Also: the First Joint Congress of the South
AfricanDivision and the East and Southern Africa Section of the
InternationalAssociation for Dental Research, 5,6 and 7 October 1997, Cape Town,
Dear friends and colleagues
It is with great pleasure that the South African Association for CommunityDentistry invites you to join us for the World Congress on Preventive Dentistryto be held in Cape Town, the mother city of South Africa, also consideredas one of the most beautiful cities in the world and recently mentionedas the 3rd most popular tourist city world-wide. As we continue in theglory of our new democracy, we are thrilled to achieve yet another 'first'for our country by hosting for the first time this important Congress forPreventive Dentistry. Health promotion and disease prevention are one ofthe main pillars of the Primary Health Care Approach to which our countryand National Department of Health are fully committed.
The timing of the Congress could not be more appropriate. It offersa unique opportunity to present, share, discuss new concepts, ideas andstrategies and plans to incorporate successful programmes within the healthstructure in South Africa, other African and developing countries and beyond.It will be our pleasure and privilege to welcome you to our shores andto extend the warm hospitality for which our country is known.
Professor MJ Rudolph President SAACD
We have great pleasure in providing you with further details of thecongress and we invite you to contact us for any additional informationthat you may require.
A sub-committee of the LOC (Local Organising Committee) will renderassistance
for pre- and post-congress tours and breakaways. A wide varietyof day-tours and
sightseeing tours for accompanying persons are arranged.The appointed travel
management agency will assist you in all travel andaccommodation arrangements -
provided we receive your request timeously.The Scientific Committee of the LOC
has arranged keynote addresses by worldrenown experts as well as the opportunity
for you to present research papers,posters, and participate in workshops. Full
details will be airmailed inJanuary 1997. Please also remember that the first
joint congress of theInternational Association of Dental Research (SA Division)
and the Eastand Southern African Section are hosted back-to-back with WCPD1997
in CapeTown (5-7 October 1997) at the same congress venue as WCPD1997.
Pleasecommunicate any request for information to us at the following
The Secretariat - WCPD1997
PO Box 95031
Pretoria 0145
South Africa
Tel:+27-12-46-1022 Fax:+27-12-346-1464
See you in 1997 in the fairest Cape of all!
Professor Louis M Rossouw Congress Convenor: WCPD1997
OFFICIAL SPONSORS:International Association for Dental Research(IADR)
World Health Organisation (WHO)
CO-SPONSOR: American Association of
Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD)
ENDORSED BY: National Department of
Health, Republic of South Africa
LOCAL HOST: South African Association
for Community Dentistry (SAACD)
First Joint Congress of the South African Division and theEast and
Southern Africa Section
5,6 and 7 October 1997
Nico Malan Theatre
Cape Town
South Africa
You are cordially invited to attend and contribute to the academic programmeof the South African Division and the East and Southern Africa Sectionof the International Association for Dental Research.
To obtain information regarding the
registration forms,
or, phone:
27(012) 319 2318; Fax: 27(012) 323 7616
Both oral and poster presentations will be
accepted for this meeting.Abstracts for these presentations will be requested at
a later stage. Registrantwill be allowed one oral presentation and one poster
presentation, or twoposter presentations.
Accommodation and Travel
as travel agents for the congress.All arrangements regarding travel will be
handled directly by the travelagents and information regarding accommodation
will be included in a circular.Contact the IADR97 committee for information in
this regard.
Three competitions of the South African
Division of the IADR willtake place during this meeting, namely the Colgate
competition, the Middleton-ShawColgate competetition and the Community based
competition. Details regardingthe competitions will be released at a later
The First Joint Congress of the IADR (South African Division and Eastand Southern Africa Section) will be held just prior to the World Congresson Preventive Dentistry of 1997(WCPD '97) which will also be held in CapeTown, South Africa. The two meetings will be linked by Science TransferSymposiums.
Any inquiries regarding the First Joint Congress of the IADR (SouthAfrican Division and East and Southern Africa Section) can be forwardedto the Congress Convenor or can be requested by e-mail.
