14th September, 2000
Notice Board


Born Patricia Kelly in 1929 , she became a popular US film actress. She starred in High Noon 1952, The Country Girl 1954, for which she received an Academy Award, and High Society 1955. She also starred in three Hitchcock films - Dial M for Murder 1954, Rear Window 1954, and To Catch a Thief 1955. She retired from acting after marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco 1956. She died in a car accident on this day 14th September 1982


Fashion Show
Rochestown Park Hotel
Thursday 28th September
Fashion by Brown Thomas
Models: Illusive Model Agency
Tickets @£10 Available ;
Brown Thomas , Patrick St.
Parish Office , St. Columba's Church
St. Patrick's Church, Rochestown Road


(NOTES ON THE BESNARD FAMILY from MSS. written about 1870)

Taken from Con Foley's "A History of Douglas"

Julius Besnard
A pious man of excellent character. Married Miss Jane Heron of Kilkenny. After his marriage he built a residence in Douglas and formed a hamlet of cottager's, who worked in his linen factory at Factory Ville. For some time before his death he lived in his town house at Nelson Place. Died 1815, in old age.
Peter Besnard
Named after his French ancestor. Some of his family emigrated to Canada, Australia and United States. Married Ellen Pope of Cork. Their daughter, Sarah Pope Besnard, became the wife of Bartholomew Gibbings, J.P. Mayor of Cork, and lived at Gillabbey.
Julius Caesar
Solicitor of the firm of Pope and Besnard, 52 South Mall. Married Mary Pope, sister of Ellen Pope, his elder brother's (Peter) wife and his partner Thomas. He was Town Clerk and Law agent for the Cork Corporation. Deeply interested in Art, literature and Local Antiquities. Died of a fever in London, while attending a Committee Meeting of the House of Commons. Buried with his wife, opposite the West Door of St. Luke's Church, Douglas, where so many Besnards lie.
John Besnard
Justice of the Peace, Alderman of the Corporation, manager Cork Savings Bank. Married Sophia Baker, daughter of Valentine Baker, a Bristol Merchant. One daughter married Rev. William Wilson, Rector of
Dungourney, afterwards Dean of Cloyne. The Besnard pedigree was
compiled by Canon T.E. Evans, grandson of Julius Besnard Senior. After Canon Evan's death, the MSS. were entrusted to John Besnard who
outlived his brothers and sisters. Lived in residence adjoining Savings Bank.
Robert Besnard
Medical doctor. A highly gifted man with a talent for acting. Took part in many Shakespearean plays for charity. (Richard Milliken, the poet of Blarney and Castlemartyr, Co. Cork was one of the company of actors). Struck down by paralysis a few years after qualifying, just before a rehearsal of "The Merchant of Venice." This dramatic society known as the Apollo Society was instituted in 1805. Performances were held in the King's Theatre, Tuckey Street.
Julius Besnard
Son of Peter Besnard and Ellen Pope. Sheriff of Cork. Never married. A friendly club met at his house at Douglas. A rose painted in the centre of the ceiling in the meeting room indicated freedom of speech and confidential communications - from the Latin "sub rosa" (literally, "under the rose," but meant, in confidence). Meetings were said to have been entirely decorous, wit and humour predominating, but, in another quarter, "The Friendly Club" was looked on as an insidious organisation designed to stifle what little democracy there was. Neither was Julius in any way, tolerant with anyone attempting to upset the political status quo.
Next week, The Perrier Family


The Mills Bridge Club at the Douglas Bridge Centre/Cork School of Bridge has been having tremendous success in recent years. Eileen Hegarty and Carmel O'Sullivan came second in Ireland, Ed Kelly and Frank Heffernan 3rd in Ireland in the national Novice championships for 1996/1997.
The following year ('97/'98) the club went one better; Michael Lynch and Eamon McCarthy came 1st in Ireland, Tim Murphy and Ann Mulcahy came 2nd, and Leo O'Hanlon and Des White came 3rd.
Unfortunately this championship has been discontinued. However the club is doing very well in the South Munster Regional Competition.
Last year was another very successful year for the Club. They are now making their mark in the Intermediate Competitions. Mick Madden & Sean Wanglin won the intermediate B competition in the South Munster Region Regional Pairs and Otto Eisenring and Christy Halligan came first in the Intermediate 'B' competition of The South Munster Region Simultaneous Pairs. These are the two major competitions of the South Munster Region and it is a matter of pride that players from this club hold both of them. We were again successful in the major Novice Competitions. Brien Elliott & Ted Long won the Novice Munster Region Pairs Competition and Ann Marie & Declan Roche won the Novice section of the South Munster Region Simultaneous Pairs.
On the Congress front, Sue O'Connell & Eileen Hourigan won the Novice Competition at the Cork Congress and in doing so retained the Cup that we have now won ever since it was first played for. Tom & Deirdre Moriarty came first in the Novice section of the Tralee Congress and Ann Marie & Declan Roche won the Novice at the Killarney Torc Congress and, a few months later went on to win the Novice section of the South of Ireland Congress at the Lake Hotel Killarney retaining for the club another cup that they have won every time it has been played.


