25th November, 1999
Cannabis is classified as a 'soft drug', and
apparently its addictive nature is psychological rather than
physical. Emmet Stagg is presently playing devil's advocate in
the Dail, in putting forward a motion for legalization. One would
have to be congenitally naive to think that legalization won't
bring along its own fair share of problems. However, many feel
that decriminalization [as opposed to legalization] should be
examined carefully as a possible option. Rather than
understanding cannabis, it's clear that a lot of Irish people
fear cannabis, and as usual it's the fearful among us who decide
for the rest. Fear should not be confused with caution though.
Caution serves us well very often, and that should be respected
and not ignored by any means. Decriminalization means taking the
user out of the system, the logic behind this I would defend
emphatically. If the powers that be were to arrest and charge
anyone who has ever, or does smoke gange, then only
the fans of Gay Byrne, Marty Whelan and Mary Poppins would escape
I firmly believe hash can be smoked in moderation as a
recreational drug, and I have absolutely no difficulty with it in
this regard. There are areas for concern also though teenagers
smoking pot, the idea of cannabis being a gateway drug
[theoretical for the most part but carries a logic], dangerous if
you have a bad psychosis etc. However these problems will always
be there, they will never be eradicated, whether cannabis is
decriminalized or not. Do we ban drinking because we have
alcoholics? There will always be people who fall through the net
regardless should the many be denied by the few?
Cannabis use can be traced back several thousand years and its
uses were predominantly medicinal for the most part. Although by
today's standards the recreational use is more widespread than
medicinal, it doesn't take from the fact that countless doctors
still advocate its use and recommend it to their patients
consistently. It can serve many purposes, particularly for people
in pain [multiple sclerosis is a common example], these people
should not be denied because of bigots. There has never been a
single recorded death from overdose of cannabis. Why do we choose
to ignore this? If you are a pot smoker then you will know that
the effects are immediate and this lets you control the amount
needed. The same cannot be said of alcohol. There are many myths
surrounding cannabis, and this mythology is now being exposed as
absolute rubbish, as the barriers fall and cannabis becomes less
and less of a social taboo. Some of the people who want cannabis
to remain outlawed are in effect keeping the problems behind
closed doors and are simply brushing it under the carpet, like so
many atrocities we have seen in this country in recent years.
People will eventually make up their own minds on whether they
want to smoke pot or not, and all the evidence shows that in
reality the amount of pot smokers is increasing. You would be a
fool to think that keeping pot illegal will solve the problem. It
won't and it never will. However, you'd be as a big a fool to
think pot is good for your health but that choice should be
yours. What pot smokers need is a voice a well-structured lobby
group. It may prove futile or it may not. The 'in your face'
attitudes of certain pot smokers has to stop if the issue of
decriminalization is to be taken seriously. The Gardai must not
be blamed for enforcing the law either, and fortunately they seem
to be hitting the dealers more so than the user as is obvious in
the light of their recent seizures. Why waste valuable court time
on someone who had just a ten deal anyway? What purpose would it
serve for Christ's sake? The most they'd get is a small fine - £10
or £20 quid? It's a farce and a disgrace that a conviction for
pot smoking [for your own use] can damage future job prospects
and have repercussions. Both the user and the Gardai must bare
this in mind, and I think by and large a lot of them do to be
fair. Pot smokers are even more diverse in background than
drinkers, and anyone who has a stereotypical view of them would
want to think again, because you couldn't be further from the
The media only seems to show one side of the story and has been
effectively ' brainwashing' people. Has the media any ability to
be impartial or even balanced on these issues? I have serious
doubts and as of yet have seen little or nothing to disprove
these theories. If the media sees itself as an educator then it
must address these issues fairly. I am not advocating that the
media promote pot smoking or the like, I would just like them to
bare in mind that they have a responsibility to show both sides
of the coin. Likewise, our local politicians in Douglas couldn't
be more out of touch with young people if they tried and I
wouldn't even bother asking them to do anything about it. Many
people under 30 flout the law erratically anyway, but pot smoking
is not confined to this age group by any stretch of the
imagination. If the government, courts or people in the medical
world think they can confine, contain or combat this issue then
serious questions must be raised. I'm not crusading for a 'free
for all'. But your way isn't working and nor will it ever. 'It
should be our choice not yours' are the sentiments of a lot of
pot smokers toward the ban on cannabis. Vast amounts of people
now equivocate having a joint with having a pint. For the most
part they are responsible adults and should be treated as such.
Let them decide for themselves. If politicians want to see young
people at the polling stations then they could sit back and watch
them flocking in if this went [as it should] to the electorate.
Niall O' Sullivan, Douglas.
On the 2nd December from 8pm - 10.30pm there will
be a Grand Variety Concert held at Douglas GAA Hall. Admission is
£5 (Adults), Concessions £3 and £1.50 for Children. There will
be a monster raffle and all proceeds are in aid of Douglas
Community Services (under the auspices of Douglas Community
Assoc), St. Columbas Restoration Fund, Seamus McGuires
Christmas Special Fund and Cricklewood Homeless
Concern (who cater for Irish Nationals).
This concert, which has been organised by Patricia Simkin who is
an executive member of Douglas Community Association, will
O St. Columbas Hall Choir. Conductor Patricia Kelleher.
O Carrigaline Youth Group. Conductor Donal Power.
O Irish Dancers from the Miah Walsh School.
O St. Patricks Church Choir. Conductor Nicola Cooke.
Martha Malone, a member of Douglas ICA, will perform, with
others, her one Act play, A Perfect Day.
Solo performers are Francie McCarthy, Pat McCarthy, Agnes Dwyer,
Patricia Doyle, Michelle de Foubert (Singers), Lean Flynn
(Violinist), Hannah McCarthy (Harpist), Sally McCarthy (a poem),
Hannah Griffin (Comedienne), Stephanie Barry and Daisy McCarthy
Background music by Owen OCallaghan and Patricia OMahony,
Co-ordinator Pat Flynn, B.A.
Complimentary use of piano courtesy of Griffin Pianos, Togher,
Accompanists: Annette de Foubert, Anne Flynn and Patricia Simkin.
Do come along on the night and bring your friends, to support
these worthy causes.
Another huge disappointment to all star gazers
as the bad weather made it impossible to view the Leonoid Meteor
storm on Wednesday night, Thursday morning last. Eclipse weather
all over again. To answer the many queries we have received about
meteors, this week we are going to concentrate on meteors and
meteor showers.
On any clear night you will see quick streaks of light race
across the sky, commonly known as shooting stars. All that they
are is a piece of space debris the sizes of a grain of sand
burning up as it enters the earth's atmosphere. Some that you may
see last much longer and are much brighter, are only the size of
a pea. Larger meteors even land on the earth's surface, these are
known as meteorites. Meteorites are known to put on a really
spectacular show but we have never been fortunate enough to
experience them. All the members of a meteor shower appear to
diverge from small area of sky known as the radiant. The meteor
shower is named after the constellation in which it's radiant
lies; the Perseids appear to radiate from the constellation of
Perseus, the Geminids from Gemini and so on. When watching for
meteors from a shower, do not look directly at the radiant, but
look about 5 degrees to one side of it. A list of the year's main
meteor showers is given in the table overleaf. Note that the
maximum number of meteors will be seen only in dark conditions,
when the radiant is high in the sky. If the radiant is low, or
the sky is bright (for instance from moonlight), the number of
meteors visible will be very much less.
Name of Shower - Date of Maximum - No. Visible
per Hour
Quadrantids - January 3-4 - 100
Lyrids - April 21-22 - 15
Eta Aquarids - May 5-6 - 40
Delta Aquarids - July 28-29 - 20
Perseids - August 12 - 60
Orionids - October 21 - 20
Taurids - November 3 - 12
Leonoids - November 17-18 - 10
Geminids - December 13-14 - 60
Valda Furlong
Douglas based member of Cork County
Council, Deirdre Forde, today called on Cork Corporation to
reconsider the proposed closure of the Gus Healy Swimming Pool.
I have received many phonecalls from people living in the
Douglas-Carrigaline area who are dismayed with this news. The
Douglas swimming pool is a valuable amenity and its closure would
result in many competitive swimmers losing a suitable training
The Pool has over 140 children who train competitively. Presently
one young lady Ms. Lee Kelleher, who is only a few seconds off
qualifying time is endeavouring to gain a place on the Irish
Olympic Swimming Team. There are also two boys Colin Hederman and
Maurice Kelleher who are on the Irish National Water Polo team.
There are 14 on the Irish National team and over 30 on the
Minster squad. In addition, Water Safety and Lifeguard training
is taking place and very many schools from all over Cork City and
County use the pool.
It is ironic that while I am lobbying strongly at Cork County
Council level for improved amenity and sporting facilities in
many cases, Cork Corporation are now comtemplating closure of
this pool. I am aware that the Corporation has incurred
substantial losses at the pool, but it is my contention that the
facility requires upgrading, not closure.
