21st September, 2000
Question: My
husband is unemployed and we have two children aged 8 and 10. I
was wondering if there was any assistance available to help with
the cost of schoolbooks.
Answer: There is a grant scheme for schoolbooks for needy pupils
in primary and secondary schools. It is operated by the
principals of schools to assist the pupils from families that are
most in need. This could be because of unemployment prolonged
illness of a parent, a single parent or other circumstances.
Families, which may be eligible for assistance, are:
(a) Those mainly dependent on social welfare payments
(b) Those who have low income from employment e.g. those in
receipt of Family Income Supplement.
(c) Families who are experiencing financial hardship because of
particular circumstances.
The school may also operate a book loan or rental scheme.
Application should he made to the school principal who has total
discretion in deciding which pupils are most in need.
This information is provided by Cobh Citizens Information Centre,
which provides a free and confidential service. For further
information phone 021 4814422 or call into the Parish Centre,
Roches Row, Cobh.
Question.When I start work will I have to pay tax?
Answer. Yes, if your income exceeds your Tax Free Allowance or is
over the exemption limit you will pay tax. All workers have Tax
Allowances - a single person has a Personal Allowance of £4,700
and a PAYE Allowance of £1,000 in the 2000/2001 tax year. You
pay tax on
anything you earn over the sum of these amounts. The tax you have
pay is spread over the tax year (6th April to 5th April in the
following year) so that you receive approximately the same wages
each week. Any changes in your circumstances, such as a large
wage increase or job loss should be notified to the tax office.
Douglas Bridge Centre, Douglas
Results for Week-ending 15th September.
Mon 11th Sept. 1st Ian O'Hanlon & Gary Ryan
2nd Ed Kelly & Frank Heffernan
Tues 12th (AM) 1st Lesley O'Regan & Val Lynch
2nd Breda Conneely & Pat O'Mahony
Tues 12th (Senior Section) 1st Kay Mescal & Geraldine Druhan
2nd Angela Brosnan & Ronnie O'Leary
Tues.12th (Junior Section) 1st Mary Maguire & Derry Atchison
Wed 13th (AM ) 1St Joan Cleary & V. Brennan
Wed 13th (Junior Section) 1st B.O'Riordan & M. Wanglin
2nd A.Dolan & B.McCarthy
Thurs 14th (Junior) Kay Mahon & Ann Smyth
Thurs 14th (Senior Section) 1st Mgt. Creedon & Olive Olden
2nd Karen Power & Ann O'Hanlon
Fri.15th 1st Mary Kingston & John Behan
2nd Maura Driscoll & Joan Kehoe
Fashion Show
Rochestown Park Hotel
Thursday 28th September
Fashion by Brown Thomas
Models: Illusive Model Agency
Tickets @£10 Available ;
Brown Thomas , Patrick St.
Parish Office , St. Columba's Church
St. Patrick's Church, Rochestown Road
The Local Committee of Southside Parents Supporting Parents is
an umbrella body for a group of ten Southside Schools both
Primary and Secondary. Home/School Teachers, Parents and local
Community groups co-operate to identify issues and problems,
which affect the lives of children and parents and seek to
address these issues.
Southside Parents Supporting Parents is organising an Awareness
Day for Parents in Jury's hotel on Saturday September 30th.
This day is an opportunity for parents to meet other parents.
Information will be available, on the range of support groups
available locally. It is expected that a wide range of topics
such as bullying, children with difficulties in school, drug
awareness and families in stress will be addressed during the day.
There will also be an opportunity for participants to voice their
views on the areas where support is missing.
The committee hopes that this day will raise awareness and help
to build a network of Individuals and organisations that can
support families who may be in difficulty.
Christy Kenneally is the guest speaker. The Minister for Health
Mr. Micheál Martin, who has great interest in initiatives in
this area, will address the gathering also.
Crèche facilities are available and a light lunch will be
Attendance will be limited to 400 parents so it is important to
register as soon as possible. There will be a registration fee of
£I.00. For ticket and further information please ring 322279
If you feel like singing; the Harmonia Singers invite you to
our open night on Monday 25th September at 8.00pm at Ardfallen
Centre, Douglas Road.
We are a very sociable group who have enjoyed much success in
recent competitive events. So come along and enjoy our evening of
song and light refreshment, with no commitments.
If unable to attend and are anxious to sing, contact; Nora Cooney
@ 021-841391, Michael McGee @ 021- 4964952 or Tony O'Mahony @ 087-6847664.
The Douglas Tidy Towns Committee has called a public
for Thursday 21st September 2000 at 8.OOpm at Douglas
Community Centre in Douglas Cork.
This week we take a final look at last two
contract options for mobile phones.
Contracts are for 12 months; there is no connection fee for first
time connections. The charge for ending a contract early is £12.10
for every month remaining.
Select I costs £12.10 per month, and you get £4.54 of inclusive
Select 2 costs £24.20,with £9.08 worth of calls
Select 3 costs £36.30 with £18.15 worth of calls.
You can carry over this inclusive value from month to month.
