

Local origin of name:Irish

From the Irish root name "Connor"

Meaning: 'High desire'

Emotional spectrum..Be happy is the key emotion here.

Personal integrity..Friends know that Conor can be called on in a crisis.

Personality..Rarin' to go all the time.

Relationships..If people were more like Conor friends would come easily.

Travel and leisure..A person who will try anything once.

Career and money..While finances are high on his list,money isn't everything.

Life's opportunities..Tried and true,but welcomes new innovations.



Local origin of name:French

From the Latin root name "Marcus"

Meaning:'Warlike one' derived from Mars,the Roman God of war.

Emotional spectrum..A happy face can hide the heart.

Personal integrity..You would never make a mistake placing your faith in Marc.



Local origin of name:English

From the Old English root name "Lee".


Emotinal spectrum..Not easily pushed,he does have his limits.

Personal integrity..He will fight for his good name.

Personality..The world was made to enjoy,so enjoy it.

Relationships..Many people will find him their best friend.

Travel and leisure..Knows how to relax in style.

Career and money..Early career moves help form this natural leader.

Life's opportunities..He must guard against deals that appear too good to be true.



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