Glendale Concert Singers
This coming June/July the Glendale College Concert Singers will perform a wide variety of American music, encompassing both traditional and contemporary repertories. Conducted by Glen DeLange, they are the premier vocale performance ensemble at Glendale College, a college comprising of over 14,000 students.
They will play St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday, July 3rd, at 8.00 pm. Admission £5 (£3 concessions), in support of the Cathedral Restoration Fund.
Urgent Message
Does anybody know where Kemberlee Lugo lives in Shamrock Lawn? Please contact the Douglas Weekly office on 896496. We have mail addressed to her.
Depression with Declan Cronin of Apex Clinic
Broadly speaking there are two types of depressive illness: endogenous and reactive depression. With endogenous depressive illness people tend to exhibit mood variations from mild depression to that deep black despair where one can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.
There can be an inability to make decisions, feelings of self-doubt, guilt and sleeping problems. Physical symptoms may include backache, constipation, loss of appetite, constant headaches, etc. Even though endogenous depression would normally have no obvious external cause, some physical disease such as influenza sometimes can trigger it.
Now we move on to reactive depression which is normally associated with traumatic emotional experience such as bereavement, the break up of one’s marriage or the loss of a loved one. Reactive depression more often occurs in young or middle aged people and is frequently accompanied by the symptoms of anxiety neurosis. There can be an inability to get to sleep, one may have feelings of guilt or shame, and so on.
Generally speaking reactive depression is less serious than endogenous depressive illness; however, both endogenous and reactive depression may prevent a person from expressing the depth of misery and despair they are experiencing. If one is experiencing a deep period of depression that is chronic for more than a couple of weeks, then it is important to contact your doctor.
It is also important to note that because we are all subjected to both positive and negative influences, we are susceptible to becoming depressed for one reason or another. If we succeed in a particular goal we are naturally happy. However if we become chronically ill or experience great disappointment then we are apt to experience depression.
It is important to understand that in certain circumstances it is normal to become temporarily depressed. Psychotherapy can help a person to deal with and release repressed emotions and plan for the future with a renewed feeling of hope and optimism.
Continued next week.