Where to buy

Song of
Tiananmen Square

(ISBN  0-86322-251-X)


Song of Tiananmen Square will shortly be available from most British & Irish on-line bookstores. It is already available from the following bookstores, as of May 1999:

Eason Amazon
Kennys whsmith.gif (3251 bytes)


Note: US bookstores will be listing the book later.

(and personal orders)

The distributors of Song of Tiananmen Square can take both trade and personal orders from around the world:

UK distributors

Turnaround Publishers
Unit 3
Olympia Trading Estate
Coburg Road
London N22 6TZ

Telephone: +44.(0)181.829.3000
Fax: +44.(0)181.881.5088
E-Mail: turnuk@aol.com

Note:  Mail orders can be made with credit-card number

Price: £8.99 Sterling. Add minimum £2 for post & packing


Irish distributors

Gill & Macmillan
Goldenbridge Industrial Estate
Dublin 8

Telephone: +353.1.453.1005
Fax: +353.1.454.1688
E-Mail: kodonoghue@gillmacmillan.ie

Note:  Mail orders can be made with credit-card number

Price: £8.99.
Post & packing:  Ireland: £1.  UK & Europe: £2.50
Overseas: Varies for each country. Please query