Congress Convenor: Dr. Fanie Botha, Centre for Stomatological Research,Faculty of Dentistry, University of Pretoria, P.O. Box 1266, 0001 Pretoria,South Africa
Cape Town, not only the most
beautiful, but also the oldestcity in South Africa, is situated at the
continent's southern tip, wherethe Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
Early History
The Cape was populated long before the
first Europeans settled onthe slopes of Table Mountain. Jan van Riebeeck arrived
5 April 1652. Hismission was to provide refreshments to sailing ships enroute
from Europeto the East and back. The Cape was therefore first a Dutch, and since
1805,an English colony and today is part of an independent Republic. Cape Townis
called the "Mother City" of South Africa, because it has alwaysbeen the seat of
Parliament and the residence of Governors and Presidents.The present population
is approximately 3 million. Cape Town had a prominentrole in recent years in
helping to give birth to the new South Africa.
Cape Town enjoys a Mediterranean
climate and October is alreadyin the second month of Spring. Average day
temperature for October is 21°Cand for nights 11°C. Average rainfall for October
is 30 mm, and averagenumber of days that it may rain is 9. However, delegates
should be preparedfor "four seasons in one day" - jackets and umbrellas are
recommendedfor outdoor excursions and evenings.
Time Difference
South Africa: GMT-2 hours
Cape Town has an International
Airport and Sea Port, supportedby a well developed rail and road system. It is a
recognised tourist destinationwith a variety of coastal hotels and guest houses.
The congress venue willbe Cape Town's Community Theatre complex (also known as
the Nico MalanTheatre), with adequate facilities to ensure a successful
congress. CapeTown is presently preparing its bid for hosting the Olympic Games
in 2004.
Day Tours
Scheduled day tours include a Half
Day City Tour, cable carride to the top of the Table Mountain (weather
permitting) and a Waterfronttour, or day tours to Peninsula (Cape Point Nature
Reserve), Winelands,Hermanus (whale watching) and Fruit Routes. The extended
Wineland Toursare also very popular, since they include wine-tasting at famous
wine estatesand cellars, including enjoying local cuisine at in-house
Official Language
The official language of
the Congress will be English. For certainevents translation services will be
provided on condition that sufficientapplications for the service are
Application for presenting research papers
Participants who plan to present research papers should registerusing
the appropriate Application for Scientific Presentation Form.
Written invitation
All correspondence
received from the WCPD Secretariat, althoughit may imply a written invitation to
the Congress, does NOT imply any financialresponsibilities or support unless
specifically indicated.
Information centre and Registration
Information Centre and Registration Desk will be availableat the Congress venue
during the hours of the congress (see provisionalprogramme). On presentation of
provisional registration documents at theRegistration Desk, participants will
receive their Official Registrationand Documentation (including name tag and
programme). Registrations canalso be made at the Registration Desk.
The Information Centre will also provide full details of tours and visitswhich are available before, during and after the Congress. This centrewill also act as a "hospitality centre" for receiving and leavingmessages, and will remain open for the duration of the Congress.
The official appointed Travel Agent of the Congress will also be availableat the Congress venue to advise and effect bookings for day-tours, longertours and hotel and flight arrangements.
Congress Venue
Adequate facilities for all
Congress activities are available foraround 2000 participants. The Congress
Venue complex is situated in thecentre of Cape Town and within walking distance
from the major hotels.
Participants are advised to enquire from
the South African Embassyor Travel Agent in their country if a visa or any other
special proceduresapply for entering South Africa, since visa requirements are
presentlyunder review.
Dietary Requirements
The Local Organising
Committee undertakes to accommodate special dietaryrequirements when and where
possible during the congress. Specific requestsmust accompany the Congress
Registration Form. Special dietary requirementsat accommodation/hotels will be
communicated to hotels.
It is safe to drink tap water
anywhere, unless clear noticesspecifically warn otherwise. Sun screens should be
used for protection.Malaria risks - predominately in the malignant form P
falciparum -exist throughout the year in certain areas (not the Cape).
Precautionsshould be taken when travelling, especially to game reserves in the
north-eastof the country. Resistance to chloroquine has been reported, and one
ofthe recommended prophylaxis is chloroquine plus proquanil (but please
confirmdetails). Yellow fever vaccination certificates are required from
visitorstravelling through, or disembarking from an infected country.
Tipping is expected in South Africa.