In my capacity as a member of the joint Cork County Council -
Cork Corporation Committee, I will be impressing upon the City
Manager, the concerns of those who have made representations to
Deirdre Forde.
If you are planning a break in the near future,
and are expecting a Christmas bonus or a pay rise then you can
lighten your tax burden by getting part of your increase in
income in the form of a bus or rail ticket.
Before April 1999 employees were liable to pay Income Tax on the
value of the benefit (benefit in kind) similar to that paid by
company employees with company cars or preferential loans. The
current tax regime allows you to receive monthly or annual travel
passes from your employer without paying any benefit in kind. The
tax concession does not apply to daily, weekly or 10-journey
Depending on the cost of your travel ticket, savings could be
substantial. For example, if you travel to work in Dublin and
believe it or not some people do.
Religion can act as both a conservative and revolutionary force
in societies throughout the world. Secularization refers to the
declining influence of religion, but this is very difficult to
measure because many dimensions of change are involved.
Catholicism runs at a different pace in many countries, from the
first to the third world. In some regards this possibly makes it
very difficult for the church to make sweeping changes throughout
the world for fear of upheaval this I can accept to some degree.
To many people in Ireland Catholicism continues to be a powerful
influence and both their lives and attitudes reflect this.
Although I have a certain amount of resentment toward our church,
I wouldn't blame it for any lack of faith in God that I may have.
However, in some aspects the ways and workings of the Catholic
Church, both past and present, bares little resemblance to its
With the stranglehold of the Catholic Church being forcibly
released somewhat in recent times, it becomes blatantly obvious
that the church was little more than an authoritarian,
dictatorial institution whose trademark was instilling fear
through brutality. To this day the Catholic Church remains a
powerful and wealthy organization lurking around every corner, I
see it as a parasite. Most of us had no say in whether or not we
wanted to make our communion or confirmation. We were drilled
with this imagery of Jesus in school before we could think and
it's merely conditioning. Nothing more, nothing less. We were
forced to go to mass, as most young people still are, up to what
parents consider a reasonable age to let their children ' decide
for themselves'. Decide for themselves! At this stage they have
been brainwashed. How can you ram something down somebody's
throat and expect him or her to like it? I remember my
confirmation vividly, we were forced week in week out to learn
off questions [page upon page] and answers to questions we didn't
understand in the first place. Is this how to get people to
appreciate religion? It's a sad state of affairs that religion is
compulsory in many secondary schools also. It should be optional
not compulsory. With many people coming to Ireland to live and
settle down, other denominations will soon become much more
prevalent and established. In the US religion was ousted from
many schools because there were so many varying religions and
they could not be catered for collectively. Why has the Catholic
Church so much control over our educational system? On almost
every school board you'll find priests.
There are countless areas I would take issue with the church on.
Not least is the churches Hierarchy and its stance on persisting
in formally endorsing and supporting inequalities in gender. The
Christian movement was born of what was in a sense a
revolutionary movement; yet in their attitudes towards women they
are the most conservative organization in society. In 1987 the
Anglican bishop of London, Graham Leonard, was asked on a radio
programme if he thought the Christian notion of God would be
affected by seeing a woman regularly up at the altar. He replied:
'I think it would. My instinct when faced with her would be to
take her in my arms
' What a load of rubbish. Is that the
best excuse he can come up with for keeping women out of the
church? Pathetic. It's beyond me that the Catholic Church also
doesn't recognize women with equality while at the same time
mouthing off about the church being 'open to everyone'.
Hypocrites. There are many good priests out there that want
reform. As a young person I find the Catholic Church repulsive as
an institution, but at the same time I recognize wholeheartedly
the attempts of individuals striving for change within the
Church. I could never see the Church recovering from the scandals
of recent years and in many respects I'm doubtful about its
future. Separation of Church and state? Separation of Church and
God in my mind.
Niall O' Sullivan, Douglas
A novel idea for a hallway or conservatory is
scented-leafed pelargoniums. These are available in citrus
(lemon), mint, apple, or pine scents although the lemon is most
common. These are best placed in an area where they will be
brushed past or in a seating area in your conservatory, where
they can make the most of their scent. They can become straggly
but if you pinch out the growing tips and flower spikes
occasionally and take care not to over water them, they will
remain active all the year round.
Hanging baskets, most of us confine our ideas of hanging baskets
to summer; they do make a pleasant diversion and can be planted
up permanently or with a colourful temporary display. If you vary
the planting during the year, you can take advantage of seasonal
displays: Christmas cactus in winter; fuschias in summer.
