Posted by: ik Jagdgeschwader 77
: Has anyone tried this online or offline?
The Germans dropped bombs from 109s onto b17s, but remember that their
target was a formation of 500+ four engined bombers. It's nearly impossible
in warbirds, though i have heard of freak occurances. A guy once described
seeing a friend below being chased by a ki. He jettisoned his bombs from
his f4u, and dove down at the ki84. Suddenly, before he ever fired a shot
he was awarded the kill, apparantly one of the 500 pounders he had been
carrying hit the unlucky ki :)

Posted by: Thermo
Message: : Has anyone tried air to air bombing? Just being curious....
I have many times taken evasive maneuvers from falling 'sticks' of bombs.
I have never been hit by one in flight though.

Posted by: cvkilr
Message: : Has anyone tried air to air bombing? Just being curious....
yes a few months ago i was fooling around on the main and flew a ju88
mission from my field then spotted a b17 low, i chased him and climbed above
then dove on him (took awhile) dropped all four bombs and i got the kill
so i would assume the bombs did it not my otto, i was in cockpit view so
i cant be totally sure but well i dont think an otto can blow up a b17 right
away, i might have hit with two bombs though
i dove from a shallow angle and took damage from otto , it was pretty
much blind luck, had no idea what i was doing but i let the bombs go when
i saw him pass by my lower window and waited a bit longer, total blind luck.
anyway it was fun, i have not been able to ever do it off line by the way,
on a turning opponent.
try it out though, just not on me please :^)

Posted by: Pyro
Message: : Has anyone tried air to air bombing? Just being curious....
I've only seen a bomb impact a flying aircraft in WB once. A couple years
ago, Quiz and I were testing something in a test arena with me in a B-17
and him in a some heavy fighter. We got done with whatever we were testing
and I was watching the
scene from external view as he came diving in on me from a few thousand
feet higher. I watched as he dropped a bomb and I could see it fall perfectly
into me and destroy my plane.
That's the only instance I've seen or heard of an inflight aircraft taking
a direct hit from a bomb.

Posted by: jarhed
Message: : Has anyone tried air to air bombing? Just being curious....
I've pulled this one off twice, first time by accident. I was
hvy in a F4U on a base attack mission. The enemy was all over me after
the first pass, (I was carrying a couple 1000 lbers) anyways I had one left
after my pass, and I was on the deck, maybe at most 100' at a pretty good
clip, I had a boggie on my 6 (can't recall distance but less than 10 for
sure) with no chance at evading while hvy, so I pickled my bomb, manuvered
and checked 6 and noticed a kill awarded and no more boggie.
I've done it once since in about the same situation but was sort of hoping
it would work and it did, not very kosher but " better him than me"
Royal Knights

Posted by: Stiglr Stab/JG5 Eismeer
Message: Although not a conscious effort, I believe twice now
I have dropped iron on an airfield and been astonished to get a plane kill
of someone lifting off or sitting on the tarmac.
Historically, the Germans for a time experimented with the idea of dropping
bombs on bombers. Heinz Knoke, in his book "I Flew for the Fuehrer"
details the genesis of this tactic, which was soon abandoned in favor of
the head-on pass strategy.

Posted by: Crucible 1/JG5
Message: : Although not a conscious effort, I believe twice
now I have dropped iron on an airfield and been astonished to get a plane
kill of someone lifting off or sitting on the tarmac.
: Historically, the Germans for a time experimented with the idea
of dropping bombs on bombers. Heinz Knoke, in his book "I Flew for
the Fuehrer" details the genesis of this tactic, which was soon abandoned
in favor of the head-on pass strategy.
I forget the pilot, but it was used in at least one interception. The
pilot got slightly forward and overhead the formation of b17's, then dropped
his bomb using some sort of time-delay fusing. The bomb exploded in the
middle of the formation, immeadiatley ripping the wing off one poor b17,
and scattered the rest of the then scared to death formation.
The technique was ruled impractical.
Cruc |