Guidelines are: Porters - R 5.00to R10.00 per service and waiters 10% to
Electric Current
The standard voltage in
South Africa is 220V AC 50Hz, and plugsare 3-pin (round pins). Most hotel
bathrooms are fitted with a 220V/110Vpin shavers plug.
Participants are advised to take out
the standard internationalinsurance to cover any losses incurred due to
cancellations, medical expense,or the loss of personal effects.
Note: Registration forms can be obtainedfrom the Secretariat. E-mail your request to them. E-mail:
All participants who alreadyhave registration forms are urged to complete and return Forms A to E assoon as possible. No confirmations can be made without forms. Avoid disappointmentand reply NOW!
All participants must register using the Congress Registration Form.Registration forms should be airmailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Secretariatat the official WCPD 1997 address. Note: In all instances a RegistrationDeposit is payable. To qualify for a Congress Registration Discount, aRegistration Deposit of US$250 must be received by not later than 31stMay 1997. All other congress registration deposits of US$150 per participantmust be received by 31st August 1997 in order to confirm registration.
Early Registration Discounts
In order to
obtain an Early Registration Discount, participantsshould return completed
registration forms by not later than 31st May 1997.The date on the postmark of
the return envelope will be used to confirmthe cut-off date. Congress
registration may be received after this datebut will not qualify for Early
Registration Discounts.
In addition, there will be a series of Science and Skills Transfer Workshopswhich will be presented on a limited attendance basis. Note that the feesfor these Workshops are not included in the Congress Registration fee butspecial discounts will be given to participants who have registered forthe congress.
WorkshopsThe changing andfuture role of the oral health team
Dental personnel planning forpreventive priorities - the use of a
computer software planning tool
Minimal intervention for dentalcaries - preventive resin restoration
for the individual and the community
The preventive basis of restorativedentistry
Water/salt fluoridation - animplementation strategy
Lasers in preventive dentistry
Curriculum development for thewhole oral health team - a preventive
District/regional/provincialoral health services - implications for
Severe dental fluorosis - interceptiveprocedures
National oral health policyformulation - a preventive focus
Personalised needs-related oralhealth prevention for private practice
Financing oral health care throughmanaged dental care - the need for
outcome-based goals in prevention
Alternative delivery system(mobile dental clinics) - a platform for
Oral health education/promotion
Practical research methods
Caries diagnosis - controversiesand implications for prevention
Practical field epidemiologyand the use of computer software
Advanced methods for researchand clinical trials
Oral microbiology in preventivedentistry
Qualitative research - usingthe social sciences as research instrument
(a practical example on theprevention of stress)
Educating and training of healthpersonnel for promotion of oral health
in deprived/disadvantaged communitiesand refugee populations
Oral diseases prevention forspecial groups
Prevention of oral cancer
Distance based oral health educationand training
Date | Time | Activity | Topic | Speakers |
Tuesday 7 Oct. |
14:00 to 18:00 | Registration (Last day of IADR meetings - SA division and the Central and Eastern Section) |
Wed. 8 Oct. |
07:00 to 09:00 | Registration WCPD '97 | 0900: to 17:00 Science and Skills Transfer Sessions |
As listed per Transfer Session |
18:00 to 19:30 | Welcome Cocktail | |||
Thurs. 9 Oct. |
09:00 | Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Address | ||
10:30 to 13:00 | Symposium 1: Fluorides and Fluoridation |
Trends and developments in fluorides and
fluoridation - In the USA - In Europe - In South Africa Current issues in water fluoridation Salt fluoridation as alternative Milk fluoridation as alternative Fluoride dentrifices -an evaluation Cost-effectiveness evaluations of fluoridation strategies Causes, clinical measurement/evaluation of fluorosis Political and social issue and fluoridation strategies |
Herschell Horowitz(USA) Saskia Estupian-Day(PAHO) John Clarkson (USA) Dennis O'Mullane (Ireland) Usuf Chikte (South Africa) | |
14:00 to 16:00 | Symposium 2: Individualized and group prevention of HIV+, medically compromised/high risk patients and special groups |
Global aspects of the HIV pandemic Identification techniques for high risk profile patients Infection control in oral health surveys/screening Transmission of HIV from infected health care workers to patients Prevention priorities for medically compromised/high risk patients and special groups |
SJ Schallacombe (UK) Trevor Arendorf (South Africa) Dan Marianos (USA) Reuben Warren (USA) Sam Thorpe (WHO) | |