Question. How long should it take to get a Certificate of Tax Free Allowance?
Answer. Once you have sent in Form 12A it should not take long (2-3 weeks) before you receive your "Certificate of Tax Free Allowances" or Tax Exemption if applicable. Your employer will at the same time receive a shorter version which will tell him what your total Tax Free Allowances are and what tax you have to pay.


Dear Sirs,
Permit us to reply to a letter published in your July issue objecting to a Planning Application by this company for housing at Cooneys Lane in Grange, as follows;

You published part of an Appeal against Planning Permission, which was granted by Cork County Council after full and proper consideration of all relevant issues.
The Appeal is pending and we await the outcome.
We should have been consulted and our views sought and published, in the normal way and in the interests of fair play and balanced journalism.
Prior to seeking Planning Permission we engaged in open and honest discussions with Cork County Council and made written submissions through the proper channels. These submissions are on record for all to see.
The layout, design, housing density, house types, and the provision of amenities were all subject to careful scrutiny by the Council Planners.
The letter published refers to Planning Permission for over 300 houses. In fact the Planners reduced us to 270 houses.
The lands in question comprise some 38 acres in total of which 25.5 acres will be developed as housing and the remaining 12.5 acres will be developed as sports and amenity land.
The ratio of 270 houses to 38 acres is 7 houses per acre. This is not high density by current standards and the ratio of amenity land to building land is very high.
We have already replied in detail to the concerns expressed by local residents on traffic volume and movement in our submission to An Bord Pleanala on the Appeal.
We will not repeat them here except to say that much of the criticism published by you was unfairly directed at this company and also inaccurate.
However most alarming and most unfair was the statement published that this Developer already has a poor record on health and safety in other sites. This is untrue.
The Directors of this Company have been building houses for more than 20 years and have an excellent safety record in every way. In 20 years there has only been one serious injury on our sites and for which the injured man was fully compensated by our insurers. The man concerned returned to work with us, and remains a valued member of our workforce.
Both on-site and in the vicinity of our sites we take care for safety and we take trouble for cleanliness. Our record and finish at Dunvale speaks for itself.
Our record of compliance with Planning Permission, and of finishing our estates to a very high standard , is second to none.
In the interests of fair play and redressing the damage done to our good name and reputation we request you to publish the above prominently in your next issue.
Westbrook Housing Company Limited.


St. Columba's Boy's NS in Douglas has just received the good news that it can go ahead with major refurbishment and new extension. The project will cost £400,000 and will involve the creation of 2 extra classrooms in the main building, relocation of the existing toilet areas, a computer room and administrative wing with staff room and reception area.
Webaven Ltd. have been appointed as main contractors. Fr. Christy Fitzgerald, chairperson of the Board of Management said that he was absolutely thrilled that the final go ahead had been given and that he hoped work would commence within the next three to four weeks. On completion facilities at the school would be state of the art and would be in keeping with the on going improvements, which have been made over the last number of years.


