Ram1 posted 01-12-99 09:27 AM ET (US)
That looked really nice what impact on framerate did this have, if any?
I will check spof's pages.

keiun posted 01-12-99 09:44 AM ET (US)
Looks pretty impressive! And Im in awe at how close you were when you
got the kill (but then, Im a dweeb!)
I'd like to have a look at the program too. Whats the URL for spofs news
ta, keiun

wabb posted 01-12-99 10:10 AM ET (US)
Well now would somebody please port this guncam over to the Mac? The
results Lizking shows look great. Now all we need is a Mac version. Somebody?
F/S -wabb- 417th RCAF

tnmn posted 01-12-99 11:51 AM ET (US)
Cool We need a MAC version for sure.
It looks like with guys doing some of imols work sounds, voice, guncam,
websites, they should get a reduced rate!

Toad posted 01-12-99 01:54 PM ET (US)
And where do you get it? Here's the original message.
Subject: Gun Camera for 2D available
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 08:20:53 +0100
Organization: iMagic Online
For you still flying in 2D and waiting for a gun camera from imol, try
the one I made.
Captures screen when trigger is pressed and leaves gifs and/or animated
gifs as output.
To be found at www.canit.se/~rehn/guncam.zip

Spof posted 01-12-99 02:15 PM ET (US)
I'd like to have a look at the program too. Whats the URL for spofs
news page?
The URL is in my .sig. Check Jan 10th's news.
Chris -Spof- Singleton
Spof's WarBirds News

Bloo posted 01-12-99 03:35 PM ET (US)
Just tested this and it has great promise. Mine didn't look nearly as
good as Lizking's but I suspect I have to configure it better.
Go -Rehn-! Looking forward to 1.0!

Lizking posted 01-12-99 04:18 PM ET (US)
This camera program is 100% invisible to Warbirds. It has zero effect
on frame rate or anything else. I use a pII350, ATI rage 8meg vid, 64meg
ram. That one was shot at 40% of screen size. |