10:30 to 16:00 | Plenary Sessions and Oral Presentations | Clinical studies in caries prevention The 20-80 project on tooth retention in Japan Developing community based programmes involving an interaction between Ministry of Health, the Dental Community and the Industry Self care periondontal programmes The impact of Science of the practice of Dentistry |
George Stookey (USA) M. Watanabe (Japan) David Purdell-Lewis (Unilever/UK) Per Edvard Gjermo (Norway) John Clarkson (IADR) | |
20:00 | Congress Banquet | |||
Friday 10 Oct. |
10:30 to 13:00 | Symposium 3: Oral health promotion |
The philosophy of oral health promotion Approaches to policy formulation and strategy development for prevention Successes and evaluation Oral health promotional strategies for prevention of caries and periodontal diseases Refocusing upstream, the political ecomomics of preventing oral diseases A common risk factor approach to promoting oral health |
Aubrey Sheiham (UK) Lone Schou (Denmark) Alice Horowitz (USA) Gonda Perez (South Africa) Helen Lewis (South Africa) Yvonne Buischi (Brazil) |
14:00 to 16:30 | Symposium 4: Oral health personnel and teamwork of the dental team |
The role of auxilliaries in oral disease
prevention Human resources for primary oral health care -an African perspective; Human rescuers for primary prevention in developing countries Educational imperitives for oral health personnel-a preventive approach;changing oral disease prevalence-educational and oral health personnelimplications Oral health personnel planning-using personnel planning models |
Martin Hobdel (South Africa) Lone Schou (Denmark) Elizabeth Treasure (Wales) Flip van Wyk (South Africa) | |
Plenary lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions | Preventive pediatrics Preventive geriatrics Oral health trends in Africa Global trends in dental caries Recent developments in dentrifice and slow releasing fluorides Restructuring of the WHO global data bank for effective monitoring of oraldiseases preventing programmes Successful mother and child programme |
Stephen Wei (Hong Kong) Jonathan Mann (Israel) Peter Cleaton-Jones (South Africa) Douglas Bratthall (Sweden) Tony Volpe (Colgate/Palmolive USA) GN Pakhomov (WHO) Harold Sgan-Cohen (Israel) | ||
Sat. 11 Oct. |
9:30 to 11:30 | Symposium 5: Minimal intervention techniques, individualised prevention and group/communitystrategies |
Diagnosis of dental caries; risk assesment; caries
prediction Minimal intervention techniques and prevention; preventive versus restorativemanagement of dental caries and a preventive philosophy in caries management The ART technique in the prevention of dental caries; evaluation of resultsof a 3 year in vitro clinical study Rational use of fluorides in caries control on an individual/communitybasis; slow release fluoride systmes and caries prevention Are current models for preventive programs sufficient for the needs oftomorrow?; Therapeutics of caries prevention, concepts and prospects; immunisationagainst dental caries: what's new? |
Jo Frencken (Netherlands) Richard Elderton (UK) George Stookey (USA) Per Axelsson (Sweden) Stephen Wei (Hong Kong) Toshio Morioka (Japan) |
12:00 | WCPD Annual General Meeting | |||
08:30 to 11:00 | Plenary lectures and oral presentations | Empowering disadvantaged groups for oral health
care Demonstrating success in rural preventive programmes The 8020 campaign in Japan-20 teeth at the age of 80 Surface chemical approaches to plaque prevention Lasers in preventive dentistry Clinical results of milk fluoridation programmes Tree structural classification model for dental caries Focus on oral pathological lesions in Africa Focus on oral pathological lesions in India |
Reuben Warren (USA) Leon Dogon (USA) M Watanabe (Japan) Per Olof Glantz (Finland) Toshia Morioka (Japan) Jolan Banoczy (Hungary) Hyock Soo-Moon (Korea) Cyril Enwonwu (USA) PK Dayal (India) |
Option 1: US$287-00Early registration before 31st May
1997. Option 1 excludes:
Congress Banquet
Any Science and Skills Transfer
Option 2: US$397-00.Early registration before 31st
May 1997. Option 2 includes:
Congress Banquet
ONE Science and Skills
Transfer Workshop
Option 3: US$355-00.Registration before 31st August
1997. Option 3 excludes:
Congress Banquet
Any Science and Skills Transfer
Option 4: US$397-00.Registration before 31st August
1997. Option 4 includes:
Congress Banquet
ONE Science and Skills Transfer
VAT: Changes in the congress registration fees will only occur if thereare changes in the domestic VAT (Value Added Tax) rate. VAT is currently14% and is included in the quoted/marked prices of most goods and services.Non-resident visitors on a temporary visit to South Africa qualify fora refund on their departure. Delegates should ask for a VAT invoice atthe time of purchase and be prepared to show goods to customs on departure.This refund can be claimed at any of the VAT Refund Administration Offices,situated at the international departure areas of all International Airports.
