Today's Weather

This page is updated daily at 0600, 1200, 1800 during the Summer.
1200 every other day.

Data comes from the METEOSAT-7 satellite.

Athlunkard isn't effected by tide but here is the 2004 tide time table.
2005 Limerick tide Time Table

Met Eireann So what the hell am i looking at this for?

Visible Satellite image - Dark = Clear sky, White = Cloud.
Infra Red Satellite - measures the temperature of the ground and clouds.
Light shades represent low temperatures and dark shades high temperatures.

Rain Fall - shows atmospheric pressure and 3 hour rainfall accumulations.
i.e. The darker the shading the heavier the rainfall.

Wind map - shows atmospheric pressure and isotachs.
Isotachs are lines of equal wind speed.

This is where things get TECHNICAL

Visible (Cloud Sensor)

Infra Red (Heat sensor)

Rain Fall


Just tell me what the weather is going to be..........

This Evening



For more explanations/Detail go to Met Eireann