Permanently planted baskets are easy to manage, especially if
they are used for a single large plant. The common spider plant
needs very little maintenance and thrives in a conservatory. For
an attractive arrangement plant it with asparagus fern. Plastic
coated wire baskets will drip onto the floor. But some rigid
plastic containers have drip saucers to catch any excess water.
Cacti: There are two broad categories of cacti: desert and
Forrest types. Forrest types like shade; desert cacti need
sunlight. But most cacti have shallow roots and reform well in
containers. In shaded areas try Christmas cacti, which we have
already mentioned for hanging baskets. These do not need high
maintenance. They also provide that welcome splash of colour in
winter. Other cacti that can work well in conservatories are the
clambering Selenicereus and some of the hylocereus species.
Desert species you could try include the old man cactus
(cephalocerus senilis) and bunny ears (Opunta microdasys). And
don't forget if you are using the spiny succulent species keep
them out of the reach of children.
More next week.
We all live in the 'nineties and a decade ago we lived in the eighties. And before that the 'seventies etc. But what are we going to call the next decade? The zero's, the noughts? The O's? What do you our readers think? Why not let us know? Send, fax, e-mail, ring write or call, your suggestion to us and we'll see what can be done with it. Maybe this is the opportunity for a Douglas Weekly reader to lead the world.
Fresh fruit and vegetables can cost less, taste better and offer the best quality if you buy them when they are in season. So before you plan your meals for Christmas and the New Year check our little guide to what is in season in the coming months. In season now are stable vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, carrots, onions, potatoes, and cauliflower. They are readily available and are good value. Other seasonal produce you might like to add to your shopping list includes Beetroot, Kale, Leeks, Marrow Parsnip, Swede and Turnip. Broccoli, Celery and Scallions are just going out of season, so make the most of them this month. All-year relliables include butterhead lettuce, cabbage and mushrooms. Fresh Irish Apples, both eating and cooking are plentiful throughout the winter months. Berries are in season in the summer and into the autumn so if you didn't stock your freezer you era going to have to pay through the nose for them over Christmas and the same for other fresh produce. If you want fresh herbs, Parsley, Sage, and Thyme are in season from May to December. Other herbs if available fresh, will be more expensive. If you want to get more information and would like some recipes and a seasonal calendar why not phone An Bord Glas ' 01 661 4105.
Douglas Community Association Ltd.
are holding a Public Meeting at the Rochestown Park Hotel on
Monday 29th November at 8.p.m. This meeting is to facilitate the
setting up of a Tidy Town Committee for Douglas.
It is hoped that sufficient interest will be expressed on the
night and that people will volunteer to be part of the team to
bring Douglas to the forefront of the National Tidy Towns
Competition in the future.
The Speaker will be Mr William A. Houlihan, Senior Executive
Architect, Cork County Council. Mr Houlihan has been actively
involved in many such successful projects in Kinsale and
Clonakilty and elsewhere over the past number of years.
All local Businesses, Sports Clubs, Schools, Community and
Residents Groups, Media and interested Individuals are invited to
As resident of Frankfield my family and I have to
make many trips each week down to Douglas. This is due to the
fact that there is inadequate provision of a bus service from the
Frankfield area. I am sure that the daily congestion of our roads
here are caused by parents bringing their children to school and
by people working in the city who by no choice have to use cars
because of the failure of Bus Eireann to provide adequate
transportation for all residents. As we just heard on the news
last week, our government says money is not the problem. I ask
myself, what is the reason that we have no adequate bus service?
To help alleviate this problem I was wondering if a one way
system might help as the build up of traffic is due to the cars
wanting to turn right into Church Road. A suggestion: West
Douglas St from Church Rd to Church St. one way towards the city.
Church Street one way from West Douglas St to Carrigaline Road.
Having removed the Bow-Wow Bridge Carrigaline Rd. a one way
street to Church Rd. Church Rd. a one way street from Carrigaline
Rd. to West Douglas Street. This would mean the Bow-Wow Bridge
would have to be relocated, possibly to some area in Douglas, the
city or in a museum due to its historical nature. It would appear
that the bridge has already had an extension due to changes in
Sundays Well Swimming Club are holding a Christmas Social Splash Supper and Disco on Friday, 3rd December at Blackrock Hurling Club, Blackrock at 9.00pm. Tickets are £7.50. Please Support this Fund-Raising Event.