16th December, 1999
Two weeks ago I mentioned that a reader
had telephoned us at the Weekly seeking our help in making
the local Roman Catholic graveyard accessible to buggies and
wheelchairs seven days a week. The main gate is closed at
weekends. Yesterday, a council spokesman told us that the
graveyard will be open seven days a week as from next week, with
access for everybody. Well done to the council for such a prompt
Speaking of the council, as you all know the Christmas lights
were turned on at the green opposite the fingerpost last Friday
... but only just! Sean Fitzgerald of Dailys, who sponsored
the electricity, telephoned me on the day of the
switch-on to tell me he had a telephone call from the
ESB informing him that they could not connect a supply until they
had been paid. Sean, counting to ten, kept his cool and asked the
girl, How much do you require? I dont
know, she answered, informing Sean that the ESB would send
out a man to count the light bulbs on the tree and work out the
cost !! Sean, I said, Are you sure this is not
a 96FM wind-up? It wasnt. To cut a long story short
the ESB never came out to connect the lights to the supply and I
waited at the tree with local County Council mason John
OConnor from Ballinhassig, we stood there for over two
hours. The girls choir and orchestra from Regina Mundi was coming
at 6.45 and local people with their children were also expected.
John turned to me and said, Michael, theyre not
coming. Three months of planning was melting before my
eyes. Then John said, I have an 80 yard heavy duty
extension lead at home in Ballinhassig. Ill be back in an
hour. Just ask the Gardai can we use their plug socket. Up
I went to Dermot in the Garda station and what did he say?
Youre right, No problem, Michael.
Dermot, I asked, If the lights dont work,
would you have an empty cell I can hide in? We still
didnt know if the lights would work. Douglas Village
Shopping Centre manager Aidan Crowne had brought three plastic
bags of lights, but we could not test them. Anyway, John
OConnor returned at about 6.15 and we spent the next half
an hour getting things ready. The choir and orchestra had arrived
and people were gathering. At one minute past seven we hit the
switch and joy, the lights came on, the choir started singing
Christmas carols and I had aged about 15 years!!! The ironic
thing is that it took a Tipperary man from Ballinhassig to turn
on our Christmas lights in Douglas. Thanks to John OConnor,
Aidan Crowne, everybody from Regina Mundi, the Douglas Gardai,
Sean Fitzgerald, Jim Hanley, Mick Quinn Electrical, the County
Council, and to the people of Douglas who turned out on the
night. And to the ESB? Michael dont, its the festive
season, a time of forgiveness and charity. Roll on next year and
open competition in the electrical supply market.
Some councillors on Cork Corporation are not too happy with the
huge billboards sponsored against Irish Business Against Litter.
The posters read, Welcome to Cork, excuse the litter.
The Cork Chamber of Commerce has also been criticised for
supporting the campaign. What do you the ready think? My own
thoughts on the matter ... 100% support for shock tactics.
Ive mentioned it before, over and over again, education at
pre-school level. Everyday a hour of civic pride education in
school, make it compulsary, brainwash the children as we were in
the 50s. Forget the present crop of litter louts,
theyre too far gone, fine them, make them sweep up their
mess, shame and humiliate them. Cork is a beautiful city and
its our city, its time we took some positive action
to make us proud of it. We could do with a litter warden in
Douglas. We all know Joe Lynch who cleans Douglas Village, and
does a good job of it too. Joe could visit the pre-schools,
primary schools and secondary schools and talk to the children
and teenagers about the evils of litter. Joe is a local man who
is aware of the litter problems in Douglas and if anybody could
help to solve this problem, I believe Joe could. County Council
take note, give it a try, Im sure the people of Douglas
would appreciate it.
On Sunday morning I got a phone call from an angry ready . She
went to Dinos chipper at ten to seven on Saturday night to
buy some food. She parked her car in the Mills in a car
space. When she returned to her car it was being clamped.
Expensive chips!! If you are clamped it will cost you £65 to
have the clamps removed. We rang St. Patricks Mills on
Monday morning for a response to the callers dilema. Firstly,
Dinos chipper is not part of St. Patricks Mills, and
secondly, and more importantly, clamping is in force 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. You may only park there if you are working
there or doing business there. It is private property and the
owners are totally within the law to enforce clamping at their
discretion. You have been warned.
My sympathy goes out to the Dilloughery family on the death of
Tom. My son told me that everything he learnt about good business
accumen, he learnt from Tom Dilloughery. Also my condolences to
John Farr from Passage West on the death of his brother Bill.
Always a smile from Bill when I met him shopping. Get well soon
to Con Foley, our local historian, whos suffering from a
bout of flu. Finally, dont forget our refuse collectors at
Christmas. They do a good job, show your appreciation.
Bye for now,
Michael OHanlon.