Michael O'Mahony

It's hard to know where to start. I originally lived on the Lough Rd, just down the road from the Lough Church, and attended the local primary school, Greenmount, which is now the Lough Community Centre. My family moved to the Mardyke in 1960, and I've been living there since. Among my neighbours were the Piper family who came to the Mardyke for two months each year (May and September). I have happy memories of the merries. I was sad to see in last weeks Douglas Weekly that Jack Bergin has passed away. I went to Pres. Secondary School, and did my Leaving Cert. in 1966. I was always interested in the Sciences, and after my Leaving cert. I studied Science in U.C.C. for three years and did my final year in University College Galway where I got my Degree in Physics.
After completing my degree, I worked in the Technical Dept. of Dunlop's here in Cork for a couple of months. I decided to go back to U.C.G. to do my Masters, and while I was waiting to sign up for Galway, I applied for a Teaching position in a city school. A couple of days later a lady called to the door, and asked "Are you Mr. 0'Mahony?" I said I was and then she said "Tell me Mr. O'Mahony, do you believe in the concept of God?" I said in my own mind, this must be a Jehovah Witness or something like that, but I answered her and said, "Yes, I do". I was trying to think of an excuse to close the door, when she asked me did I apply for a Science Teaching job. I said I did, and she said "I'm Daisy Corrigan, the Head of Regina Mundi School, and I'd like you to come over to us on Monday about the job". She gave me instructions on how to find the school, I had never heard of it at that stage.
So on Monday I went over assuming I would be going for an Interview. I met Daisy and she introduced me to Joan Creedon, who was the Asst. Principal, and Science Teacher. As soon as we met she said, "Michael, you'll be starting up now". I had presumed there would be an interview. But she told me I would be teaching First Year Students immediately. Explaining to her I had never taught before, but she answered " You'll be fine".
A funny thing happened then, Joan gave me a jar of Kidney Bean seeds and told me to take them over to the Class and give each student a bean seed for study. I didn't know what I was going to do or say about these seeds, but over I went, and introduced myself to the Class. I passed around the jar of seeds and asked them to take one each. I then asked if they had Science books, which they had, and one of them gave me hers, and luckily enough there was an article in it about the seeds. I said "Right, Girls, we are now going to study these seeds". Just then one of the girls put up her hand and said "Mr. 0'Mahony, what seeds?" "The seeds I gave you", I replied. They looked at me with looks of horror on their faces and told me they had eaten them. I got such a fright I from ran the classroom over to Joan Creedon and told her my story. I was convinced that she was going to tell me to get out, that I was a dangerous individual, but all she said was "Here's another jar, and this time tell the girls not to eat them, they're to be studied". So we put them in jars with cotton wool and water and watched them grow. That was my first day in Regina Mundi, and I thought it was my last. That was way back in January 1971.
In April that year I was due back to U.C.G. to do my Masters, and I told Daisy about my plans But she was very persuasive, and said it would be more to my advantage to do the H.Dip instead, and to take a year off from College. She felt it would be an extra qualification, and I could take up teaching at any time in the future. So I spoke to the people in U.C.G. and they suggested holding off for another year for my Masters.
So I signed up for the H.Dip in Cork, and when I finished, Daisy asked me to stay in Regina Mundi. She wasn't too keen on me going away, and three or four years later Joan Creedon retired, and I got the job as Vice-Principal in 1976. Four years later Daisy retired, and I took over as Principal. Daisy remained on as Manager of the School. So I've been Principal for 19 years and of course I never got back to doing my master's.
Back then I still had a huge interest in Science Education. There was no talk of computers at that stage. Apple or any other computer companies had not arrived. It was just the traditional companies like Fords, Dunlops, and Gouldings, to name a few.
I got very much involved with the Dept. of Education Science Development Programme, particularly in the Curriculum Development for Physics. When I was doing the H.Dip, I was teaching about 20 hours a week - a full teachers workload, unlike other H.Dips who would only have three to four hours teaching a week. I taught First Year, Second Year and right up the line. During that year I was also doing Leaving Cert. Honours Maths. This was new to the school. Daisy was introducing new subjects, and Honours Maths was one of them. She also introduced Physics, which was also new as very few girls were doing either of these. Daisy was very farseeing and really doing pioneering work with these subjects, which I was doing with her, there were no other schools doing these subjects at the time.
I got involved with the Dept. of Education and also with the Professional body representing Science Teachers and attended meetings up and own the country. I learned a lot from all these meetings with the Science Teachers Association, more than I had learned in my time in College.
I must have put almost 2000 pupils through the school system since I started in 1971, and occasionally I meet them out and about. I have to tell you that my one failing is I have a terrible memory for names and faces - I've had that failing all my life. I sometimes pass my own relatives and friends in the street. It would be upsetting to me that people would think I'd do it deliberately or because, this is not so; it's just that I have a bad memory for names and faces.
As for holidays, being Principal I have a lot of administration work to do and this could go on until the end of June with the Leaving Cert. Taking up most of the month, I have to be here in the school. So in July, I try to get away. I used to visit my sister in the States, during July, but she has moved to Arizona, and I now visit her at Christmas, when it is cooler. My mother used to travel with me every Christmas, but she died two years. When I come back from Arizona (with its desert climate) I have a great boost of energy, which helps me to settle into the horrible, dark, wet winters here.
As for hobbies, I have a great interest in Art, and also love hill walking and orienteering. I climbed the McGillacuddy Reeks, and enjoyed it very much, but over the past few years I haven't done a lot. I tend not to do a lot of physical activity nowadays. I never took up Golf, although my relations aregolf addicts and tried unsuccessfully to get me involved. As you know Rugby was the big game in Pres., but I never even kicked a rugby ball while I was there. I do like soccer and have been to the Cork City matches. I also watch the G.A.A. matches. When I was in College I was on the rowing team, and we used to train in Blackrock and we had many a cold frosty Saturday and Sunday morning when we had to chip at the ice so that we could get out on the water.
I also got involved in Film making both in school and outside school. The group I'm involved with run a Film Festival each year, it used to be in the City Hall, it was held for the past two years in the Rochestown Park Hotel, they are The Cork Youth International Film/Video Arts Festival. This is part of the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers, which is a worldwide organisation, and involves amateurs in filmmaking. We place particular emphasis in providing an opportunity to those who are less privileged or have greater challenges in their life to exhibit their talents. Our Lady's School for the hearing impaired, which is here in Douglas, was a regular contributor to the festival as is Lota and various other groups. Some of our former contributors have gone on to big achievements in the Arts, Crafts and Film and have overcome their disabilities.
My preference in music could be summed up by the fact that one of my favourite programmes is 'Oldies and Irish' on 96FM on Sunday morning. I always listen to this if I'm around, as I like the broad range of music, which Derry O'Callaghan plays. I like Classical and Irish music. I'm probably a typical 'Middle -of -the-road' listener I'm afraid the heavy metal music is beyond me.
I am happy in my work, at times the administrative side of it can be very tedious. I miss being in the Classroom and especially teaching Science, and all it involves. I used to joke with the girls that working with the equipment in the Science room was like being a little boy again and playing with my toys.
I'm also very aware of how expectations of Society have effected people. Everyone is rushing around and pushing to get to the top with this Celtic Tiger economy, but I feel that there are many forgotten people out there. I would consider that I have a strong social conscience, and I am very aware of the good work done by Simon Community and St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Regina Mundi College is also aware of how problems at home can spill over into the classroom, and sometimes we help these students with their problems by putting them in touch with the various Agencies that are available to them.
We have a history to be proud of here in Regina Mundi. Yes, I am happy in Regina Mundi and have enjoyed the years I have spent here.
A friend once asked me why I never married, settled down and had a family? My reply to him was I've got the biggest family in the world.


