jamesg posted 02-12-99 09:40 AM ET (US)
You obviously bounced a Ju52 whose passengers were armed with FG42s instead
of the usual motley collection of 98ks and MP40s.

popeye posted 02-12-99 09:46 AM ET (US)
Heh. The "Ju-52 pullup" seems to be a standard maneuver these
days. I guess it's supposed to make the attacker collide and die. Can't
see much real defense in providing the attacker with a top aspect shot.
I once killed an F4u from the tail gun of a Ju-52. Switched on auto pilot,
jumped to the tail gun, and shot it out with him. Couldn't believe I survived.
Guess he was a newbie.

Bugjam posted 02-12-99 09:52 AM ET (US)
I've been rewarded a kill once in JU52, that was otto. On the same sortie
I got a piece too... and a field capture I never made back to ground in
one piece though. I've been pinged many times by JU52 but killed, never.
It's common for me to get damage from Ju52's during the first days of RPS.
Those .303's need a looong solid burst before that sucker comes down.
VMF-58 Wildcards Rogue Squadron

whwk Red Raiders posted 02-12-99 10:47 AM ET (US)
Heh. The "Ju-52 pullup" seems to be a standard maneuver
these days. I guess it's supposed to make the attacker collide and die.
Can't see much real defense in providing the attacker with a top aspect
This manuver is done for two reasons. The first is a defensive move to
try and get the aggresive stalker to try and overshoot. It is not to try
and promote a ram. Believe me a Ju52 driver doesn't want to die after flying
for 20 minutes to an airfield. In reality there are no good moves I know
of to survive in a JU.
The second reason you pop up over the control tower in a Ju52 is to get
your troops to fall straight down, hopefully on top of the CT. It is a better
tactic than stringing the troops out over a base. The troops run in a straight
line and one fighter with the right angle can take them all out in one pass.
Out of all the Ju52 missions I have flown (not many maybe 50) I think
I have killed maybe 5 attackers. Usually by means of a manuver kill.

funked posted 02-12-99 11:15 AM ET (US)
Yeah the pullup is not for a ram, it's to make the fighter miss. If you
are ramming Ju 52's you need to watch your closure and stop firing earlier.
It's a slow plane so you can't keep firing until d1.

popeye posted 02-12-99 11:15 AM ET (US)
In reality there are no good moves I know of to survive in a JU.
Exactly why I think the "pull up" is designed to cause a collision.
The Ju driver is taking a chance that he will survive. Otherwise, he knows
he is dead meat.
If the attacker is so fast that he will overshoot, a nose low break will
be a better move for the Ju driver, since it might get the attacker to redout
and auger, and the Ju can recover back on course quicker than he can from
the pull up. The pull up gives the attacker a beautiful shot -- if he doesn't

whwk Red Raiders posted 02-12-99 11:50 AM ET (US)
hehe, a nose low break at 10 feet agl is kinda tuff Popeye, but will
keep that in mind
I know what you are talking about though and pulling straight up with
a fighter on your six with no speed is crazy)

wulfer posted 02-12-99 12:07 PM ET (US)
Even if the pull-up move is to force a collision, I could consider it
a respectable maneuver. If a 190 is zooming in on your Ju52's six, and you
just continue flying low and slow, you are going to die. No doubt about
it. But, if you pull up, you force the attacker to choose between continueing
with the attack and probably colliding and dieing, or pulling out of the
attack, and letting the DrunkWagon live for another few moments. Its the
game of "chicken."
If xorn had had an escort close to him, I would not have been able to
quickly set-up another dive on him, and he would have lived.
There's nothing wrong with the pull-up move, anymore so than pointing
your forward guns on an attacker and making the attacker choose between
a foolish head-on or breaking off the attack.
If your gonna die anyway, might as well take the attacker with you, right?

madmax posted 02-12-99 12:25 PM ET (US)
Nope Popeye, ur wrong. wrong. wrong. <g>
Buss drivers go for the pull up simply because they have no other way
to go. Like whwk said, nosing down at 10ft is inherently dangerous, and
the Ju52 simply is not know for its roll rate.
May I ask you this? How many times have you collided with a Ju that has
performed this manuver?
Anyhow, under current settings, once a Ju is "made", he is
pretty much ded meat anyhow. I fly them often during squad meets, the most
I have been able to hold off a single attacker was about 4 passes usually
dying within sight of the field. On the other hand, when incorporating a
stealthy approach route, using natural geographic features for cover I have
been 80% (ok, approximation here) successful in troop drops and captures.
When I am feeling especially nasty, I just cruise the normal straight
on approach routes to a field in jeopardy at 50' in my FW just looking for
the slow motion blob on the horizon, rarely disappointed.
Lt Col "madmax", X.O.
"Tempest Squadron" 463 Bombardment Group

ssipila posted 02-12-99 12:26 PM ET (US)
Hehe...I once got a kill in a Ju52 - I was lumbering along towards a
red airfield us golds were taking over, and saw a red get interested from
a long way away.
There wasn't much I could do, so I switched to autopilot and went to
the external view to get a good look at the butchering about to happen.
The red turned out to be a Zeke. He zoomed
in from my high 6 and went straight for the kill, without trying to fool
Otto with anything. Good old Otto opened fire on him with that puny MG without
having any deflection to take into account, and the red didn't have time
to even sneeze - KABOOM
I discoed just one minute or so later, but
I was still chuckling...

Stiglr posted 02-12-99 02:40 PM ET (US)
1) I have had my 109's engine pinged into bad health *several* times
by JU52s. It seems to be one of those "some days it happens, other
days it don't" things. Other days, I can rack up 5 of 'em in a row
and never pick up so much as a scratch on the paint. Go figure.
2) I LOVE to see the JU52 pull-up. I plan for it as I drift in, correcting
my speed. It's almost always to the left, and I have a just-as-standard
rudder stomp and turn that allows me to stitch the doomed JU52 all down
the fuselage, usually getting a stab along the way. When I see debris fly
clear, I chandelle, pulling off in the opposite direction and he lurches
down into terra firma. If I'm flying a 109K, this usually happens even faster,
as just a few 30mm shells get the job done.
3) Just to balance things, I can remember with acute embarassment at
one sortie in the Main where I saw a lone, unescorted Kate down about 1KM.
Outraged at the *audacity* of this dweeb (it was 1943 in the RPS! what's
this guy thinking!!!), I swooped in, thinking all it would take was shouting
"boo" to collect my kill. But this Kate was game!!! He juked,
he jived, he dodged, he reversed.....and finally, he KICKED my BUTT! A pilot
kill from the rear gunner after smoking my engine and causing me to nearly
empty my guns! The fight lasted at least 6 gun passes!!!! That's right,
I fell to a Kate! A KATE!!!!! I got "my butt whupped and my airplane
took"!!!! I don't remember the guy's name (I was expecting it to be
toad), but I will never forget that humbling.
Jagdgeschwader Funf Eismeer "The Hellspawn from Herdla"...one
of a select few historically-based Luftwaffe squadrons, flying principly
in the HA, SL, WW and other organized events.

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 02-12-99 03:48 PM ET (US)
don't feel so bad guys, drex (with the help of 4 other frogs) shot my
p40 down with his ju87! And yes, i have shot down numerous zekes while flying
the ju52, dunno how but i did .
ik |