1.Science and Skill Transfer Workshops will take place at
differentWine Estates.
2. Sponsorship and support for congress registration
fees are availablefor participants from African and other developing countries.
A writtenapplication must be submitted for approval by the LOC by 31st May
Payments for congress activities must
be made in USA Dollars. Usea "Money Transfer" or Credit Card (Diners Club, Visa,
Mastercardor American Express). Money Transfers should be made payable to the
SWIFT: NEDSZAJJ Bank Code 1656 4502 For account: World Congress onPreventive Dentistry 1997, Account No. 1656 338 661 |
Note: All bank charges applicable are for the delegates accountand may NOT be deducted from amounts remitted. Full international bankingfacilities will be available at the congress venue.
Cancellation and Reimbursement
If participants
wish to cancel their registration (or any partof their registration fee) the
following reimbursement conditions willapply: On or Before 31st May 1997:90% reimbursement
On or Before 31st August1997: 80% reimbursement
After 1 October 1997: Noreimbursement except for exceptional
Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by the WCPD 1997Secretariat. The date on the postmark will be used as reference.
Currency Exchange Rate
The SA currency is the
Rand. The South African Rand exchangeagainst other currencies can fluctuate. The
following exchange rate appliesat 11 May 1997:
USA $1.00 = R4.46 UK £1.00 = R7.23 German DM 1.00 = R2.65
All projections indicate, as regards the future, that the Rand willweaken against the above indicated currencies. Credit cards are acceptedby most hotels, restaurants and shops. Currency may be exchanged at allSouth African banks and most hotels but it may be more convenient at theairports. Such services will also be available at the Congress InformationDesk.
South African Airways (SAA) is the official and preferred airline carrierfor the Congress and offers competitive fares. Please contact your nearestSouth African Airways office for flight arrangements. We will be most willingto assist with any flight arrangements. SAA flies to Cape Town from 34destinations world-wide either direct or via Johannesburg. SAA plus severalother internal airlines have daily flights from Cape Town to other citieswithin Southern Africa.
For airline bookings through South African Airways for WCPD1997, pleasequote the following reference number: AIR/MX.C/902/96 |
Click here to view the SAAhomepage
Airport-hotel-congress venue
Transfers from airport to hotel and to the congress
venue willbe available for congress participants on arrival and departure
from/toCape Town International Airport, provided full details are received
welladvance. Requests can also be submitted at the Congress Information
The Secretariat will assist in co-ordinating accommodation registrations.Please note that after 31st August 1997, availability of accommodationcannot be guaranteed. Sentra Travel has been appointed as congress travelagent and has ASATA and IATA accreditation. Sentra Travel enjoys WCPD1997'sLOC full support.
If accommodation arrangements have been made through your travel agent,kindly indicate the name of the agent and the hotel on your registrationform (obtainable from the secretariat).
Accommodation/Hotel Categories and Rate Hotels in South Africa are allocated"STAR" ratings by an independent Government Agency. "FiveStar" being the highest and "One Star" the lowest rating.Hotel rates for single to double rooms (per day) presently have the followingprice ranges (subject to US$ - South African Rand changes)
5 star hotel: from R670to R1 100 (+- $150 to $250) per night
4 star hotel: from R480to R850 (+- $100 to $190) per
3 star hotel: from R270to R600 (+-$60 to $130) per night
2 star hotel: from R225to R550 (+- $50 to $120) per night
Please note that hotel rates may vary according to a variety of factorsand
the above rates must only be regarded as the present guide.