Tionólfar an chéad chrinniú eile den Chiorcal Cómhrá ar an Aoine, 22 Méan Fómhair, ag 11.00a.m.
Beidh fáilte roimh einne gur mhaith leis/léi Gaeilge a chleachtadh, nó le bhualadh ar Ghaeilgeoirí eile, nuachtáin is irisí Ghaeilge a léamh, nó le caint I nGaeilge, agus le cupán tae d'ól. Saor cead isteach.

The next meeting of the Ciorcal Comhrá is on Friday September 22nd. at 11.00 a.m. in Douglas Library.
If you would like to practice speaking Irish, to read newspapers and books “as gaeilge”, listen to somebody speak in Irish, you are very welcome to come along. Admission is free.


A few weeks ago we printed a number of articles "World War Two Air Accidents in Cork and Kerry" by Ger. O'Regan. We received such a very positive response from some of our many readers that we are now delighted to publish some more of Ger's material. No doubt our readers will join with us in commending Ger on his diligent devotion to the subject and for the enormous amount of research he has done.

BZ802V a Liberator of 86 Squadron took off from its base at Aldergrove near Belfast on August 27th 1943. The aircraft carried a crew of 7. The Pilot was Flying Officer Robert Kildea.
Their mission was hunting U-boats in 'The Bay of Biscay'. Most of their flight was uneventful because they didn't locate any submarines due to dense fog. Sometime around 7pm as they headed homeward the Radio Operator informed the Pilot that land was showing on his radar. The aircraft dropped altitude to locate their position. F.O. Kildea identified the outline of Roncarrig lighthouse at the East End of Bere Island and advised his crew to set a course for home that would take them over pat of neutral Ireland. They were way off their intended course.
As they passed over the sentry post at the West tip of Bere Island, the aircraft was so low that the soldiers on duty could see the face of the Pilot peering down at them.
The aircraft only made it over Mount Eagle (North of Castletownbere) with a few feet to spare. But it wasn't so lucky with the ridge above Eyeries.
BZ802V collided with the first of the three ridges at Goulane, killing 5 of the crew instantly. One crewman hauled the body of his dead comrade away from the wreckage to sit on a rock where he subsequently died. F.O.Kildea still alive but badly crushed, was trapped in the narrow passage way between the pilots seat and the bomb-aimers compartment. A local man on whose land the plane crashed, enlisted help and went to the scene of the carnage which was engulfed in dense fog. As Neilly Harrington tapped the side of the fuselage, calling " Is there anybody alive in there?" a voice replied, "Help me Paddy, get me out of here". The B.24 Liberator was a huge aircraft. One wing had been torn off and the fuel tanks had been ruptured, the area around the crash-site was soaked with kerosene. Neilly tried with all his might to free Robert Kildea but without success.
Shortly afterwards, a unit of the Irish Army's Coastal Defence Engineers at Bere Island arrived on the scene and cordoned off the area. Neilly was at pain to point out that one of the crew was still alive within the wreckage but no action was taken. During the night, Robt. Kildea died. The following morning, army personnel recovered the body of Robert Kildea.
A number of high-ranking officers of the Royal Air Force visited the crash site for many days afterwards. They ensured that the top-secret aerial torpedoes, the aircraft was carrying, were disposed of in a correct manner. The huge controlled explosions were heard over a wide area.
In 1983 and on the 40th anniversary of the accident a party of relatives of the crew and local people visited the crash-site. At the precise time of the accident, 7.28pm, the grandson of F.O. Robert Kildea played the "Last Post" on the trumpet as the memorial stones were unveiled by Robt. Kildea Jnr.
I am indebted to Victor Sullivan who excellently researched this sad loss.
"Lest we forget".
Ger O'Regan


