Underhive Formula X

Modelling Ideas

Here are some ideas for some of the odd new stuff in Formula X. You will probably have to do some extensive modelling to get your vehicles to look really good, but it will be worth it. Some of the parts listed below are pretty old, so you may have to leaf through some old catalogs to find them. There should be a big catalog in your local Games Workshop, but just ask the staff for help if you have difficulty in finding something. You can mail order these parts or, if you have your own ideas, use your own or some stuff you have in your bits box. One thing I will tell you is very important is to get some modelling putty. It has to be the most useful stuff ever for sealing gaps and holes and making little details on your models that really make the difference between brilliant and just ok. If you have any better ides, or some pics of your vehicles, I'd love to see them. Just email them to me at warlordqueek@yahoo.com


Bike: Space marine bike, Squat Bike, Chaos Space Marine bike

Sidecar Bike: Space marine attack bike

Trike: Squat Attack bike

Turbobike: Ork Warbike, Ork Nobz Bike

Half-Track: Ork War Trak, Gorkamorka Trak

Buggy: Ork War Buggy

Hoverbike: Eldar Jetbike, Dark Eldar Reaper, Converted Space Marine bike


Chaingun: Any of the old Ork combi-weapons, such as the autokannonboltabolta, or the boltalasgunstubbastubba. Whatever it is it should have a number of barrels.

Demolition Charge: Could be anything. A chemical bomb could be a heavy flamer fuel tanks from the vehicle accessory sprue, you could glue some sticks together to resemble TNT, or something like that.

Explosive Harpoons: A scaly harpoon gun looks pretty good, or one side of a warhammer dark elf repeater bolt thrower.

Freezethrower: You could use the hellhound inferno cannon if your feeling ambitious, but its probably better to use an old space marine flamer with the fuel tank cut off.

Heavy Webber: The old Eldar Meltagun looks ok. You really need something with fuel tanks and a big nozzle, so the new catachan heavy flamer models look good.

Hover Mines: Tyranid spore mines are all ive found that would look remotely close.

Killer Missile: Mega gargant Krooz Missuls, warhammer 40k hunter-killer missiles, space marine missile launchers

Land Mines: Warhammer shields, converted a bit with sensors, etc.

Lasgun battery: Lots of barrels ticking out of a shelter-type thing. Oh, I dont know.Ive never made one of these myself.

Nail Gun: Any Ork bolter, or shoota, would be fine.

PipeBombs: An ork gun of some kind for the launcher, and small cylinders for the bombs.

Rockets: Mega Gargant krooz Missuls again, or maybe an epic whirlwind missiles.

Spiked Ram: Just get a bar in front of your vehicle with any size spikes on it. The chaos spiky sprue would be good.

Scythes: The chaos space marine bike is festooned with metal scythes. You can get them seperately from mail order.

Smash Hammers: The arms of warhammer chaos dwarf special character Astrogoth, or the original smah hammers from the old game Man'O'War Ork Hulk.


Electro-cannon: Eldar Plasma gun. Most eldar and dark eldar weapons are quite good for this gun actually.

Nail Gun: dark eldar splinter rifle, or any ork shoota

Front Grapple: Warpspider exarch deathspinners

Side Grapples: Warpspider exarch deathspinners

Gyro-Stabilizers: You dont need to represent these as they are so small, but some small lights/buttons or something would be fine

Jet Engines: The two sides of a space marine jump pack, or an ork stormboy jump pack

Jump Pads: You dont need to represent the pads themselves, but the hydraulics for them could be shiown by a heavy flamer fuel tanks from the vehicle accesory sprue.

Power Drain: Tyranid Spinefist

Photon Lamps: You could attach some kind of power pack with cables to your lights. Storm trooper packs are good for this.

Afterburner: Stormboy jet pack, or Land speeded exhaust nozzle

Nitro Charges: heavy flamer fuel tanks from the vehicle accesory sprue.

Oil: The old ork eavy stubba juice boxes, or anything with a big sort of tank thing.

Energy Shield: One arm of the spinning gubbinz on the shokk attack gun, a skaven doomwheel lightning projector, or other suitable crackly power ball thing.

Force Field: Could be anything. Should be small, and have some kind of power projector device like the energy shield above.

Reverse Thrusters: chaos assault lanchers facing forward.

Power Boost:
Armour: some big armour plates attached to your vehicle
Speed: bigger exhaust pipes, extra engine gubbinz
Acceleration: as above
Wheels: cut some grips into the wheels, or put some thin chain around them
Weaponry: put some small lights like gyro-stabilisers on your weapons to represent suspensors