Inch Beach Back
Take the Youghal road from Cork,
when approaching Middleton take the Paul Hannover with a coalie March 2008
By-pass. At the roundabout turn right
For Whitegate. Travel threw the small
Village of Saleen, up the hill and take
The next left. There are signposts if
You can spot them, take the next
Right and the second left, this road will
Take you to Inch.
If you are a sea angler, you would have heard of Inch.
World famous for bass. You would picture in your minds
eye a storm beach with even tables of surf, crashing
into never ending golden sands. Your imagination might
Run to clutches of semi-naked girls basking in warm summer
Sun. well enough of that! Its not that Inch.
That’s not to say that my Inch doesn't have its attractions
It does, and it’s the reason I’m a sea angler.
Where to fish…..
Inch is a
small beach, a miniature
Of the Inch in Kerry. A dozen anglers
would fill it, I prefer the left hand side by
the small stream, right of the rocks puts you
short casts accounting for bass and dabs
while a longer shot can pick coalfish at
night and doggies and codling in winter.
Bait and tackle…..
Simple single hook rigs with short snoods are the best for
bass, as the tide tends to tangle long flowing traces and
don’t forget, big hooks for big fish. Lug is the only bait I
have seen successfully used for bass here. Though I’ve seen
others use many different baits, (without catching). Fish bait
at distance for the other fish. Last year I caught a potential
record dab on sandeel here and am still gutted that I didn’t
realise at the time.
Time and tide…...
Inch is a storm beach, shallow in its
nature yet vicious rip tides tear along its
length. The bass sweep in and around
In with a chance. All the beach can produce,
once or twice a tide. I try to fish a comp-
lete coming tide to be in with a good