24th August, 2000
Just a note to say "Thanks for the memories" on your
volume 3, issue of the 10th August. A workmate of mine was
reading the story and remembered the family, and passed the
weekly on to me.
Although a 'Granny' now, those days bring thoughts of simple,
happy, funny, and smiling days never forgotten of Myrtleville and
O'Regans field.
Thanks again,
Georgina Leach (Nee Grķeger)
It's that time of year again when the women of Cork prepare
for the Echo Mini Marathon. This year, it's to be held on Sunday
September 7th, and we are looking for runners, walkers and
sponsors. Tee shirts, baseball caps and cards are available at
the Centre and can be posted or delivered to you.
The Cork Rape Crisis Centre has been in operation since 1983,
providing counselling and support to survivors of rape and child
sexual abuse. The demand for our services is constantly
increasing and we need to employ more counsellors.
If you require more information on the Centre. Please contact us.
I look forward to your support and don't forget the Mini Marathon
is also for those who would like to walk the 5m. The official
entry form will appear in the Echo.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Mary Crilly, Cork Rape Crisis Centre. Tel: 021 4505736
On behalf of the juvenile golfers in the Douglas area. I'm
writing concerning a new rule enforced since 18th of June l999 in
Mahon Golf Course.
The rule in question is that during the holiday period no
juvenile without an adult is allowed to play after 4.45pm. It was
passed without me even knowing about it and since it concerns me
I should have been notified instead of turning up at the golf
course and having to argue my way onto the golf course. It is
supposed to be a municipal golf course after all.
The reasons for this rule are that "workers" did not
want the course full of kids since that was the only time they
could play.
My parent's work full time and the only time I can play is during
the evenings when I have transport. Stereotyping has got a lot to
do with this issue. I'm sixteen and consider my self a fairly
competent golfer and there are a lot more talented social golfers
in the area who have also been mentioned in the pitch and putt
section in the Douglas Weekly Magazine for their brilliant play.
Many of these golfers would beat any of the "adults" in
the Mahon Golf Club. I believe that this rule is truly ridiculous
and should be immediately decanted.
David O'Neill
'Ronian' Rosebank
Dear Editor,
I've just come across your online edition of Douglas Weekly.
Congratulations on a job well done.
It must be especially nice for ex-pats overseas to stay in touch
with Douglas. I'm sure some of your readers will be familiar with
the work of Edith Wilkins, a Douglas woman living and working
with street kids in Calcutta, for the past 17 years.
If people have an interest they can keep up to date with Edith's
work, through The Edith Wilkins Hope Foundation website: www.edithwilkins.com
Congrats again,
David Wilkins
Dublin 1