Rebel posted 01-18-99 02:57 AM ET (US)
The Japanese 20mm cannon had a significant lower rate of fire. Lower
rate of fire=less lethiality(less rounds hitting the target). This is from
what I've been told, and limited reading. I could be wrong, but if I'm right,
then the Japanese cannon had about 1/2 the ROF as the Hispano, or any of
the German MK's. You also have to take into consideration that this zero
you're flyin is kinda early model. This translates directly into the technology
at the time....indeed the A6m's were the first aircraft of the war to even
USE 20mm. Played hell with our Wildcats. The KI-84's cannons however.....heheheh
-Rebel out-
487th Lil' Bastards

llbm_MOL posted 01-18-99 03:21 AM ET (US)
It could also be that your cannons are dropping under your machine gun
fire and missing while only you machine guns hit. The zero cannons DROP
quick, alot quicker than the machinegun rounds. But if you were at D1 then
this prolly wasnt it. Sounds like its the rate of fire.

gatt posted 01-18-99 06:56 AM ET (US)
Rebel and llbm are both right. The Zeke 20mm cannon is very similar to
the old FF 20mm cannon mounted on the Bf109E, the Bf110C and the Fw190A4
(outer pair of cannons).
Compared to later Mauser MG151-20 it had a lower rate of fire and above
all a smaller range. Probably Shdo 7,7mm shells hit the Ju52 while 20mm
shells went underneath the ship.
The effect is particularly weird shooting with the 190A4, with 7,7mm,
MG151-20mm and FF20mm all togheter.
Gatt |