderful view of life.
Street below a hive of activity, most things horse drawn.
Thompsons Stagecoach - like delivery vans. Milk arriving in
churns . Shop assistant Kitty had daily job of scalding churns.
Fridges unheard of, so food was bought in small quantities - 2
ounces of tea, quarter pound of butter, half pound of sugar, half
pint of milk in steel container with a covering lid, and a small
skull or a basket (bread). If there was a
farthing change you got a sweet instead.
Children outdoors all day in summertime - spinning tops, playing
pickie, marbles, chessies, rounders, release, hurling and
Nightfall, tucked up in bed listening to wet battery radio, later
electric Pye set. Early hours I can still hear, The winner
and still the heavyweight champion of the world Jow Louis!,
Foley family, Kennedys of Castleross, 20 questions, Living
with Lynch, Take the Floor, Dick Barton Special Agent, entralled
us weekly.
Is P.E. still on the school curriculum> Mr. Frazier, a huge
army man, trained us for annual sports day. I was a leader in the
Maze march.
With so much emphasis today on computers and internet it is vital
our children use them in moderation. Equally important to good
health, outdoor activity!
Neil ODonoghue, Douglas.
Dear Sir,
Concerning your photograph of Rochestown old Court House, taken
around 1914. The photo is certainly fantastic, one of the finest
I have seem so far. A man I once knew, now deceased, we used to
meet every Sunday at the pub. Nicknamed the Puicks,
Strand Road, Monkstown, and I remember him telling me that his
grandfather working for a Lord Vesty, Old Court Estate. Perhaps
Lord Vesty and Lady Vesty could be seated front row. There were
also other diginatries in Rochestown at that time, such as
Warrens Millars, Rochestown, who also owned a granary in Passage
West , and a Captain Sarsfield in Togher estate, and Major
Roberts in Ardmore Estate, Passage West, Bruids family, Passage
West Pembroke House, Colonel Heard, Togher.
Unfortunately I cant pin-point anyone in the photograph,
there was also a Dr. Foott who once owned a soft drinks factory
in Cork, now deceased, but he still has a daughter living in
Douglas. Perhaps the Rector of the Church of Ireland in Douglas
might know where she lives.
I am afraid thats all the information I can give you. Thank
you again for the wonderful photograph.
Yours faithfully,
John Judge.
On behalf of the Cork Outreach Group of the
Chernobyl Childrens Project I would like to thank the
people of Douglas and surrounding areas through the Douglas
We had a food appeal at Douglas Court Shopping Centre on
28th/29th January for our April convoy. The response was
tremendous, both with food aid and financial aid, which we used
to buy large quantities of semolina.
The aid we send to the villages and orphanages of Belarus and
Western Russia is delivered directly by our convoy personnel.
Each year the Belarussian people are overwhelmed by the
generousity of the Irish people, giving clean fresh food and
medicines to their children.
We would like to say Thank You to all who contributed.
Anne Berkley.