7th October, 1999
While it is an advantage to know the best way to
take cuttings from each individual shrub, these general
guidelines should produce successful cuttings: a) Take cuttings
in the morning or in the evening, not in strong sunlight. b)
Choose vigorous healthy plants. c) Water them at least an hour
before taking cuttings. d) Avoid flowering shoots. e) Dont
let cuttings dry out - spray them with water as soon as you take
them, store them in a plastic bag and keep them out of the sun.
Nodal, basal and heel cuttings are the most common for shrubs.
Take these from healthy side shoots produced this year. To take a
nodal cutting, remove any soft growth from the tip and make the
lower cut immediately below a leaf joint. Remove all but the top
two or three leaves, dip the base of the cutting in rooting
hormone and shake of the excess, then insert it into the compost
so that nearly all the bare stem is covered. To take a basal
cutting, make the lower cut through the slight swelling where the
side shoots join the main shoot. To take heel cuttings, gently
pull the shoot downwards from the main stem so that a sliver of
the older wood comes away with it. Trim the sliver so that it is
no longer than 1cm. To take cuttings from shrubs with small
leaves, cut the stem to an appropriate length and remove the
lower leaves or take a heel cutting. Take stem cuttings from
large leaved shrubs by removing the tip of the shoot just above a
leaf then make a lower cut just above the next leaf down so you
are left with a cutting with one leaf. Take internodal cuttings
from climbers - make the top cut directly above a pair of leaves
and the lower cut halfway between two leaf joints. It is a good
idea to water in cuttings with a fungicide to prevent rotting.
Our next article will cover the best times for taking
The Douglas senior Citizens Committee would like to invite all you over 6Os who have time on your hands to come along to St. Columbas Hall on Wednesday the 13th of October 1999 at 8pm to the beginning night of our Monthly Socials of music, dance, fun with nice refreshments. The Committee would like to point out that because of their Committee name, Senior Citizens, they have decided to state that all over 50s are more than welcome. The members of the Committee are well aware of the large numbers of over 50s in the Parish and are anxious to encourage as many as possible to make a point of socialising with us. The committee also wishes to announce that the socials are but a beginning to better events planned for the future. This years Christmas Party is taking place in The Rochestown Park Hotel on the l2th December.
A reader in Blackrock was inquiring about
Dundanion Castle so we decided to follow it up. Peggy Barrett of
the Douglas Library was of considerable help, as was Sheila OMahony
of the Local Studies Department who forewarded us the Dundanion
Castle story from the book Castles of County Cork by the late
James N. Healy.
At the end of Mr. Healys account we learn that the Castle
was taken over by the Board of Works in 1987. So far so good, but
whats happening to it now? We phoned the City Hall who gave
us the number of the local office of Public Works, but the local
office couldnt help us, wed have to contact the
Dublin office. Actually this didnt surprise us because the
new Eircom Phone Book gives the address of the local office as
being 14 Old Blackrock Road, so obviously they dont know
where they are themselves.
Anyway we got on to Dublin, Sorry we cant help you,
get on to Duchas. Amazingly its exactly
the same number and there was no reply. We tried again the
following morning and sure enough we got lots of information,
Duchas is the Heritage Service and it has lots of
services, we know that because we kept getting transferred from
one to the other, eventually we got the right one; the National
Monuments & Historic Properties Division.
Finally we were put on to a gentleman who looked after the
properties in Cork. So we asked about Dundanion Castle. Where
is it, came the reply. In Cork, we answered,
near Blackrock, we told him. Silence! We dont
know it... how do you spell it? Well have a look for it . .
.and if we find it, well give you a call.
Two things spring to mind, what are we paying these people for
and secondly dont ever play chess with them!
Located at 19 Oliver Plunkett Street and open from 10am to 5pm, Mon to Fri, the Gorta Shop welcomes all books, magazines, bric-a-brac, unwanted gifts, etc... Unfortunately, due to the lack of space, clothing cannot be accepted. The Cork shop, staffed by volunteers who have been endeavouring to raise funds to help Third World communities grow their own food, would like to thank the people of Cork who so regularly support them in their work.
Adult medical card holders and their dependants
aged 16 or over are entitled under the Dental Treatment Services
Scheme (DTSS) to emergency treatment from private dentists who
are contracted to the health boards. Your local health board can
provide a list of these dentists in your area. Routine care is
currently available under the DTSS on application to the health
board. Treatments covered include; examination, X-rays, fillings,
extractions, oral surgery, partial and full dentures, gum
treatments, and root fillings.
The DTSS is being extended to cover routine treatment for all
adults (16 years and over) with medical cards on a phased basis -
the full scheme will be available before the end of this year.
For those with private health insurance, VHI and BUPA do not
cover routine dental work, but some procedures are covered under
their inpatient plans - these are subject to examinations by a
dental consultant. Emergency dental treatment following accidents
is also covered under the insurers outpatient expenses
In the United States there are companies that specialize in
Dental Insurance. These are comparitively low cost schemes that
are far more beneficial to the patient and the practitioner then
any service that is so far available in this country.
For those who have to pay cash, it is interesting to note that
prices for dental treatment in Northern Ireland is roughly half
of what they are here.
We are all familiar with Kearys on Grange Road, the Grange bar and restaurant, Munster Carpets, etc... But few of us realise that the area was once part of the Mount Conway estate. Way back in 1932 the late Hatton Conron carried out a rather peculiar agricultural experiment. Using imported seed from Virginia he planted and grew four acres of tobacco plants. A drying house was built near the main dwelling house (now Amberly). The tobacco leaves were harvested and hung in the drying house, where smouldering beach leaves provided the heat to dry them. When dry, the tobacco leaves were rolled into cigars. Whether they were ever sold or not nobody is able to tell us, but we do know the venture was a financial disaster and was abandoned after two years.
This week were going to deal with the
ridiculous excuse its a luxury. I enjoy smoking.
Imaging the smoker lying on a cool soft lawn. Its a sunny
day and hes lying under a clear blue sky the bluest sky
that he ever saw. He can feel the warmth of the sun on his skin.
Theres a gentle breeze in the air cooling him and hes
so calm and so relaxed. He can hear the distant waves
gently lapping against the sandy beech. All those cares all those
worries have just disappeared. Nobody wants anything from him
nobody expects anything from him its good to be alive. He
loves the world and the world loves him, he feels at one with the
universe. To enhance the moment still further he decides to have
a cigarette and he reaches into his jacket. Oh my god Ive
left them at home! He hastily tries the other pocket.
Phew theyre here. He takes out a cigarette
lights it, takes a big drag and inhales all that disgusting
smoke. Now he thinks, I wish I didnt have to smoke
this. These
things are killing me. I wish I didnt get all those bills
this morning. I should get back training and then Ill give
them up. I shouldnt go training at the moment Id get
a heart attack. Ill give them up first and then Ill
go training. I wish United would lose every game this season.
Finishing the cigarette and grinding the but into the ashtray he
thinks, these things are definitely killing me Ill
have to give them up. However its a nice day and nothing is
going to stop me from enjoying it. Im at one with the
universe and the universe is at one with me. I have a
terrible taste in my mouth. Ill give them up tomorrow.
Every smoker both young and old knows exactly what Im
talking about here. Because of the addiction to nicotine, the
smoker will come up with any excuse as to why he/she should stay
on them. Theyre a luxury, I enjoy them. Its only an
idiot and the poor addicted smoker (whom I have great empathy
for) would say that smoking is a luxury. If we truly, yes truly
believed that smoking was a luxury then we would be only too
happy to give them to our children as a little treat! Would you
offer one to your eight year old child for being so good for