Posted by: Vertigo (-vert-) CO, The Haze
: Basically, I rarely can get lined up correctly to acually place
much of the ordanance on target.
Here's a quick and easy description of how this is done:
1. You need an overall arena map so you know the layout of each base
(i.e., which way the runway(s) are pointed), and maps showing the various
targets at the base, so you can figure out bombing runs. You can get those
lots of places, like our web site (link above).
2. Figure out the angle of the bomb run you want to hit (i.e., is the
path 90 degrees, 45 degrees, etc.) It's easiest to plan bomb runs which
are either due north, south, east or west, or at 45 degrees off horizontal,
because it's easier to tell if your plane is headed that angle on the compass.
3. Once you know the angle you want, get on that path far enough out
to allow the Norden to reset (about 60 seconds to reset from full deflection).
4. With the Norden green, find the targets in the bombsight, and blow
them to smithereens!
Here's an example. All the runways at light bases are basically 45 degrees
off of the horizontal, and the targets there are neatly lined up along both
sides. So, you can use the runway alignment to guide your inbound path -
you want to come over the target at the same angle. If you're bombing a
light base which runs from the southwest to northeast, for example, you
want to approach from the southwest at 45 degrees (or the northeast at 135
My squad uses protractors held up to the screen in the F1 map view to
make sure that we are on the angle we want to use as we ingress to the target.
That's the short version. If you want a longer version of how this happens,
or copies of our bombing maps, etc., head off to our web site and look at
the Bomber Command page.
Vertigo (-vert-)
CO, The Haze
100th Fighter/Bomber Group

Posted by: =ram1=
Try this:
If you need more help I would be glad to take you up sometime for training.
Make sure you have the latest maps. Once you are lined up on the target
you can make small adjustments without disrupting the norden sight with
small taps of the Joystick.
Anyway if you want some training let me know.
=ram1= XO 901st Immortals
Warbirds Training Staff

Posted by: -gpat-
Message: This is the problem I have, where it says:
This IP should be about 1/2 sector away from the intended target, and
the target should be "lined-up" properly.
the "lined-up" part, how to do it from that far out?

Posted by: Bino (II./JG54)
: the "lined-up" part, how to do it from that far out?
One way to do it is go go OFF-line, get *directly* over the target you'd
like to hit ON-line, and fly on the reciprocal heading out to your intended
IP in order to find some landmark. Hint: WB terrain pops into your view
in "squares."
Easier way: tag along with one of the bomber squadrons as a guest. Check
with them first, of course, but most of them are keen to bring new BUFF
pilots into the fold.

Posted by: Cnuk
Knowing the orientation of the field is essential, MaxØverlays
has in the past always had these arena maps as do several squads. This is
to say knowing how the field will "lie" as you finally get it
into view will dictate from which compass quadrant you'll fly to it/ which
target "run" you will be dropping on. To start with you will probably
want to drop in line with the runway, hitting various targs along it's length
as you travel over it. So saying you know that a field runs NE to SW (do
fields still run on the 45'?), take off from a bomber field, fly at and
outrageous (for a fighter pilot thinking) route , avoiding radar and bad
guys, on auto climb-155 ias (BTW, great time to get some chores around the
house done, WB buffing was the only time I ever washed the dishes). So now
your at alt (IE 20+k), many squares out.
To back track, to start with carry 6x1ks (I assume your in a B17, most
of this applies to any buff but the 17 is the heavy delivery plane in WB).
The 1ks give you more leaway in near misses and will take out any targ.
Have the "." command on single salvo ie, 1 toggle of the switch
releases only 1 bomb. When you get your bombing together ( and you will
with practise) you can start taking 12x500s- dropping 1-500 on targets that
blow up with them and doing a fast "click-click" on targets that
need 1k of ord on them to blow.
So your a couple of squares out of a targ, in level auto pilot and flipping
between the "y" bombadier position and the pilots seat. As your
in the "y" position the norden needle starts to creep from it's
"unsettled/pegged left or right" to the center "green light"
position. This norden "getting the green" only happens while your
in the "y" position. (there are tricks to getting a fast green
but you've got enough on your plate as it is), so get level on auto lined
(grossly) up on a field and get in the "y" position until you've
got the green light, which you see while looking "down" the norden
by holding the #2 on the keypad. When you jump back into the pilote seat
and manuever the plane the norden is thrown of this "green light"
position. The more you manuever the more it deviates. (again, not quite
but for your purposes..) You'll need to get back into "y" to "green-up".
While in the pilots position, touch your joystick and auto-level is disengaged.
While in "y" touch the joystick and auto pilot STAYS engaged.
This is the trick (well, one of a dozens). While in "y" you can
"tap" your joystick to get a slight course correction and the
auto level will remain on, keeping you on that new course. For a long way
out you might want to hold the "up" view #8 to see farther ahead,
making adjustments as you approach the targ. I found from this view the
verticle flat part of the norden site was the true course I was flying.
I'm starting to remember that there is dozens of little things to take
into account to successfully walk over a field, hitting everytarg that is
needed to hit. Does the above make sense? Want more? If so email me (or
anyone else who wants to pick my feable buffing brain) and I'll answer your
questions and send a blurb to you on the drop phase and the extending phase
and I quess there is a landing phase and a formation flying phase and don't
forget the 45 minute of shooting the shit with the other buffers on private
channel phase. I guess lastly would be the tricks I've learned (nothing
you won't get on your own but it might save you a few weeks) or at least
seen others pull off. |