cabby posted 01-18-99 11:32 PM ET (US)
Yes, IMO, the Hurri I is much more deadly to handle than a Spit I when
i fly the Emil. Dam Hurri's are tough to hurt too. Best way to take on a
Hurri in a 109E is to sneak up on 'em from the low 6 You can put up a hail
of laser bullets with a Hurri, and you can usually get the 109's engine
smoking or shoot off his elevator or stab if u land some hits.
Maj(44th Spec. Ops. Squadron)

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 01-19-99 12:51 AM ET (US)
I find the Hurri to be less of a threat than the Spit1 than the Hurri
if im smart. If im dumb than it can be a real killer. It's harder to hit,
as it turns so well you cant pull a deflection shot on it like you can the
SPit1. The Spit1 can be beat in a knife fight by the Emil, the Hurri cant.
Just ask -rglr-, last night after the frame was over and that crazy ju52
raid was going on he was chasing my Emil home. I did a rolling scissors,
he had to pull up otherwise overshoot, i pulled up and knocked off something
in a snap shot. He made a big 360 turn, i did a hammerhead to reverse course
and finnished him off with a 20mm burst to the face . I know i could never
have gotten away with that vs the Hurri. I respected them in the BoB, but
i was thankful for their slow speed.
"I fly close to my man, aim well, and then he falls down."
-Oswald Boelcke

Kodiak posted 01-19-99 01:03 AM ET (US)
I dont usually worry too much about Hurricane Mk I when flying an Emil.
It doesnt have the speed or climb to be as large a threat as the Spit. My
rule is never try to knifefight with either type. If it happens the Hurri
is easier to beat in an energy fight. "Use the force. Trust the vertical
Luke" If in a really bad position (it happens too damn often) I still
want the Hurri on my 6...easier to extend from.
Kodiak III./JG54

save posted 01-19-99 07:43 AM ET (US)
A. galland wrote about hurricane -
"An nice aircraft to shoot down"

Daff posted 01-19-99 07:57 AM ET (US)
The HurriI is by far my favourite early war plane. I've only used it
in the last 2 ToD's, but this ToD I really got going.
Sure it's not as fast as the 109 or Spit, dont climb as well, etc, but
as long as you got alt on them, who cares .
Also, alot of of Emil drivers are more than happy to swing around with
you, so those advantages are often happily gone.
(Not that I blame them...I feel the same way..Hey..this thing can turn...*yank*
*bank* *alot more yanking*)
It also seems somewhat more durable than the spitter and are alot more
stable platform.

Bino posted 01-19-99 10:33 AM ET (US)
Gerhard Schoepfel on Hurricanes: "...tired old puffers..."
I concur with Schoepfel. Sure, the Hurricane Mk.Ia has strengths (it
turns well, rolls well, is forgiving, and is tough), but like my squaddie
Kodiak says, it lacks speed and climb. IMHO, the Spitfire Mk.Ia is more
of a threat to an Emil.
bino-- <II./JG54>

KATSjg27 posted 01-19-99 01:47 PM ET (US)
This is a good question, which I have a different perspective on. Plane
types didn't win the battles in this event.
The fight was for position, whoever had the better position, usually
won. The fights were only a minute long and low E performance was rarely
an issue. If the Hurri's had alt, they could catch an extending 109 (if
they chose to). IF they fights degraded into a low alt furball, performance
issues were more apparent, but really not an event goal, more stupidity
than anything else on both sides.
The main performance issue IMO was speed at co-E situation, where the
spit has the advantage over the Hurri. 109's and Spits couldn't disengage
with eachother really in this situation, however, mission goals kept spits
from chasing us into France for the most part and 109's were reluctant to
hang around England too long because of Flak, and they're was always someone
higher than you hhehe. So a split S and get outta town ususally worked,
unless you got caught over the channel by some mauraders.
IMO, this event was all about pilot discipline and position...plane types
had nothing to do with success or failure.
Interesting how the spit's DID NOT achieve greater success than the Hurri's
this last frame.
Great piloting on both sides imo.

Gazoo posted 01-19-99 01:57 PM ET (US)
Kats, I have to agree with you about a battle of position. But with one
exception. If I am to attack a JU88 AND I have the luxury of alt, I would
prefer to attack in a hurri.
The guns are a little closer together, which should in theory be better
than the spit with regards to conv.
Also the added manouverablity comes in handing when avoiding Otto after
the slashing attack.
The last thing, is that the hurri can take 1 or 2 more Otto pings before
Otto gets to make another white ring on his gun.
I had a blast flying my Hurri in the BoB. I did not even want to fly
a spit. Would have totaly ruined the experience.
"Just Plane Nuts"
F/O Gazoo, 401 Squadron, RCAF Rams

Mixcoatl posted 01-19-99 04:45 PM ET (US)
posted 01-19-99 12:51 AM ET (US)
I find the Hurri to be less of a threat than the Spit1 than the Hurri
if im smart. If im dumb than it can be a real killer. It's harder to hit,
as it turns so
Ach! So that's what happened to my intrepid leader. I was the Hurri playing
with you and your friend. Rglr was trying to assist me, after I radio'd
"oh gee two 1-oh-9s above me"-well something like that-. Great
Fun, Thanks for coming out to play LW.
417RCAF |