6th July, 2000
I read that singer/priest Sinead O'Connor has
become a psychic medium and now tells us that she talks to the
dead. I presume if the living won't listen to her, then her other
audience has to be the dead. That woman gets weirder by the day.
Then again, I suppose we need eccentrics to make the world an
interesting place.
On Monday I called down to speak to Jim Jackson who keeps St.
Lukes Church of Ireland graveyard in such immaculate
condition (as does Pat McSweeney across the road in St. Columba's
R.C graveyard) I planned to spend about 15 minutes talking to Jim
but two hours later we were still talking. He told me about some
well known names in St. Lukes graveyard, and the Stokers (related
to Bram Stoker, author of Dracula), The Arnotts (Arnotts of
Dublin store) McLarne, a survivor of the Titanic sinking who
worked in Pipers Amusements, the Lanes (Sir Hugh Lane Collection)
a forensic science professor whose evidence helped convict a man
who poisoned his wife so that he could have an affair with the
maid. I'm not being flippant, but one meets a lot more
interesting people inside the walls of a graveyard rather than
Well done to our Lord Mayor of the past year, Damien Wallace. He
was a credit to the position he held. It is about time we had a
woman in the mayoral chair? Perhaps next year.
Our T.D's began their Summer & Autumn holidays last Friday.
They return to the dail sometime early in October. Three months
holidays, nice work if you can get it, not to mention the
Christmas break which comes a few weeks later. What do you give
to a T.D for Christmas? Send them a Christmas card, the envelopes
can be useful afterwards. I know I wouldn't like to be a Fianna
Fail politician in need of a liver transplant. According to
newspaper reports one man gave £100,000 to Fianna Fail and he is
still waiting for a receipt. He probably got what I sometimes get
It's in the post
Mr Ruardai Quinn leader of the Labour Party refuses to say
whether or not Labour will go into coalition with Fianna Fail in
the next election. The Auld Merc under your bottom is
hard to resist. The P.D's should change their name to P.S B.D (Past
sell by date) Fine Gael will get into bed with anybody who will
have them, and the Independents? Not a whimper from them about
all the scandals, a lorry load of tarmacadem to their
constituency will buy their vote. Sometimes I despair of our
system, but it is the only one we've got.
One of the most important pieces of legislation to be introduced
in this land of our has been the Freedom of Information Act
Under this act we are entitled to know what takes place at
council meetings, who attended, who proposed, who seconded, etc...
To all resident groups, if you can get somebody with a knowledge
of your rights to become a member of your residents association,
then youre on the right track.
The excitement is beginning to mount in Crosshaven as ford Week
looms nearer. The beautiful walk is looking better by the day and
the road from Carrigaline to Crosshaven has been resurfaced. I
wonder if Douglas had a Ford week would we get Donnybrook Hill
resurface?. Anyway, best of luck to everybody connected with Ford
week. Did you know that visitors from the sailing fraternity pay
up to £2,000 to rent a house or bungalow in Crosshaven for a
Congratulations to Joanne Lewis on the birth of a baby girl this
week. Most of you will know Joanne she works in Laser Discs in
Douglas Shopping Centre. My sources tell me that the baby is to
be named Abbey, so best wishes to Joanne and Abbey, who knows?
Abbey could be a Douglas Rose entrant like her mother last year.
My sympathy to the OFlynn family on the death of Tony. Tony
was a familiar face to most people in Douglas, especially to
anybody who ever called to St. Columbas Hall. The Hall
really was Tonys home, where the art of conversation is,
thankfully, still alive and kicking. Somehow now, the Hall wont
be the same without Tony, but Im sure his contribution to
the social and sporting world of Douglas Hall will never be
forgotten. R.I.P.
Bye for now. Michael.