Final quotes by hotel name and specific tariff per night ofthe appointed WCPD'97
hotels will be available by January 1997.
Confirmation of Hotel Reservations can only be made against a completedregistration form plus a deposit of US$150 before 31st May 1997. As soonas a hotel reservation has been made a "Hotel Confirmation Voucher"will be issued, and forwarded to you. Alterations to reservations can onlybe made after receipt of the congress application forms and hotel confirmationforms, provided the notification is received in writing/fax. Please notethat if reservation amendments are to be made after 30 September 1997 asmall handling fee is involved. This also applies to cancellations andreimbursements of confirmed accommodation payments. A handling charge willapply when reimbursements are made.
Notes: Should you be interested in tours, please indicate thison your registration form. If you are interested in other tours than thoselisted, kindly indicate details on the form and your personal requirementswill receive our immediate attention. All prices are quoted in US Dollars(US$) and are subject to change should conditions make it necessary. Reservationsare subject to availability at time of reservation. Note that some toursdepend on a minimum number of bookings received. A minimum deposit of 25%will be required to confirm any tour booking. All prices quoted are perperson sharing double accommodation. If a higher price applies for singlepersons, we will advise you immediately.
Links to sites on tourism in the Cape and Southern Africa:
The Cape
Travel Tourism
A1. Table Mountainand Cape Point Day Tour
For those
with only one day of leisure in the mother city, we offera tour where our sole
concern is to show you the best of the Cape in thelimited time available. Your
guide has only one instruction - to give youthe best possible touring experience
during your one day stay with us.This tour is conducted in a seven seater
microbus (air conditioned) withlunch enroute. We visit Table Mountain, or Signal
Hill with a short citytour if the cable way is closed due to weather or
construction. Short visitto the famous Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. Cape
point funicular railwayand Nature Reserve. Chapmans peak drive along the scenic
Atlantic coast,return via the Indian Ocean coast line. All- inclusive except
teas andcable car to Table Mountain (weather permitting). Subject to minimum of2
passengers at standard rate. Tour departs around 08:00 and returns
approximately17:30 - 18:30 hrs. to city. US$80 per person.
A2. Winelands DayTour
This delightful tour takes us to
the Winelands and the towns of Stellenbosch,Paarl and Franschoek. We travel
through spectacular mountain scenery andmagnificent wine estates. Our lunch stop
will be taken in beautiful Franschoek.On our return we stop at Bloubergstrand
for the world famed view and enjoya Cape liqueur with our compliments. Cellar
tour and wine tasting at Delheimor Neetlingshof Historical Stellenbosch Huguenot
Monument at FranschoekPaarl and wine tasting at Rhebokskloof All inclusive
except teas and refreshments.Tour departs around 08:00 and returns approximately
17:30 - 18:30 city. US$80 per person
A3. Cheese and Wine DayTour
This classic tour visits the
towns of Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschoek-premierWinelands of the Cape. We
visit renowned wine estates and the co-operativewinery (KWV) with its export
wines. We also taste goats cheese as an extradelight on the magnificent tour.
Historical Stellenbosch with wine tastingat Boschendal estate. Huguenot Monument
at Franschoek Cellar tour and winetasting at KWV in Paarl. Goats cheese and wine
tasting at Fairview estate.All inclusive except teas and refreshments. Tour
departs around 08:00 andreturns approximately 17:30 - 18:30 hrs. to city. US$80
per person
A4. Hermanus andwhale watching day tour
On our way to
this fascinating seaside village our journey takes us overSir Lowry's pass to
the abundant fruit growing area of Elgin. After a shortstop at a country farm
stall we descend the Houw Hoek pass overlookingthe attractive Overberg district.
We stop at Africa's most southerly vineyardand on arriving in Hermanus, visit
the Old Harbour Museum, enjoy an optionallunch, stroll the clifftops overlooking
Walker Bay and enjoy the ambienceand little shops of this quaint town. Our
return journey follows the sceniccoastal road through Bettys Bay before we skirt
the eastern shore of FalseBay to the popular holiday resort of Gordons Bay.
