From: "-audi- VF-17 8X"
To solve the first thing first and the second thing second.... use glarsmaps
so that u have planned yr attack right.. the maps show all the emplacements..
come in from 8k or higher, use the f1 zoomed view for placement, go vertical
[down of course] and drop at 3k or 4k or so.. WEP zoom away with rudders
from side to side and a roll here and there. Hope I am right ;-)) .. then
-audi- VF-17 The Jolly Rogers 8X

From: fergus
This used to work a lot better in 2.0, but nowadays with super-otto its
tougher :)
It is preferable that you don't do this all by yourself or you will draw
all return fire alone.
1) high approach with eggs:
8-10k arrive over field, pull up and trottle down to kill forward speed.
Roll over, dive straight down (big 40mm emplacement makes best target) drop
at 2-4 k (depends on how low you can go and still pull out), hit the gas
and get out rolling and weaving madly.
2) low approach with eggs:
Go fast 1-2 k aim and dive slightly beyond target, pull up slightly and
drop a little before you would loose sight of the target. Even a proximity
blast will take out an ack.
3) low approach with guns (fast, 1-2 k):
On the first pass otto will not open up until you are past the target.
Pick one of the outlying acks at the end of the field and approach perpendicular
to the field (from one side). Fire secondary armament (depends on plane)
at long range, ie when you can make out the brown patch. Fire all guns and
keep going straight and fast out the other side. Roll and weave close to
red/blackout (otto can't follow that).
Repeat as required. However, once you have stirred up otto with the first
pass he'll be watching you and open up before you get to the next target.
Two remedies for this: get some distance and then come back, and/or suppress
the next emplacement with accurate fire from long range.
Note about Net-lag: Always consider that even under ideal conditions
there is about a 4 second delay between you and everything elso you see.
This means no matter how often you hit it the ack won't blow up utill you
have passed over it. Remember that if you leave yourself vulnerable it will
take 4 seconds for the consequences to reach you. In all matters you need
to be literally one step ahead to survive. Once you hear pings it may be
too late to start evasive manouvers, so get a head start.
Best Planes: P39 (lots of 303 to supress target and 37mm to finish, takes
a good marksman though), Hurri IIc (hard hitting, manouverable and tough),
F6F (lots of ammo, manouverable, fast and very tough)
Hope this works
<damn ... now I have to try this myself> :)
fergus |