4th May, 2000


Dear Michael,
As a resident of Church Rd in Douglas, I would like to express my annoyance at the traffic situation during mass times. It was my understanding that the land next to the Church - which now is the site of new apartments - was to be turned into a car park for mass goers. Hence, the Church sold out and the problem is now worse than ever. Over the Christmas period Church Rd was in an unbelievably bad condition, yet still people parked under the bridge and double parked all along the road. Residents were blocked into their houses regularly and just 3 weeks back [Sunday morning] a young girl on a bike was forced out into the middle of the road against on-coming traffic. It was the closest 'near- miss' I ever saw. About 6 months ago I saw a lady pushing an old man in a wheelchair along the path. However when they got to the bridge she had to take the wheelchair off the step, had to hold up the traffic and walk under the centre of the bridge on the road. Fortunately a passer-by came to her aid - she could have easily toppled the wheelchair for starters. All of that because someone parked on the step under the bridge. Every Saturday night and Sunday morning you can see people being forced to push buggies and prams out onto the road because of these motorists. I was told that Deirdre Forde made a suggestion to the Council about putting a railing under the bridge. It's a good idea and I hope she succeeds. However I read a submission to the Douglas Weekly some time back from a German architect who lives locally. His idea was certainly worth seriously considering. He was talking about removing the bow-wow bridge completely and putting it into the Community Park. Then lower the Carrigaline road to the level of the Church Rd and use a one-way system.
Would it be too much to ask the priests to ask the public during mass, not to park irresponsibly. Thanks Michael.
Concerned Resident