Under the footbridge in Cobh. Back
Why the hell am I here?
When the fishing in the harbor is scratchy or the wall in Monkstown has been trawled. Under the railway footbridge in Cobh is a good place to fall back on. With a variety of species available it’s a good bet that something will come up. Fishing at all states of the tide into deep water the species range from codling and whiting dabs, coalies and dogs in the autumn and winter with mackerel Pollock conger eels and flounder the rest of the year.
Bait and method,
Crab is not as important as the other marks in the harbor and lug will catch codling and fish baits will account for everything else. On summer nights rag is deadly for Pollock. Unless the cod are in (standard 4/0 pennel pulleys) three hook flapper rigs with from size 1 to 2/0 flappers will cover every eventuality except for the congers where broomstick and anchor tac-tics are best. Short casts max 80yds are all that’s needed with weights from 4-6ozs as per strength of tide.
From Cork take the Youghal duel carriageway passed the tunnel entrance and on approximately five miles. Take the well signposted turn off and follow the road passed the Fota wildlife park over the bridge and turn right. Keep on this road passed the ferry and on into the town of Cobh. Turn a hairpin right to the railway station and the heritage center. Either carry on to the guard station where the footbridge is just before the building or drive onto the quay if the gate is open. There are other more convenient but convoluted ways of getting here and after you fish it a couple of times you will no doubt find them.
Time and tide/where to fish,
All states of the tide will produce fish of some sort with a coming probably the best for round fish. You can fish at the steps of the bridge, which is where I prefer or if the weather gets bad underneath. There are plenty of marks up the quay and along the widened path. This walkway was widened for the benefit of anglers so don’t hog the whole width.
I have only fished the wooden quay this year in Jan/Feb plenty of fine coal fish
to nearly three pounds, but the foot bridge is still very poor.