avin posted 02-21-99 01:52 PM ET (US)
I use DocDoom's deflection gunsight. You can get it from cuda's gunsight

DGSBDY posted 02-21-99 01:54 PM ET (US)
Without a doubt one of the most effective gunsights in existence is DRDOOM's
gunsight. Just go to the warbird's personal pages, lookup "Sickboy's
Hotel Oscar" and goto that site, There you can actually download this
sight and it will even install it for you so you dont have to "program"
it. I would also suggest getting one of the gunsight utilities available,
I personally love "Gunnsight" which I think is also available
there. Dont forget to check out Cuda's web page with lots of pictures of
various gunsights, although you cannot download them the source codes for
programming them are listed. Doc's sight is very effective for the FW's
and seems to be optimized for snap shots and deflection shooting. I think
you like it.

Drex posted 02-21-99 04:51 PM ET (US)
I use the default gunsight. whatever makes you feel comfortable and doesn't
obstruct your target. Though I did have a skull and crossbones sight in
my 190 for a few months. Kinda' silly

lasse posted 02-21-99 06:19 PM ET (US)
I use a custom sight, and have done it for years by now.
The result of this is if I play WB on a machine with the default sight,
I cant hit a thing.
Commanding Officer
The Wild Vikings

buile posted 02-21-99 07:01 PM ET (US)
The default gunsight is fine. I would suggest one addition to it though:
a single "dot of death" right in the middle.
I've tried a few gunsights and did not like the ones that obscured the
target and the tracers. I found that it's easier for me to hit if i can
see where things are going rather than relying on gunsight gimmickry.
The custom gunsight i am using now is a nice clean circle with crosshairs
similar to the default gunsight. You can see it at the website i downloaded
it from.
I customized it further by adding a dot in the center of the gunsight.
Check out Cuda's gunsight gallery; Avin mentioned it above. Try out a
bunch in offline mode and see what feels the best for you!
Good Luck!

dracer332nd posted 02-22-99 03:08 PM ET (US)
I appreciate all of you guys input. I am going to start experimenting
with some of the suggestions you all made. Of course though if =drex= is
using the stock sights, maybe I still have a lot more to learn and worry
about than which sight I am using. Thanks again gang! SALUTE!

Lizking posted 02-22-99 03:21 PM ET (US)
Get close enough that you don't need one.

Cuda posted 02-24-99 07:35 PM ET (US)
You can infact save the gunsight source code directly from my site...
you just need to know how Windoesn't does naming (long story but I have
a helpfile online as well).
Anyway I would really recommend a gunsight with a bullseye. Personally
I like my "improved bullseye" with a small dotted circle around
the center dot. It makes aiming both precise and quick.
cuda out
Cuda, CO 99th Dragons
Cuda's Warbirds Resources

hygame posted 02-24-99 07:55 PM ET (US)
I have a circle with a dot in the middle for my gunsight, I find it very
effective. there is a < on the left of the circle and a > on the right.
When level, a planes wings fit in the notches, then i shoot. For deflection,
I gauge it myself.
357th FG
US 8th AF

Vicious posted 02-24-99 09:24 PM ET (US)
If you don't fly for Purple the best custom sight would consist of one
very large opaque circle that fills in the entire sight.
Filling in the entire forward view would be even better, but I suppose
that would be unreasonable.
Vicious -vics-
Hell's Aces <+J

dracer332nd posted 02-25-99 11:56 AM ET (US)
LOL vicious, and thanks again to all of you for taking the time to post
a response!

Stiglr posted 02-25-99 03:07 PM ET (US)
Lizking's response made my blood run cold. I concur!!
But, seeing as I'm only an "above average" shot...
DrDoom's sight is the #1 sight of all time!!!! And you don't have to
fly a FW190 to appreciate it. Once you learn how it works, anytime you've
got a bogie perpendicular to one of the ranged lines, if you're not pulling
negative Gs or diving, he's *going* to feel it. I've done a couple of d6
killing shots while in high-G turns...NO WAY I make that shot without that
I have no problem admitting that Doom's sight is one of the things that's
made me the pilot I am today (not that that's *so* great ) |