Spring time on theCape coast is whale time! During the spring months the
southern rightwhale migrates from the Antarctic regions to the warm waters
around theCape Coast and Walkers Bay. Hermanus is the ideal place to view these
magnificentmammals (sometimes as close a 50 metres from the shore). Minimum
passengerrequirement applies All inclusive except teas and refreshments. Tour
departsaround 08:00 and returns approximately 17:30 - 18:30 hrs. to city.
US$95per person
A5. Robben Island CruiseAboard 'SPIRIT OF VICTORIA'
Join us
aboard our classic 58 foot gaff rigged schooner for a memorablesailing trip to
view the famous Prison Island where President Nelson Mandelawas incarcerated for
17 years. The cruise last approximately 2½-3hrs and offers breathtaking views of
the Cape from Table Bay where seals,dolphins, penguins and even whales can be
encountered. On approaching RobbenIsland we provide an historical commentary and
point out interesting features.Landing is prohibited. German and French are also
spoken aboard. Spiritof Victoria has a cash drinks bar on board as well as
toilet facilities.Trips leave on a regular basis. Maximum 45 passengers. US$80
per person
Note: Morning and afternoon half-day tours are available 7 daysper week. Private tours for a person choosing his/her own tour destinationscan also be offered at US$35 per hour (minimum 4 hours). Air conditionedvehicle, SATOUR registered tour guide. Rate excludes all entrances, mealsand refreshments.
B1. Garden Route 5 DayTour
Our five day tour is offered to
the discerning traveller who has thetime to do full justice to the magic and
diversity of the Southern Cape.Awesome mountain passes, prehistoric caves,
rugged coastline, indigenousforests, lakes and rivers, whales in season and Cape
Agulhas - the southernmostpoint of the African continent are all part of the
tour. High standardsof accommodation, excellent cuisine and an air-conditioned
microbus fora maximum of six persons combine to make this an unforgettable
Itinerary and highlights:
Day One: Our first day takes us from Cape Town to Oudtshoorn via Worcesterand Prince Albert with scenery changes from lush vineyards to semi-aridKaroo. Day Two: After a fascinating morning in Oudtshoorn we cross theOuteniqua pass to George, drive through wilderness and the lake districtto Knysna in time for a sunset cruise on the lagoon. Cango Caves, ostrichranch, crocodile and cheetah ranch on the way.
Day Three: Don't pack - relax! We are spending another night in Knysnato take full advantage of all the area has to offer. (your may wish tovisit a Gary Player designed golf course) Featherbed nature reserve, Tsitsikammaforest, Garden of Eden.
Day Four: Today you cross the Knysna lagoon on a train drawn by a steamlocomotive to George on one of the most beautiful train routes in the world.From George we proceed to Mossel Bay for our last overnight stop. Knysnaheads viewsite, 'Outenique choo-choo' steam train, Dias maritime museum
Day Five: On this last day of our journey, prepare for a full day aswe return to the 'Mother City' via the tip of Africa. Gouritz River Gorge,Bredasdorp Shipwreck museum, False Bay coastal drive. A tour you will rememberforever. Price US$695 per person based on double room sharing
B2. Cape KaleidoscopeThree Day Tour (Offering unparalled photo
Day One: Visit Victoria and Alfred Waterfront. Enjoy a boat trip inthe Old Harbour. Travel to Cape Point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceansmeet and Cape Point nature reserve. Return to Cape Town via a visit tothe famous Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.
Day Two: Today we visit the west coast regions of Bloubergstrand, WestCoast National Park, Postberg Nature Reserve, Darling wild flowers andan ostrich ranch.
Day Three: This day trip from Cape Town will take you via Gordons Bayto Elgin's apple farms and wine tasting at Hamilton Russel vineyards. Stoppingfor lunch at Hermanus on Walker bay and whale watching. Whales normallyvisit the bay during August to November. Return to your hotel in Cape Townvia a scenic coastal drive.
Note: Departure time for each day will +- 08:30 from your hoteland will return approximately 18:00 to the city. A minimum passenger requirementapplies Although regular stops will be made, the quoted price includeslunches, but excludes teas, refreshments and any accommodation. US$230per person
B3.Cape Town - Durban- Johannesburg Four Day Tour
Day One: Fly to Durban and transfer to hotel. Durban offers a sub-tropicalcarnival atmosphere and summer sunshine all year round. Accommodation ata sea-side hotel.
