HAMFST posted 12-22-98 07:53 AM ET (US)
Hell, took out a B-17G one day in a Zeke 3 without taking a single ping.
Thought it was skill, but now I realize it was because I can't fly a straight
line... They don't call me HAMFIST for nothing
Flying Squirrels' designated dragger
You can always tell a fighter pilot, you just can't tell him much...

lazs posted 12-22-98 08:33 AM ET (US)
Ok guys here's the short version of how to kill a buff with little or
no danger to yourself. Weave gently back and forth from about d5 back from
the "bus-o-robots".
Yeah, yeah, "it's gaming the game". "It's not historical".
Well.... whats not "gaming the game" about our current buffs?
For that matter what aboiut em is "historical".
The down side to my method is of course that it takes a while to kill
one and they will no doubt be over your field and dropping by then. Also,
of course... it bores you witless. Sheesh.... Feel like I'm giving out the
cheat codes for quake or something.

Bloo posted 12-22-98 08:47 AM ET (US)
You lost me with
"Neg-G unloading from an initially sight too high position (boresight
ahead of your target) ... excess lead pursuit ... you can get a few good
seconds of fire on your target as long as you learn to be accurate. OTTO
will shoot over your head by quite a margin for those several seconds as
he anticipates your aircraft remaining LOADED and in pos-G."
But I understand the rest.
However, my perspective is from the inside of the buff. Got to say I
love those flat 6 approaches. I'll always hop into the tail gun when someone
tries this. And can usually kill or criple the incoming fighter before he
reaches d6 in my FE, often much before.
But Doc, after that great post, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts
from the buffs perspectives. Other than tight formations. 1 on 1, B17 vs.

mw posted 12-22-98 11:58 AM ET (US)
Well that sure is alot of talking for something that seems pretty basic
and simple for me and alot of others. I don't hunt buffs but if I come
across one and I'm in a spitter, I'll take them on if I have at least 1
to 2k alt advantage and boom in from their hi 4 or 8 o'clock. I don't like
to be less than 350 mph and will open up aroung d 8 and just hammer them
till i hit d2 then roll away and pull down trying to protect my head from
a pilot kill. Sometimes I'll go for a wingtip but the last few times I just
aimed where the wings and fuselage meet, x marks the spot. I thought maybe
you were referring to passes on multiple buffs, which I'v not done, but
you do seem to use the singular thoughout. What's the big deal? Hell a spitter
can take a B17 with half his ammo load and survive every time. <shrug>
Do you have to make more than one pass in that 190 of yours? LOL! hehe I'm
in a spitter and never take more than one pass.

DocDoom posted 12-22-98 12:42 PM ET (US)
Bloo : You lost me with
"Neg-G unloading from an initially sight too high position (boresight
ahead of your target) ... excess lead pursuit ... you can get a few good
seconds of fire on your target as long as you learn to be accurate. OTTO
will shoot over your head by quite a margin for those several seconds as
he anticipates your aircraft remaining LOADED and in pos-G."
Because you are "floating" and drifting slightly the wrong
way (for OTTO who is firing where you would be if holding 1 or more POSITIVE
G) he misses you. If you had your gunsight slightly off target (generally,
if upright, this would be above the target) then when you unload, it will
be "on target". Any tidier ? ;]
Lazs : Feel like I'm giving out the cheat codes for quake or something.
Why ? If these attack methods are incorrect, or in some way "not
fair" ... the only way to get them addressed as PROBLEMS needing fixing
is to expose them. That's why we post here isn't it ? ;]
I fail to see the "cheat code" element in what I posted though.
And for MW. The single fighter vs B-17 comments you offered us. Well,
that posting of mine was specifically about 3 ship formations (occassionally
smart 2 ship formations that can *act* like 3 or more ;] since they would
be considered by those who maintain that 1 ship formations are too hard,
as "next to impossible" I guess ;]
Sure, I bore in with an Fw190A-8 from dead six, if I'm REAL acurate and
don't mind losing an engine, I can nail a single ship every time. If I weave/roll/jink
a little, I may not even lose the engine... BUT THE POINT I WAS MAKING was
how to do it taking NO PINGS (or very very few) and against supposedly difficult
odds where our so-called "super OTTO" can nail you but good every
time, like multiple ship formations(of B-17s).
What would the point of posting "bore in with Fw190A-8 and hose
it down vs a single B-17" have acheived ? Brevity, yes, but not a lot
else ;]
I always fly like I could really be killed. At least, except for those
rare times that I can't be bothered and all around me are playing "aerial
quake" ... as such, the less damage my plane sustains as a direct result
of how I fly it, the better for MY gaming desires. This makes me somewhat
more prudent than most, even when attacking a single B-17.
So, tell me folks, are we dumbing down OTTO again because he's "ahistorical"
? Because if you are, say goodbye to hvy bombers in numbers greater that
"I'm new here and thought I'd bomb something" in the Main Arena
... face reality ... those guys who want to fly them RIGHT NOW have much
less chance than their historical counterparts did (they lost what, 5% of
all bombers flown in combat ?) and yet you desire to make their job HARDER
because it's HISTORICAL ?
Sounds to me like you just want easy buff kills. Well, IT ISN'T HARD
NOW. What are the losses for the average buffer ? 95% ?
I am not talking about replicating historical reality because we can't
have 10 (plus) ship formations escorted everywhere as a rule, for reasons
stated elsewhere.
Do we understand we're I'm coming from now ? This isn't rocket science
you know ;]
(actually, maybe it is ;]
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.

