New research of bone cancer figures has shown a 40% elevated rate
in Republic of Ireland (fluoridated) compared to Northern Ireland
(unfluoridated).(1) The bone cancer in question called osteosarcoma
is one of the most prevalent cancers in young males, aged 9-20.
There are both animal and human studies linking osteosarcoma and
water fluoridation/fluoride.(2,3)
One study in 1992, in the United States, indicated that in three
counties of New Jersey there was nearly 7 times the osteosarcoma
rate in young males in the fluoridated communities compared to
the non-fluoridated communities.(4)
The research figures provided by the National Cancer Registry in
Cork and Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (DHSSPS) did not
indicate a statistically significant correlation but are
noteworthy nonetheless. Moreover, Northern Ireland recently
refused to dose their drinking water with chemical fluoride. In
1996, 25 out of 26 councils voted against water fluoridation
because of concerns over fluoride health damage.
The legislation, which permits fluoridation in this country, the
Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act 1960, requires the
Minister of Health to carry our health studies into the effects
of nearly forty years of this mass-medication.(5) This research
has never been done.(6)
Dr. Don Mac Auley, dental advisor to Fluoride Free Water,
commented, "another fluoride health alert is screaming but
when will the Minister of Health start listening? When will the
Minister fulfil his duty and carry out the health studies
required by law. It is outrageous that there are still no plans
for health studies, despite the new National Health Research
Strategy, which "proposes a thriving research
culture".(7) Instead, Minister Martin has delegated his
responsibilities to a pro-fluoride sham of a forum,(8) which
cannot even get its act together to report on time".
Dr. Andrew Rynne, a Co. Kildare G.P, also affirmed his concern
for his patients, "[f]luoride is a known carcinogen. Given
enough of the stuff, our cancer rates may climb above those of
countries that do not mainline their citizens in this way. Is
there much quality and fairness in the continuation of a practice
that might cause people to get cancer at an increased
Dr. John Colquhoun, a New Zealand dentist and former advocate of
fluoridation, changed his mind after extensive research on the
subject.(10) In a recent interview, on the issue of bone cancer
and fluoride, he posed the question, "How many cavities
would have to be saved to justify the death of one young man from
REFERENCES: 1. Fluoride Free Water Press Release. 8/1/2002. SEE BELOW.
2. Schlesinger et al (1956). Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study XIII. Pediatric Findings After ten Years. Journal of the American Dental Association, 52. 3. Mihashi M, Tsutsui T. Clastogenic activity of sodium fluoride
to rat vertebral body-derived cells in culture. Mutat Res 1996
May;368(1):7-13. 4. Cohn PD. A brief report on the association of drinking water
fluoridation and the incidence of osteosarcoma among young males
. N J Dept of Health, Trenton, New Jersey. Nov 8, 1992. See
5. Health (fluoridation of water supplies) Act 1960. Section 6. 6. Dr. Gerard Gavin, Chief Dental Officer, Dept. of Health,
presentation to the Dail Committee on Health and Children.
20/7/2000. Transcript of proceedings
7. National Health Research Strategy – key elements. Quality
and fairness: a health system for you. Department of Health. 2001
pg. 92. See
8. Irish Medical News. 13/8/01.
9. Irish Medical News. 14/12/2001.
10. Why I changed my mind about fluroidation. Chicago Press.
Available at 11. Dr. John Colquhoun. Video-taped interview, Auckland, NZ, May
1998. GG Video, 82 Judson Street, Canton, NY 13617.
Comparison of Rep.of Ireland
and N.Ireland figures for Osteosarcoma.
Rep.of Ireland
figures:Piaras O'Lorcain,Data Analyst,National Cancer
Registry,Elm Court,
Boreenmanna Road,Cork.
Tel 021-4318014 Fax 021 4318016 Web: N.Ireland
figures: Stephen Sharp, N Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR), DHSS.
Relative rate of osteosarcoma in Republic
of Ireland vs. Northern Ireland for the years 1994-1997
(combined), with approximate 95% confidence intervals:
crude analysis (no adjustments):
According to these calculations, the osteosarcoma rate in the
Republic was about 40% elevated compared to Northern Ireland but
the results were not very precise. Adjustment for age and
sex did not make much difference.
In other words, the best (central) estimate indicates a somewhat
elevated rate in the Republic relative to Northern Ireland. The
results are compatible with no difference (a relative rate of
one), but they are also compatible with higher values.
Some analysts might be tempted to conclude that since the 95%
confidence interval includes one, the results are not
"real" because they are not "statistically
significant." This interpretation is not good
epidemiologic practice. See, for example: Poole, C.
(1987). "Beyond the Confidence Interval." American J
Public Health 77:195-199. Rothman and Greenland (1998).
Modern Epidemiology (2nd edition), especially Chapter 12.
Rothman (1986). Modern Epidemiology (1st edition)
These calculation could be improved, for example, by using
populations figures for each year rather than just 1999.
Methods: I used 1999 population data for the denominators of the
rates. The adjusted analysis is a standardized rate ratio.
Data sources: ROI osteosarcoma data by age, gender and
year--excel file from Piaras O'Lorcain (10/25/01) NI osteosarcoma
data--your email from 9/29/01 1999 population data--"Ireland
North and South: A Statistical Profile, 2000 edition."
Note: The age/gender/year data for ROI do not precisely match the
age/year data in your email of 9/29/01 in an excel file from
Piaras O'Lorcain. The reason for this discrepancy is
Tom Webster, D.Sc.
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Health (T2E)
Boston University School of Public Health
715 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118-2526, USA
tel: (617)638-4641
fax: (617)638-4857