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Fluoride Free Water (FFW) formed on 16/9/99. We are a citizens’ group demanding an end to water fluoridation in Ireland. Alarmed at the increasing, worldwide, scientific studies showing health damage from fluoridation we publicly launched our group on 19/10/99.
Our group is solely focused on the fluoridation issue and our main goal is to raise awareness of the controversy surrounding this mass medication. We are willing to directly approach the public whether via Public Meetings, presentations, leaflet drops or door to door conversation. Fluoride Free Water is increasing in size. Our membership is varied and represents the gamut of the Irish public therefore all their input and ideas are salient. As momentum for an end to fluoridation grows it is time we all involved ourselves in this issue which affects us all. We all drink water and most of our bodies are made up of water. You cannot avoid fluoride in Ireland in the 21st century. Water fluoridation must stop. We demand the freedom to choose fluoride free water in Ireland.


  1. Join Fluoride Free Water Ireland.
  2. Create your own citizen’s group - we can help.
  3. Write to your local Councillor or T.D. Express your opinion. See sample letter below.


Sample letter:

Dear Minister/T.D.,

Why have successive Health Ministers failed: 

1.      To study the health effects of thirty-five years of adding artificial fluoride to our drinking water. In breach of Health (fluoridation of water supplies) Act 1960 section 6 which states:

“It shall be the duty of the Minister to arrange from time to time for such surveys as appear to him to be desirable as respects the health, or any particular aspects of health….”

 2.      To assess the total fluoride intake of populations prior to adding artificial fluoride to our drinking water. Fluoridation is extending into Co. Donegal, Co. Sligo, Co. Waterford, Co. Clare and Co. Kerry and this is in breach of W.H.O. guidelines on fluoridation:

“Dental and public health administrations should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride programmes”

(World Health Organisation, Expert Committee, Geneva 1994). 

3.      To carry out environmental impact studies on the effects of dumping 80,000 tons of artificial fluoride into our environment over the last thirty-five years.

Due to these failures and the increasing number of international, scientific studies linking water fluoridation and harmful health effects I demand: 

A.   The Minister stops artificial water fluoridation immediately.

B.    The Minister begins independent, scientific studies into the health effects of thirty-five years of dosing our drinking water with artificial fluoride.

C.    The Minister carries out environmental impact studies on the environmental implications of dumping 2000 gallons of artificial fluoride daily into our waterways.

D.    The Minister acknowledges a basic human right, the right to choose fluoride free water.

Thank you for your time,

Yours sincerely,