Welcome to the home of KMDS on the web. Here you
will find out about us and our past and future productions.
Please come in and look around.
Who are we?
We are an amateur musical society, affiliated to AIMS, in Kilcock,
Ireland - about 18 miles from Dublin.
We have been in existence in our present form since 1970, making
this our 39th year - older than most of our members!
Each year we stage three productions; a play in Autumn, a pantomime
in the New Year and a musical in the Spring.
We welcome new members, so if you've ever felt the urge to perform
or get involved backstage,
send us a mail and we'll get in touch.
Click here for a brief history
of the society.
Where are we?

St. Joseph's Hall is in School St. and is
marked as the red X
Contact us
General Information: