30th September, 1999
Firstly readers Ill start on one
of my favourite subjects, litter. A few months ago I was elated
to hear that Douglas Village was to be swept every Sunday, then I
was informed that it was to be cleaned every second Sunday. Now
Ive been told that its not to be cleaned anymore on Sunday.
Does anybody know why? Does anybody care? Councillors, take a
drive through Carrigaline on Sunday morning. Its spotless.
I think it is time to take my camera through the streets of
Douglas on Sunday morning, perhaps shock-tactics might work,
dont hold your breath.
To the reader from Passage West who rang us a few weeks ago
concerning the absence of a water tap at Passage West graveyard,
we rang the council and the good news is that your graveyard is
soon to have a tap. Another reader wants the same at Ballinhassig
graveyard and we again rang the council concerning the tap and
litter at the entrance to the graveyard. A spokesman told us the
local engineer would visit the area and phone us
back, were still waiting.
To the reader who asked me about the provision of a light at the
laneway next to Grange Launderette, at the rear of the Pinecroft.
Local councillor Peter Kelly, who always reads the Douglas
Weekly, e-mailed us the next day regarding the light. It seems
some residents want a light in the laneway while other what the
laneway closed off. The councils engineer will be meeting
the residents shortly to discuss the situation.
Readers, Im becoming confused. How many tribunals are
taking place in the land of saints and scholars? They seem to be
growing by the week. One thing for sure, if there is
reincarnation, I want to come back as a senior council. That
reminds me of a joke ... Years ago Woody Allen was asked if there
was reincarnation what would he like to come back ask?
Woodys replay was, Warren Beattys
fingertips!! (think about it).
Speaking of tribunals, what about Dublin County manager George
Redmond? His staff told us old George was very frugal, brought
his sandwiches to work everyday, but on Friday, splashed out and
bought a bag of chips. My question to George is, now that
youre retired, would you consider becoming an investment
broker, because any man who can turn £25,000 into £600,000 in a
year would definately get my money. Now, where did I hide my
Ansbacker number?
A reader rang us today to tell us that some company digging up
Douglas again were parking their J.C.B.s, tractors, etc...
outside Douglas Lions House. I drove down, and sure enough, there
were two machines parked there, one parked outside the windows of
the residents had its engine on, emiting diesel fumes next to the
residents windows. To people who operate these machines, please
dont park them outside these resident windows, they are
elderly people who are entitled to their privacy and space.
Theres plenty of room over, next to the stream.
Local business man Dan OMahony called to the weekly
yesterday to tell us that together with the County Council, they
are to provide us with a walk in the not to distant future. The
walk will begin in Galways Lane (West Douglas) continuing
on to the lower end of Vernmount House. Finally meeting up with
the existing walk from Frankfield Road. A walk of approx. 1.5
miles. Dan also complimented Executive County Engineer Phelim
ONeill on his design of the Frankfield walk. More about
this walk, and Dan has promised us a map of the walk, in the near
As Im writing this the six oclock news tells me that
Bertie says NO to the nurses, the medical consultants got an
increase of £13,000 and not a sign of a placard, or a walkout,
but then readers, Consultants dont walk, theyre
always in a state of elevation.
Readers, I come up with a cunning plan, devious and brilliant. I
going to put all my money in a foreign bank, so I wont be
caught for tax. Then Ill smuggle it back in to Ireland and
hide it in an Irish bank. Next move, Ill take out a massive
loan from the bank (it wont really be a loan, because the
bank it only giving me my own money) and I will then claim
tax-relief on the interest Im paying on the loan. I know it
seems crazy, do you think it will work?
Also on the news tonight Tony OReilly is to sue the Irish
Times for allegding that the bean baron is one of the 120
depositors. It was just as well the Irish Independent didnt
print that or Tony would end up taking himself to court. I wonder
if you sued yourself could you make a few bob? Tony, do you
sometimes wish you were back in the 60s in Ashton Flats,
Blackrock Road, and driving your red M.G. to work in Suttons on
the South Mall? Holy God, why wasnt I born a barrister?
Bye for now,
Michael OHanlon.