Back Ballybranagan beach
Of all the beaches in east Cork Ballybranagan is the one I have fished least up until recently. This was because a combination of laziness (its a long walk) and the fact that one night about ten years ago I caught two weavers and only avoided serious consequences by pure luck. Over a period of say five years however there have been increasing reports of turbot being caught here, although only postage stamp size. Its still however a novelty to catch these great looking fish from an east Cork mark so off I went and caught some.
Low and behold its another stonker of a beach which holds some fine fish in both winter and summer.
Right: Cole with the sort of turbot you might expect to
The Autumn should see cod and whiting as well as coalies, ray and bass. Best baits are mostly squid razor and mackerel at night, with lug and crab picking up dogs and eels.
Below: John "Geordie" Minto with a huge Bass returned
alive and kicking to the beach in may 2008