Unlike other operators, inclusive value can be used for calls to
all numbers, and for text messages. If you exceed the inclusive
value, calls arc charged at the rates in table 3. Different
charges apply for directory assistance, premium rate, and
international calls.
Digitext messages Cost I5p to send. The charges for making and
receiving calls while abroad depend on the foreign network
operator, which is similar to Eircom.
Further reductions
Other options can be added to Select. 'Weekender Plus' costs £6.05
per month, and gives a reduced weekend rate of 2.4p per minute
for calls to national landlines and 086 mobiles. It also gives £6.05
of call value, but this cannot be carried forward to the next
'World Plus' gives discounts on international calls, and Message
Plus gives inclusive calls to your Message Minder.
Imag!ne's tariff structure is similar to Eircell's, but undercuts
Eircell's prices:
Imag!ne 1 is for consumers who already have a mobile phone.
Imag!ne 2 provides a free mobile phone and connection to new
Inclusive minutes cannot be used for certain calls, or the short
message service, which is similar to Eircell. The termination fee
for ending a contract early is the monthly charge multiplied by
the number of months your contract has left. If you intend ending
your contract, Imag!ne advises switching to Airtime Option 10 to
pay the lowest termination fee.
Bills are paid by direct debit. If you are disconnected for nom-payment,
reconnection costs £15. If you decide to leave the service, Imag!ne
says you can bring the number with you and use it with Eircell or
Digiphone( with Digiphone the prefix changes to 086). If you are
currently connected to Eircell or Digiphone and want to switch to
Imag!ne, you can also retain your number (with Digiphone the
prefix changes from 086 to 087).
No Hassle
Imag!ne says No Hassle is its solution to the prepaid market.
After paying a deposit of £ 49.99, you receive a free phone for
a 3-month trial. The deposit is refunded if you leave the service,
return all items, and pay any outstanding amount.
You pay £9 a month for 30 minutes of inclusive calls. After that
you are charged a flat rate of 30p per minute for calls.
If, after 3 months you decide to stay on No Hassle, the minimum
monthly spend rises to £15,for which you get 50 minutes of calls.
Your £49.99 deposit converts into call value. Otherwise, you can
end the agreement, move to Imag!ne 1 or 2 or get a full refund.
Conclusion; in order to find out which tariff option is best for
you, determine your likely pattern of mobile phone use. Once you've
estimated this, calculate your bill with each operator. Always
make sure that prices you compare include VAT(21%). We found that
prices in promotional literature and quoted by sales staff often
do not include VAT, which can be misleading.
The lack of transparency in prices is a problem for consumers.
While prepaid non-contract tariffs are reasonably clear, this is
not the case with contract options.
The role of the 0DTR is to open up the market to give effective
competition. However, if Ireland's estimated 1.65 million mobile
subscribers are to really benefit from competition, they need
clear information on prices to make accurate comparisons between
service providers.
Scoil Nioclais opens its doors - at last!
Scoil Niocláis, Frankfleld opened its doors for
the first time to two classes of junior infants on Monday last at
9 a.m. It was a very exciting occasion for the 30 or so pupils
and a historic one for their parents. The parishioners of Grange/Frankfield
have got their primary school after l5 years of waiting. Scoil
Nioclais will be housed in temporary accommodation while the new
school is being built. The temporary accommodation is situated
directly behind the Church of the Incarnation and has 3
classrooms, an office and a staff room.
Father Robert Brophy C.C. Chairperson of the Board of Management
and one of the instigators of the project was thrilled with the
spacious new building. He also paid tribute to Minister for
Health, Micheál Martin T.D. who has taken a great interest in
the new school and helped to promote the cause at the Department
of Education and Science.
"Mr. Sean O'Floinn, Divisional Inspector of the Department
of Education and Science and Ms. Claire O'Leary from the Diocesan
Office have done Trojan work behind the scenes and we wouldn't be
at this stage without their help and commitment" said Father
"There was a delay in getting our starting orders,"
said Mr. Tom Weldon of Prefab Buildings who were the contractors
for the school, "But once sanction was given, we motored
into the work and we are delighted with the finished product".
His brother Don, who kept an eagle eye on proceedings during
construction said: "It took us six weeks from start to
finish and we pulled out all the stops to ensure that the
children and teachers would have the best. "Roth Derek and
Troy Weldon, directors of Prefab Buildings, were always on hand
to ensure that everything ran smoothly and according to plan.
Micheál Coghlan, the principal of Scoil Niocláis, is a teacher
of over 25 years experience and has taught in Blackpool and Scoil
Oilibhéir, Ballyvolane. His most recent appointment was as
principal in Scoil Ghleanna Maghair lochtaraigh, New Inn in
Glanmire. He was fulsome in his praise of the parents.
"They have waited a long time for their new school and to
their credit, they were very patient and understanding during the
recent delay. But their patience has been rewarded because their
children will have a very favourable pupil/teacher ratio",
said Mr. Coghlan.
"Frankfield I Grange is a fast-growing area with over 3500
houses with new housing estates being developed all the time",
he said, "We are already enrolling pupils for September 2001.