Spitboy posted 12-22-98 01:16 PM ET (US)
Sounds to me like you just want easy buff kills. Well, IT ISN'T HARD
I'm with ya Doc. I'm not too keen on unloading, loading and all that
technical hoopla, but your clarification helped. That's exactly what I do,
and tried to explain a while back in a post on this topic.
A single buff is meat. I usually fly the Spit 5, throughout the plane
set. And I can knock down a B17 with no problem, usually on one pass with
hardly a ping in return. You just gotta keep your plane of flight unpredictable
for Otto, who's trained to simply "determine where plane is headed
and put bullets in that spot."
Spitboy -SW- (sb-sw-)

Fryorb posted 12-22-98 01:41 PM ET (US)
The short, short version...
get an alt advantage, and dive in firing all your guns at one engine
or wing until it is blows up or falls off(this should work I have only done
it off-line). A P-39 or Me-262 work well for this, along with any other
heavily armed planes.
OK, so it wasnt all that short...

Gums posted 12-22-98 02:08 PM ET (US)
Well, as a frequent Doc Doom tgt, we 305th buff pukes can certainly agree
that a skilled lite can ruin our whole day (as well as negating the 2 bucks
we spent just getting to the tgt area!).
Most of we buffers agree that otto should be disabled after we bail as
well as when we are pulling over a gee and a half or some reasonable number.
Anyone who has trouble with otto on a 1 v 1 setup needs more practice!
Boring in on a 4-ship is another story. Any lite wishing to take on a 4-ship
of B-17G's by him/herself must be willing to look at it as a learning experience
unless very competent (like Doc Doom, Wulfie and a host of Pigs, JG14 troops,
Only aspect of otto that we buffers seem to agree with lite folks on
is the ability to be airborne ack. Please note that most buff outfits in
this sim do not approve of, condone or intentionally use otto except as
Lastly, the day the buffs are driven out of the sim due to whining by
incompetent lites will be a sad one. Our unit and other serious buff outfits
realize that an unrealistic otto is the price to be paid by the lites until
we can get 50 or 60 plane formations of buffs and the crazy folks like us
that will pay a buck grabbin altitude before dropping a single bomb (not
to mention having to launch from one or two specific fields and spending
another buck to get back where we were shot down). Buff missions are neat
for those wishing comraderie, cooperation, good formation flying and satisfaction
from having executed a well-conceived plan (as opposed to pinball wizards
that simply want to see other folks blow up!).
Any lite pilot wanting to see what the serious buff outfits think is
fun need only contact the 305th, Red Raiders, 925th CABS, Haze, 4th FG,
Hell's Aces, 901st, etc. and ask to fly on a planned mission. Scenarios
are another way to see what it's like. We flew quite a few newbies in Pt
Blank who wanted to see what it was like - ask them what they thought of
Gums **305th BG(H)**

BadMan 4thFG posted 12-22-98 04:28 PM ET (US)
Gee Doc, I luv ya, I luv your pix. But for gods sake, the sakai.gif was
260kb. could ya watch that next time? Some of us are 28.8 ya know.

bubba Lt Col Red Raiders posted 12-22-98 07:40 PM ET (US)
Entirely correct, Doc.
On squad night we usually go in with 12-15 buffs in tight (D1) formation;
by the time we've dropped, extended and dropped again usually a few of us
are down. Rarely do more than three or four of us manage to land.
And this is with the "uber-otto" that so many would-be buff
killers complain about.

Magnus posted 12-22-98 10:19 PM ET (US)
The BEST way to kill a buff is fly about 1000 ft in front of the buff
and 1000ft above it. Then take a bottle of Doc Dooms MG151 FLAKPANZER MOTOR
OIL and toss it to the pilot of the buff. When he catches it and takes just
1 or 2 shots of the stuff, he will be so drunk he will not know which way
is up and proceed to fly his AC into the nearest mountain! SAVE YOUR AMMO,

DocDoom posted 12-23-98 03:03 AM ET (US)
Heh heh, would work a charm, I'm sure ;]
Zombie makes that FlakPanzerOil gear, and it *IS* wicked stuff. My brew
was MG151 GunBarrelOil. Much smoother type of lubricant ... you don't need
to be drunk or stupid or in a coma to swallow it. Being all three is at
least guarrenteed to be your future if you *DO* partake of its charms, however
Nice to see you remember the experience

Shdo posted 12-23-98 06:52 PM ET (US)
Most of we buffers agree that otto should be disabled after we bail
as well as when we are pulling over a gee and a half or some reasonable
just to clarify - unless HOOF has changed this and has not told
us then: OTTO does not fire at 1.5G's and above this was true before
and it is still true. You can setup a demonstation of this. Take you and
a friend, go to the P/D arena and be different colors. Have one of you above
the other and then turn OTTO on - have the buff do a heavy pullup and watch
the G meter and watch when OTTO stops firing and then When it starts again
and how long it takes to recover.
OTTO, also, no longer does instantanious tracking - that was something
modified when HOOF made the changes to the code after 2.0.
We demand hard numbers for fighter data, why not gather that data on
OTTO before getting your nickers in a twist folks.
P.S. niether does OTTO fire on the ground nor can human gunners fire
the guns while on the ground. I know, I tried the other nite when mu Ju52
took a ping and I had to land before I could drop troops and the Gold Spits
launched befor the troops captured the field. Not to say dgoose still would
not have killed me but it would have been nice to do something. |