13th April, 2000
I am pleased to inform you that the mound of earth has been
removed from Maryborough Hill, and the footpath completed and
road area surfaced. I would like to pay tribute to Cork County
Council Management and Staff for finally completing the work,
which while long overdue, is nonetheless welcome now. I am
awaiting news of up-to-date position regarding additional work to
be done further up on Maryborough Hill.
I am also giving a copy of the Integrated Road & Traffic
Management Plan Problems & Options Report to Douglas Library,
so people may read it at Douglas Library. This is a much more
substantial document than the previous one and it would not be
possible for me to make copies .
I understand that there were many visitors to the Waste
Management Bus when it was at the two Shopping Centres last week.
I am delighted that people have a chance to have a direct input
into the plan, of course, while all ideas and submissions are
valuable the Consultants then have to present the best options
which in their opinion will allieviate our traffic problems for
Douglas. It will be vital to ensure that Cork County Council acts
on the recommendations.
I would like to say from my dealings with the Staff and
Management that I believe that they are aware that the public
requires a more customer friendly service and are working towards
that ideal. We have a long way to go, with Planning issues,
Estate management, Enforcement, Housing and Information
desimination playing a major part in peoples' dissatisfaction
rating. I am confident that the County Manager and his staff and
indeed all the Councillors are working hard to ensure that our
Local Goverment model will be one of the best in the future.
Regards, Deirdre Forde M.C.C.
Dear Michael
Reading the letter re 'Our Lovely day' brought back fond memories
to me. We got married in 1968. - Reception at the Metropole Hotel
- Menu £1.2.6 old money. I enclose a copy of the bill - food and
drink for the day for 84 people cost £121.7.0.
The youth of today will never have the golden memories we hold of
our yesteryears. I feel sorry for them. They are being
brainwashed with Sex - Drugs and Violence on T.V. and videos.
P.S. Lovely letter Neil.
Yours sincerely
Happy days.
(Editors note; sorry we couldn't print all of the bill, suffice
to say a bottle of whisky cost £2.12.6 old money , i.e. £2.65)
Cork North jetties where during the '50's and early '60's the
Innisfallen carried father's, son's and daughters to England,
hold heartbreaking memories for so many.
Today a plus side to the Celtic Tiger is the return of exiles to
the Emerald Isle.
Made redundant in the early '60's I was forced to take the boat
to Kilburn, leaving my young wife and two babies behind. In my
youthful naivety I visualised a room to myself in London but
ended up sharing a room with four strangers. I worked the night
shift at Walls Meat Processors in refrigerated conditions.
Watching, Ton Jones singing "I'm Coming Home" really
tore me apart. Fortunately within months I secured employment
back in Cork with C.I.E., back to the arms of my loving wife and
children again.
Sadly thousands more were not so lucky. Today they're probably
too old or too ill to return to the Auld Sod!
Neil O'Donoghue
Dear Sir
In a recent issue of the "Examiner" it was disclosed
that the people of Ballincollig are well on the way to setting up
their own local Authority. I commend them for their attempt and
wish them well in their endeavours.
It must have occurred to many people living in the greater
Douglas Area i.e. Douglas, Grange, Frankfield, Rochestown etc.
How remote we seem to be from the centre of power, with the
consequent impression being formed that the area mentioned is
getting less than it's fair share of the regional cake.
An elected public representative tells me that there have been
four new urban local Authorities created since Independence, i.e.
Shannon, Tramore, Leixlip and Greystones. I'm Sure many a
successful political career began on these town councils and that
local interest in the well being of these individual areas is
much higher than average.
I am writing this letter to stimulate interest in this idea and
look forward with interest to any replies.
Brendan Lyons
Dear Sirs,
Douglas Court Shopping Centre is opened ten years now. When it
opened we had a group of bored housewives knocking at our doors
with a petition for us to object to the lovely that stood tall at
the front of the shopping centre.
The clock has since gone, and all of a sudden there is an ugly
eyesore of a so called apartment block put up right
across the road from where the clock stood.
I was just wondering where the bored housewives are now?
Name and address with editor.
Hi Michael,
Just a short note to tell you how much I enjoy your newsletter,
especially the last two week's with the photographs of my family,
the Walsh's and this week my baby sister Mary Byrne. I have lived
in Michigan for the past ten years and I love it, but I also miss
home a lot, so I love going to your site to keep up with the
local news, My e-mail is liffeylee@msn.com
if anyone who knows me would like to contact me.
All the best,
Anne Beere (nee Walsh)
A delegation representing local Residents Associations met
Corporation Officials at the City Dump last week to check on
recent excavation work taking place. They were horrified to
discover, almost accidentally that plans were well advanced to
establish a permanent rubbish distribution centre in the
reclaimed area (25% of the total site) which was formally
earmarked for recreation facilities on closure of the dump.
This facility is planned to accept all refuse from the City and
County, sort it out and then transport it to a new dumpsite (if
one can be found). This would probably be in operation 24hours a
day, with the consequent emission of noise, fumes and smells.
Plus the usual attraction of flies, rats, gulls and crows. Then
the use of sprays etc. Verbal objections were issued.
All this adjacent to a huge Secondary Girls School (100 yards
away), a Pitch and Put Course, and most seriously the surrounding
housing estates on the Kinsale Road, Turners Cross, Sth. Douglas
Road, Grange, Frankfield etc, Some 1,000 houses.
The residents are organising major opposition to these plans.
R.A.D.I.D. (Residents Against Dump In Douglas)
Phone; 895424 / 963298 / 362675 / 4895082