Barrys St. Germain are a motley collection of regulars from Barrys Bar in Barrack Street in Cork City, Ireland, who, once a week, dress in short pants and colourful socks and run around a field in the dark after a spherical object in the vain hope that their actions will postpone the ageing process and make them more attractive to women.

The revelation of this potential for everlasting youth and sexual allure became apparent in 1996, when it was realised that great football minds were trapped inside ageing bodies that rested on barstools, pontificating profoundly into the small hours.
This ability to identify and remedy all the woes of the world could be harnessed and channelled into a force for good. The barstool pundits would become soldiers of destiny, realising their vision on the field of dreams. Athletes would emerge from the flabby confines of beer-bellied bondage. They would rise up and take their place among the sporting legends. They would be known as 'The Wildebeests'.

And so it was. The Wildebeests herded their flabby mass onto the vast plains of Ballyphehane Park and placed themselves at the mercy of younger, fitter predators. And prey they were. Thirteen-nil. But they re-grouped and re-emerged - time and time again - until they held the opposition score to single figures, and then to narrow defeats, then moral victories.
Years passed and history is written. The Wildebeests evolved, the hunted became the hunter - and they would be known as Barrys St. Germain.


Tom Barry
Donated his name to the club (Connolly St. Germain was never an option). Possesses a rare command of the English language - "give me an entendre and I'll quadruple it" - a fair man to mollyfooster a few brewskies before heading for the ponderosa.

Shakin Stevie Connolly
The acceptable face of football, 84 year old Steve has dedicated his life to footy and the pursuit of sporting excellence. The voice of reason in a chorus of derangement: dependable, pragmatic and with an insatiable lust for a pubescent slayer of vampires.

Brendan Cotter
Entered the annals of sporting history at a young age when he scored a goal from centre back position, up-hill, in Inchigeela for Macroom Under 14 GAA footballers. There followed 20 years of mindless debauchery before making his comeback with The Wildebeests. Despite breaking his ankle last year and finishing the season in goal, Bionic Brenny still scored more than Noel Hayes.

The Divine Paul Fenton
Player/Manager/God. Hail Fenton full of pace.

Fabrice Fortune
Son footy est plus de flair francaise - put the ooh la la in the ha ha ha - and with a name like Fab Fortune...

Noel Hayes
Cool, calm, collected, cunning, crafty and congenial - all words that could be used to describe Brenny Cotter. Noel, on the other hand, is a West Cork cute hoor and the BSG treasurer with a 265 suntan.

Donagh MacCartain
Dublin born Donagh had a stint in Canada before moving to Cork and discovering the joys of playing pub football. He embodies the BSG idiom 'No Prisoners' with frightening enthusiasm!

Dan MacCarthy
Crafty Dan, also known as Dan United for his ability to play in all positions at the same time. Also works as an undercover journalist exposing the dodgy dealings of wealthy businessmen.

Dave McCool
Dave, from Belfast, has more talent in his small toe than other have in both left feet.

Conor O'Mahony
Conor likes food - all you can eat for a fiver buffets, 48" pizzas, horses etc. Has cow pies for starters. Once overheard proclaiming "I'm so hungry I could eat Germany".

Ray O'Regan
An uncompromising midfielder in the Keane mode. has been fouled, kicked, punched, booked and sent off more than any other BSG player (except Conor Fitz).

Barry O'Sullivan
Since joining BSG, Barry has become a solid and uncompromising full back. The Solskaer of St. Germain.

Diarmuid Veron
Diarmuid likes girls. Most likely to be heard saying "would you look at that wan over there, jeez I could ***** *** ***** *** ********".

Stormed onto the BSG scene when he played in last year's tournament in Toulouse. Most unusual in that he's young, fit, athletic and plays football.

Latest signing with exciting prospects. Untested in the Shyte Corner department.