Early RPS Planes?
Last update - 05 February 1999

Hobo posted 02-01-99 10:35 AM ET (US)        

For those guys that have a lot of success on days 1 & 2 of the RPS, what are your keys? What makes you successful and what plane do you fly?

I've tried every plane and I tend to have mixed results.



ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 02-01-99 11:34 AM ET (US)            

I fly the 109e mostly, and try to stick to pure BnZ tactics in it. Kinda like flying a P-47 . I look for good targets of opportunity who won't put up too much of a fuss.

Planes i avoid like the plague:

Anything with otto, in the early war the fighter's guns are so weak you have to sit behind the enemy bomber to bring him down. Well we all know what happens when you do that, I just don't even bother attacking otto armed ac in 1940, that goes double for the Bf110.

Again I will mention the Bf 110. It dives and turns with the emil, plus it's got a nasty set of teeth up front. Worst of all the 7mm is great at dealing out pilot kills, it can be quite difficult to kill the bastage before he kills you if he knows who to position otto with a firing opportunity.



"I fly close to my man, aim well, and then he falls down." -Oswald Boelcke

Gazoo posted 02-01-99 11:50 AM ET (US)            

Im not in a hurri to tell anyone about which plane to fly on day 1.

In fact I'd probably turn around and leave.

I would be tempted to even fight over this information as I can keep my strikes closer together than on some airframes. And I am a pretty tough guy, able to absorb a lot a shots.

But then I am rather selective in my fights as well.

F/O Gazoo, 401 Squadron, RCAF Rams

phoenx posted 02-01-99 11:57 AM ET (US)         

Don't fly the Hurricane I or Zero2 unless you're in a group, or at least have a good wingman - these planes are too weak for solo work. The BF109E (my favorite) can rack up kills if you remember to keep your speed up and avoid turning fights (this is the worst turning Set 1 fighter). The BF109E barely outclimbs the SpitI and is slower in level flight: you've got to stay above the Spits and faster; don't engage unless you've got an energy advantage. Find a victim, dive on them, shoot them up and climb out. Try not to follow a victim around trying to get the kill (a good pilot can turn the tables on you if you get into a co-energy situation) - instead, pull up and try again. Although I never fly it, the SpitI seems like the best overall plane in the first set - it's fastest, climbs 2nd best (after 109E), turns 2nd best (after Zero2). You'd fly the Spit the same way as the 109, but you can afford to chase a victim around a bit because the Spit turns well (still not recommended, though). Between the Spit and the 109E, whichever's got the energy advantage will probably win.

nrts posted 02-01-99 01:08 PM ET (US)            

Ah, Day One and Two. A coupla things that have slowly sunk in over time:

a) For spit and hurri dial convergence down to 150 or 200.

b) Only fire inside D2 or so.

c) Don't get greedy