Ireland's first Kumon Maths centres are opening this week, and one of them is in Douglas. Kumon is an all-round maths skills programme from Japan, now proving extremely popular in over 40 countries world-wide.

Originally devised over 40 years ago by a secondary maths teacher to help his own son, Kumon Maths is now studied by approximately 2.75 million students world-wide. Kumon hopes in Ireland to repeat the tremendous success found in the US and the UK. The positive emphasis that Irish parents place on children's education leads the Kumon Douglas Study Centre's instructor, Abigail Duignan to expect a very high uptake for the programme.

Children enjoy Kumon because they see their own results clearly, work at their own pace and can feel part of a 'club'. The Kumon programme is not designed purely for maths learning as an end in itself. It aims to develop the potential of each and every child through increased self-confidence. There is no such thing as failure with all students working at their own carefully monitored levels. The precise level at which a student will slot comfortably into the system is determined by diagnostic exercises. From the outset, work is pitched at a level where the child can score 100% in 10 minutes on a daily basis. This 'little and often' approach boosts confidence and allows the student to build from solid foundations. Beginning with counting, the programme extends through many thousands of finely calibrated worksheets in a logical step-by-step manner. Students practise topics as and when necessary moving from stage to stage only when they have developed sufficient mastery to enable them to do so with confidence. Other benefits of the programme include improved concentration and the development of good study habits. Kumon, though suited to all ages and abilities, is particularly popular with the 5-15 age range. It is not a 'quick fix', but a long-term individualised programme designed to complement and reinforce schoolwork.

The Douglas Study Centre is in the Scout Hall, Church Road, Douglas every Monday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Interested parents should phone Abigail on 021 489 6836 or 087 682 0504 to discuss the programme and receive further information.


Sep.17th. Sun. Leisure Walk. Meet Lee Valley Bar Drisey. 11am. Tel.
Leonard 021-7334705.

Sep. 22nd-24th. Cycle w-end. Meet Kent Railway station 7.45pm.
Saturday Killarney to Dunquin hostel. Sunday Conor Pass, railex Tralee.
Tel. Kevin 021-4968142.


Taking vitamin C blunts the effect of alcohol and helps people sober up faster; an exciting new university study shows. Men who took five grams of vitamin C - that's 10 x 500mg. Capsules - regularly got rid of alcohol faster, the eye-opening study found. As a result, their hangovers were shortened. What's more, their co-ordination was less affected by the alcohol, the tests showed.
Noted pharmacologist Dr. Vincent Zannoni said 20 male students, ages 22 to 30 took part. After taking vitamin C daily for two weeks, they were given pure alcohol in ginger ale - an amount equivalent to five large cans of beer -, which they drank within two and a half hours. Of the 20 students who took vitamin C, 14 showed less impairment of their own co-ordination after drinking alcohol. In 13 men, the alcohol cleared their bodies faster - as much as 74% faster than normal. The vitamin did not appear to counteract the dulling effect of alcohol on thinking ability, Dr. Zannoni said. Based on his study's results, Dr. Zannoni advised regular drinkers to take five grams of vitamin C daily to reduce the effects of alcohol. No one in the study suffered any side effects from taking five grams of vitamin c daily, Dr. Zannoni said. But in a few people it could cause diarrhoea, he said. (Oops!).


Did you ever wonder how the game of soccer originally got started?
Well researchers in London say the sport was born centuries ago when Celtic warriors got bored. They would chop off the heads of their enemies and kick them around the battlefield

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