Day Two: Enjoy a day drive to one of Kwa-Zulu Natal's premier game reserves,
Day Three: Relax and enjoy Durban's beaches; or the hotel's poolside.The day is your to enjoy a ricksha ride, a stroll along the beachfrontor shopping in the city centre
Day Four: Fly to Johannesburg and transfer either to your hotel or onwardflight.
Cost includes: Air fares, three nights accommodation sharing, breakfasts,city tour and airport transfers. US$1 280 per person sharing
C1. Johannesburg - SunCity Three Day Tour
Day One: Tour departs to the 'Kingdom of Pleasure' (Sun City) nestledin the rolling hills of the Pilanesberg. Lunch en route. Rest of the dayat leisure to explore the tranquil spots, poolside venues, lush gardens,extensive sporting facilities (including two world-class golf courses)and enjoy the entertainment, and casinos.
Day Two: Full day to discover the 'Lost City' and the valley ofthe waves, fabled to be the ruins of a glorious ancient civilisation, celebratingand bringing to life the legends of this mystical city. Includes a gamedrive.
Day Three: Morning at leisure. Transfer back to Johannesburg (only breakfastincluded)
US$470 per person sharing- Sun City main hotel
US$530 per person sharing- Sun City Cascades
US$670 per person sharing- Sun City Palace
Prices includes: Accommodation and meals as specified, porterage, transportationin a luxury coach and English speaking guide, entrance fees to Sun Cityand valley of the waves. VAT included.
Price excludes: Any items of a personal nature such as room service,liquor, laundry, telephone calls, morning/afternoon refreshment. Gratuitiesto game rangers, guides, drivers and restaurant staff, tipping.
C2. Johannesburg - KrugerNational Park Three Day Tour
Day One: Travel east with aircon. microbus stopping enroute for teaand lunch. Onwards to Nelspruit via Belfast and Waterval Boven. Enter theKruger National park via Hazyview, where you will spend two nights in air-conditionedthatched rondavels and view animals in their natural habitat. Overnight:rest camp (full board - en suite bathroom facilities)
Day Two: Enjoy a full day of game drives with breakfast at one of themany attractive rest camps. Overnight: rest camp (full board) Optionalnight-drives available, as an extra, to view nocturnal animals.
Day Three: After an early morning game drive and breakfast, travelthrough some of the highlights of the Eastern Transvaal such as Kowyn'spass, the museum town of Pilgrim's Rest and Bourke's Luck potholes. Continue(via Machadodorp) to Johannesburg, where the tour terminates at approximately17:30 (breakfast and lunch included). Price: US$490 per person sharing
Suggestions: Anti-malarial precautions strongly recommended.Cameras and binoculars essential. Casual clothing and walking shoes.
Price includes: Sightseeing, game drive, driver/guide, entrance fees,accommodation and meals as specified.
Price excludes: Any items of a personal nature such as room service,liquor, laundry, telephone calls, morning/afternoon refreshment. Gratuitiesto game rangers, guides, drivers and restaurant staff, tipping.
C3. Victoria Falland Chobe Game Lodge Four Days/Five
On arrival at the Victoria Falls, transfer to the hotel and spend twonights in luxury. You will be treated to a display of traditional Africandancing, a visit to the Victoria Falls, a craft village, a crocodile farmas well as a Zambezi cruise. Drive to Chobe Lodge in Botswana and spendtwo nights. View game from open vehicles and by launch on the Chobe river.Return to Johannesburg.
Price includes: Four nights accommodation sharing, return airfare exJohannesburg, meals, game viewing.
Price excludes: Airport tax, meals not specified, bar, gratuities, porterageetc. Visa fees if applicable, medical, travel and cancellation insurance.
Note: Please note that it is essential that malaria prophylaxisbe taken when visiting Zimbabwe and Botswana. Prices are subject to confirmationat time of booking and may be affected by air travel or fuel price increases,currency fluctuations or any statutory increases beyond our control. Pleasenote that any bookings cancelled less than 30 days prior to arrival willbe liable for cancellation fees. Booking in advance is recommended. US$1780 per person sharing.
To contact the LOC:
The Secretariat - WCPD1997
PO Box 95031
Waterkloof Pretoria
South Africa
This page was constructed by E.Marais. Page last updated 24 April 1997