The new permanent structure, which will be on a 4-acre site
behind the church, is still at the planning stage and will take
between 18 months and 2 years to complete. He is excited about
the prospects for the school and the area.
"It will be a modem 16 teacher school complete with assembly
hall with provision for an additional eight classrooms to cater
for the growing population in Frankfield/Grange," he
Fr. Dan Crowley the parish priest of Grange/Frankfield was
delighted with the new school. "This means an awful lot to
the people of the parish, who previously had to travel through
the morning rush-hour traffic to get their children to school.
Now they have one on their own doorstep".
It looks, as all those connected with Scoil Niocláis will be
busy for the foreseeable future.
The Self-help-Group for people, who
suffer from
Anxiety, Panic-Attacks and depression, will re-open on
the 4th October at 8.30pm. The venue is at 22
Lakelands, Cresent, Mahon, Blackrock. All are
welcome! There is no fee! For more information
contact Sheila at 358842
Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788), the Young Pretender or Bonnie
Prince Charlie. British prince, grandson of James II and son of
James, the Old Pretender. In the Jacobite rebellion 1745 Charles
won the support of the Scottish Highlanders; his army invaded
England to claim the throne but was beaten back by the duke of
Cumberland and routed at Culloden 1746. Charles went into exile.He
was born in Rome, and created Prince of Wales at birth. In July
1745 he sailed for Scotland, and landed in Inverness-shire with
seven companions. On 19 Aug he raised his father's standard, and
within a week had rallied an army of 2,000 Highlanders. He
entered Edinburgh almost without resistance, won an easy victory
at Prestonpans, invaded England, and by 4 Dec had reached Derby,
where his officers insisted on a retreat. The army returned to
Scotland and won a victory at Falkirk, but was forced to retire
to the Highlands before Cumberland's advance. On 16 April at
Culloden Charles's army was routed by Cumberland, and he fled.
For five months he wandered through the Highlands with a price of
£30,000 on his head before escaping to France. He visited
England secretly in 1750, and may have made other visits. In
later life he degenerated into a friendless drunkard. He settled
in Italy 1766.
Bonnie Prince Charlie defeated the English at Prestonpans on this
day September 21st 1745.
Taken from "A History of Douglas" by Con
Like the Besnards, the Perrier's were another
family that fled from France to escape religious persecution at
the hands of Louis XIV. While they did not have the same
industrial effect on the village of Douglas as the Besnards, the
name is still well remembered there, for their connection with
Douglas lasted for over a century. A Cork paper of 1799 mentions
Messrs. Perrier's, Proprietors of the paper mills at Douglas but,
unfortunately, nothing further is known of that industry. Their
influence in Douglas was mainly of a social nature through
marriage connections with the leading families of the surrounding
districts, the Besnards of Donnybrook, the Dean Davies family
also of Donnybrook, the Ducrots of Windsor, Rochestown Road (now
The Rochestown Park Hotel), the Clark family of Carrigaline, the
Osbornes of Ballintemple and the Wises (distillers) of Wise's
Hill. Their business activities were centred in Cork City, sugar
making in Hanover Street, insurance, law and estate agencies on
the South Mall. The firm of William Lumley Perrier and Son
carried on business at 68, South Mall up to 1925. As a family,
the Perrier's were always very much to the fore in civic affairs,
occupying at various times the highest corporate positions. A
Perrier was High Sheriff of Cork in 1794, 1808 and 1832, and
Mayor in 1813 and 1820.
Mrs. Stella Irwine Lumley walls (nee Perrier) formerly of Well
Douglas and Kinsale, has a record of her family beginning July 4th
1789. She, very kindly, allowed me to examine the record at my
leisure. The preface states, "The Perrier family derives its
descent from one of the ancient houses of the haute noblesse of
France, Du Perrier of Brittany, province of Leon, Mark Du Perrier
emigrated to Ireland about 1685, on the revocation of the Edict
of Nantes, and was the patriarch of the Irish branch "Perrier,"
the prefix "Du" being discontinued on the death of the
son Antoine Du Perrier, a cavalry field officer in the army of
Queen Anne, who fell at Malplaquet, leaving a son John Perrier
Esq. of Dublin who died December 1737, leaving issue of his
marriage with Louisa De La Maziere, an eldest son Anthony, born
1712, who became a leading merchant of Dublin and was high
sheriff in 1772 and died in July of that year. He married 1st
November 1737, Martha, daughter and sole heiress of Stephen
Leveque Esq., and had by her a son, Mark Anthony, whose male
issue became extinct on the death of his only son, John Perrier.
He married
secondly in 1761, Suzanna, daughter of Ferdinand Spiller Esq., of
Ross, Co. Cork, by his marriage with Anne, daughter of Eustace
Stawell Esq. Of Coolmaine, Co. Cork. The family house was in Caen,
Brittany and the motto, "Consilio et Vi," (by counsel
and by force). The Perrier's held the property of an area bounded
by Windmill Road, Summerhill South, High Street (Cork City)
including the cottages of Galway's Place at the corner of High
Street and Ballinlough Road (demolished some years ago).
More next week