29th June, 2000
A number of weeks ago I dropped you a line requesting that you
might get some of your staff to clean the ditch on the Douglas
side of Mt Pellier Rd., in order to give us the people who live
in the area and who have to exit onto Donnybrook Hill a number of
times daily, a better view to our right at least as far as the
bend. To date my request seems to have been ignored. If I don't
pay my taxes to Cork Co. Council I can't drive on the road and
likewise if I do not pay my refuse etc. it will not be collected.
Can you please tell me what recourse I the customer have to get
my rights from you?
I also asked you to have a look at the Board of Works road and
put it in better condition for those of us who do not have to go
to a school, but do require easier access to the village than
have to spend 20 minutes to one half an hour trying to get down
Donnybrook Hill. It looks like we the people who have lived here
for years are the forgotten ones as far as the road system is
concerned. The left-hand side of the "Back Road to
Carrigaline" as we call it is nothing short of a disgrace.
The last time I travelled it was practically non-existent by
Cashmans farm.
I already pointed out to you if I remember correctly that the
speed going to and from Carrigaline is gone out of hand on this
road. I would respectfully suggest to you and Cork Co. Council
that this whole stretch of road be made a 40mph zone and let it
be enforced from Bracken Court to Carrigaline. There is
absolutely no sense in my opinion allowing people to drive like
lunatics on this road, as it will cause a major accident before
long and then it will be to late.
I am sending a copy of this letter to the Cork Co. Manager as I
feel he needs to know how we in Donnybrook are being treated and
also a copy of my local Newsletter.
Perhaps this time you might have the courtesy to get the work
done without further delay and before there is a serious accident
on the hill.
Dear Douglas Weekly,
With reference to one of your readers letters. I actively
shop with my wife which took a lot of courage in the earlier days"
he says. I'm guessing it takes a lot more courage every day as he
refers to her later as "She who must be obeyed". This
my man is antiquated, as is shopping with your wife for underwear.
Shopping for your wife is the new thing. All this aside there
will always be a "what's hot and what's not in life".
What I can tell you is fact underwear departments do best off the
main thoroughfare, in a department store. Why is that? - Because
most women prefer to shop, examine, etc, underwear without being
watched by male shoppers - who evidently end up looking at
everyone else's wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter etc.
Do you really believe it wouldn't bother a neighbour of yours
shopping for a white thong with you standing within 3 feet?
Working in the rag trade for the past 20 years, I have come
across all sorts. Men who pick out (dictate to their wives) what
they should wear (jocks). Those who accompany (without choice)
their wives (knickers). Those who actually enjoy shopping with
their wives (Tom & John). You are oblivious to the fact that
women's fitting rooms are just that, WOMENS. If we (and I include
myself) wanted men in there looking at us - we could just strip
and try it on, on the shop floor. en who follow their wives into
the oasis are not (fact) wanted by women. We reckon you spend so
much time with your wives that you're so utterly bored that you
have cause to look at us.
I have yet to come across a unisex changing room. No one objects
to women with young children. They don't leer, only stare. The
fact that the opposite sex have walked in does not make it unisex,
why do you think that there are curtains and doors on the fitting
room doors? - PRIVACY.
In a world where everything is out there on display - leave us
what's left to us - A day in town on our own. Finally, I am not,
believe it or not, anti men. In fact I adore men. I love my
husband and enjoy his company - but I wouldn't inflict him on
every woman every time I wanted to go shopping for my undies.
Yours truly, Independent shopper. Name & address with editor.