Internet Protocols


Networks (hardware) provide computers the basic ability of transferring bits from one  computer to another. In order to use networks we need a set of rules which all of the network's member agree on, that is a protocol.

Communication Protocol is a  standard designed to specify how computers interact and exchange messages.
Protocol usually  specifies:

In order to simplify the design and implementation of protocols, designers have decided to design a set of protocols, each has different responsibilities instead of one protocol responsible for all forms of communication. The set of protocols is called a Protocol Suite, and it cover all forms of communication as needed.

The OSI seven layers model
A layering model is the most common way to divid  a protocol suite to subparts and describe them individually. Layering help us to have better understanding of a protocol suite.

The seven layers model, introduced by the International Organization for Standardization more than 20 years ago,

1. Physical  Basic hardware components for networks. 
i.e. RS-232 specification
2. Data Link Frame format, Transmitting frames over the net. 
i.e. bit/byte stuffing, checksum
3. Network Address assignment, Packet's forwarding methods
4. Transport Transfer correctness
5. Session Establishing a communication session, Security, Authentication 
i.e. passwords
6. Presentation Computers represent data in different ways (char, integer) thus the protocol need to translate the data to and from the local node.
7. Application Specifications for applications using the network, how to send a request, how to specify a filename over the net, how to respond to a request etc..

Internet protocol suite