22nd June, 2000
Dear Editor,
Re, slip Road off Shamrock Lawn, I think; Yes! Remove the
horrible Oaks, the Ash, the Beech and the Lime Trees. In their
place put a beautiful concrete wall, which our nice teenagers can
decorate with spray paint and 'artwork', lots of lovely four
letter words in full living colour. This is the year 2,000 the
age of sex, drugs and cider parties, who needs natural things
like trees to filter our air, what we need is more roads, more
concrete, more noise, and more pollution.
Ghetto Lover
(Name and address with Editor)
Issue the first of June and the comment about men following
their wives around the undies section of stores. Well I am amazed
that any woman in the 2000s would even think in this antiquated
19th century manner. I actively shop with my wife, which took a
lot of courage in the earlier days when women would glare at you
if one looked even slightly crooked. Now I find assistants
discussing purchases with us - as opposed to the glancing darts
in my direction and the hushed voice syndrome. Anyway in most
modern stores one has no choice as the produce is seamlessly
meshed with the overall shopping experience and floor plans are
regularly changed around. In these same stores the changing rooms
are unisex with families outfitting toddlers to teenagers and all
walks of life. However, if your reader was concerned with this
male intrusion into a specialist stores which only sold female
apparel then we might see a return of those little signs that
dotted Pana's stores in years gone by, little signs which forbade
entry for the male gender along with cats, dogs and even children.
Another solution is to organize your own pyjama party and invite
local women to join and model and buy, a thriving home industry
is currently sweeping the city, like the 'tub-a-wear' parties but
with a little wine some fine lingerie that would make any man
blush --- men would be quite happy down the pub for a few hours,
in fact I'd reckon most of them you be quite happy in the pub for
all shopping trips, but 'she who has to be obeyed' says different.
Gerard Bonus.
The Majorca Ballroom in Crosshaven was very popular with Cork
dancers during the '60's and early '70's. At the height of the
showband era up to 30 C.I.E. double Decker buses would be heading
for the seaside town on a Saturday night. Dickie Rock and the
Miami held the record for the number of buses, leaving the Grand
Parade, packed with Rock'n'Rollers.
My favourite memory of the Majorca was hearing Roy Orbision, The
Big 'O', holding a full house audience spellbound with "Pretty
Woman", "California Blue", and "In Dreams".
Cork dancers were a very discerning audience, if a personality
was not up to scratch, he or she would be told so in no uncertain
Yours truly, a bus conductor with C.I.E., combined business with
pleasure, operating a bus to 'Crosser and dancing the night away
with my girlfriend, who is now my lovely wife.
I never had much bother with messer's on the bus. I reckon the
Guards Barracks in Carrigaline and Douglas was a deterrent to
would be troublemakers. Return tickets were sold on the dance
specials. If somebody told me he had lost his bus ticket, I used
my discretion giving the chap a break, and nine times out of ten
there were no problems.
Dancers of the time will recall how difficult it was to move, not
to mention dance on a 'Big Attraction' night at the Majorca.
Looking back now I shudder to think of the mayhem if a fire broke
The ladies cloakroom was another trouble spot. But when you're
young and in love you took such things in your stride.
Who's to say the showband era could not re-surface for a new
generation of rocker's enjoying the best years of their lives!
Neil O'Donoghue