29th November, 2001


My name is Corinna and I am working as an au pair here in Cork. For several weeks I’ve been looking for a women soccer team. While surfing in the internet, I found an article about a soccer association in Douglas, but I didn't find a possibility to contact.
I've been playing soccer for years and I'd love to join a soccer club. And my question is, does this club exist and is it open for everybody ?
I would be pleased to hear from you.
Corinna Jenal


I am writing in response to the article submitted by Yvonne Gabriel in last week’s edition. She poses the question, "Are the media responsible for eating disorders?" and quite foolishly fails to answer her own question convincingly in the rambling article, which follows.
Eating disorders, including Bulimia Nervosa and Compulsive Eating Disorder’s as well as Anorexia Nervosa, arise from the coalition of social situations and certain psychological dispositions not the desire to look like some glamour girl on the fashion spread of an imported glossy. Anorexics are more likely to be found shrouded in baggy black tracksuit pants than clad in the season’s latest figure hugging' must have'.
It is known that eating disorders most often affect intelligent, gifted people (male and female).. ..people well able to draw their own conclusions on what should and should not influence them.
This article confirms what I fear, that what is commonly presumed about eating disorders is largely mistaken or touches only on a superficial level of understanding. Eating disorders remain the condition with the highest mortality rate in psychiatric practice (between 10% and 25%) and I found this article to reinforce the divisions that exist between sufferers and the wider community. If today's adolescent feminists want to campaign for a more accurate portrayal of women I admire them, but do so for your own reasons, a social revolution is not necessary to save anorexics. …..we can fight our own battles thank you all the same!
Olivia Hussey


Dear Michael,
Hope you and the gang at the “Weekly” are all well. Would it be possible through the medium of your excellent weekly edition to ask the parents of Grange and Donnybrook a question? “Do you know where your teenagers are and what they are doing when out in the evenings and at night?”
I’m enclosing some photos of rubbish and vandalism created in my area by teenagers from both of the aforementioned areas. They seem to think they have a divine right to hang around here and cause trouble to people living here. Their language is appalling.
I also wonder how any teacher could cope with these people in a classroom? I know we are not the only people with this problem. Could I ask, “Where has parental control gone?”
Even the local Gardai have difficulty trying to control these young people. Maybe if only one or two parents woke up others might follow.
A wall, which had been down for years at the Mt. Perrier Rd., was built up last week. Even that was interfered with over the weekend. When is it all going to end?
Thanks for listening. Regards to all who keep the “Weekly” going.
Yours Sincerely
(Name and address with editor)


Dear Sir,
You might be good enough to allow me some space in your free newsletter.
Five years ago a certain garage ran a “Cash-back Promotion”. I bought a car there at the time. Under this deal I was to receive £5000 Cash-Back in September 2001. I still haven’t received this money, needless to say neither has anyone else. This money should have come from a New York based company. When one rings the company all one gets is an answering service that doesn’t ring back ! There have been two separate items on Neil Prendervilles morning show on 96FM about this. People who were in the Cash-Back scheme weeks before me have not received as much as a letter from anybody. It now seems pretty obvious the whole thing is a scam.
I have sought legal counsel on this (i.e. a barrister) and he reckons I could have a case for Court. However, I don’t want to go to that extreme if at all possible.
What I would like to do is make contact with other people in the same predicament as I am and get together as a group. There is more force in numbers.
You might be good enough to publish my name, address and phone number.
Keep up the good work
Gerald Walsh, “Corbiere”, 2 South Douglas Rd. Ph (after 6.30) 021 429 1518