Beaz posted 04-06-99 07:38 AM
Well I sent 2 photos of the Mossie with the outboard bombs to MO the
other day as evidence for the historic loadout.
As to your question about why you don't see many Mossie's in the arena
we had quite a good discussion about this some weeks back. The problem appears
to be with the bullet radius that the Warbirds gunnery model uses and the
fact that the elevator seems to part company with the aircraft after only
a couple of pings 95% of the time... drives me nuts.
Wulf explained that the bullet radius was set to 12 inches which I think
means that if you can imagine a plank of wood fixed at 90 degrees to your
elevator... anything hitting this is going to cause damage to your elevator
before it does damage to anything else. The problem is exacerbated with
Warbirds current "laser" guided gunnery system. When we get the
DoA gunnery system with bullet dispersion and energy depletion of the round
things might improve. This is not the only aircraft that suffers from this
problem... the P38 springs to mind as do most of the bombers including the
B17... can't see why they don't do away with this bullet radius stuff for
Daren [beaz details a Mosqutio mission (Into
the Lions Den) in another post lower
down... make sure to read that one - front]

Warloc posted 04-06-99 08:05 AM
Affirm Beaz,
I love the Mossie, it just seems to part with it's elevator a little
to easy for me right now. Hopefully 2.6 will change this.

roblex posted 04-06-99 09:02 AM
633 squadron flying under Green is a dedicated Mossie squadron. We find
that it is a very effective hi-alt precision bomber, climbing to alt very
fast, dropping on target and escaping again while the defending fighters
are still climbing. It is also great fun to take a whole squadron in at
400mph at 10ft with rockets and decimate a field in a surprise attack. Of
course Beaz should have mentioned this as he belongs to the Duxford Wing
which comprises 249, 617 and 633 squadrons
If you dont see Mossies it may be because they are passing overhead at
350mph at 15K and all you see is hangars and ack exploding
Roblex 633

fltp posted 04-06-99 09:11 AM
Mossies? I love 'em! Just ask anyone in the 4th! I used to fly them about
50% of my time when they were available, but I've gotten out of the habit.
The mossie is an exceptional bird for about 2 or 3 days, but then it's severly
outclassed speedwise. Also, it's ord load is outdone (IIRC) by the P-38s
and P-47s pretty quickly.
Still, some of the most fun I've had involves taking a "lite"
mossie to 7K and hunting drunks. Sometimes I don't even use the 20mm's.
I once got into it with 2 B-25's flying in a wing pair (they were "name"
players, don't remember who). I got my butt handed to me due to their wing
tactics (and otto's laser guided fire).
She's a sweet bird but her time in the sun doesn't last long enough for
me in the current RPS.
-fltp- <4th FG, 334 SQ>

Kekule posted 04-06-99 09:53 AM
Recently, as of last tour, I started flying the Mosq a more than I ever
have. I'm still new at this game (only played 6 months) so alot of aspects
are still new to me. What I did find out about this plane is that the bomber
with 4x500 lbers is quite fun. You can do high altitude pin point "Norden"
site bomb runs, or the Mosq can effectively be used as a dive bomber (with
some speed to get away, too!) Having both bomb methods available make this
a versatile and fun plane for me to fly. On the other hand, as has been
mentioned in previous posts, the bomb capacity isn't that great and the
Mosq bomber is completely defenseless (no cannons or guns )
The JU 88 has a higher bomb payload as well as Otto, but is much slower.
I'm certainly no expert in the Mossie, but I'll definitely be flying
the mossie bomber more this tour. Maybe even give the fighter a try!
| Kekule |

Strider posted 04-06-99 10:11 AM
The bomb-load is, unfortunatly, smaller in warbirds than it should be.
I have pictures at home of mossie 6's with 2 in the bay and 2 on the wings.
If you add that loadout option it becomes much more viable. I've also read
that later marks (at least) had a max load of 4000, and carried that normally.
Thats a hell of a lot of ord in a small a/c like the mossie.
Some questions: I've had a hard time sizeing up its performance stats...
is it faster on the deck than the 190A4? How does it compare speed wise
with the mid-war planes that it faces when it comes out? I have a rough
idea..... seems like I get caught by spit9's a lot and that should not be
happening (terrible- a spit9 shooting at a mossie... *sigh*)
... got to love those cannons though. In an HO merge, if I see even 1
ping on the bad guy, I don't even bother to look back anymore as a wing
at least got blown off

brendo posted 04-06-99 10:21 AM
I just feel that mosquitos are historically overrated. While it is true
that they are lighting fast, it is all realitive. A 190 can be fast too!.
My point of view is from one of my first Mossie kills. He was at 13000-17000
feet, bombing, I intercepted in a stock 190a4 from way down at 7000 feet.
I caught up to him in the climb. Closed in his blind spot after 2-3 minutes,
then unloaded 4x20mm in his ass.
He said it sounded like rain on the airframe, before it blew.
If an a4 can catch one at that altitude, then they cant be THAT fast-
therfore what advantage do they have if not their speed?

Strider posted 04-06-99 10:39 AM
Maybe an A4 "shouldn't" be able to catch one at altitude.
What the the specs like for an A4 vs a mossie?

paarma posted 04-06-99 10:46 AM
Well, Mossie is a easy as any bomber to catch when they are bombing..
It's the 150 mph needed for Norden.

Yak posted 04-06-99 10:47 AM
Catching a mossie at alt is too easy? I caught one in a zeke. Does that
mean I agree with your statement? No.
The reason you can catch a mossie at 17k is most likely because the Mossie
was buffing a field. You can't bomb a field at 250 ias. Virtually every
buffer will slow to 150 ias or so before the final bomb run. That gives
anybody a fair chance at catching you.
As to those who say the Mossie's rep isn't deserved: I recommend you
take up the buff version of the Mossie, and have a friend take up a B25
at the same time. When your friend is at 6k, you will be at 16k, and you'll
be a few miles out in front of him. The Mossie is simply incredible as a
buff, in terms of climb rate and speed. If they had 6 eggs, nobody would
ever fly B25s.

DGSBDY posted 04-06-99 11:52 AM
There are several instances of FW's of all marks catching and killing
Mossies, especially on the deck. Many of the specialist type raids were
flown like this, the Amiens Prison raid comes to mind, where in this instance
the mission leader was lost to an FW.
Hienz Knoke even wrote of catching a Mossie
in a 109G in a long tail chase.
And if anyone hasnt yet, run out and buy a copy of Osprey's book on Mosquito
Fantastic pics and stories!

Tomb posted 04-06-99 11:55 AM
he mossie presented here in WB is a series one...the later series twos
(FB and B) versions carried bombs/rocks/drop tanks on wing pylons..the FB
version in warbirds therfore is a sort of series one and a half
both varients are very early war versions
the fighter bomber version did not change much in warbirds terms though
the pure bomber version did..two speed two stage merlins and in 1944 bulged
bomb bay doors for 4000lb blockbuster bomb...ability to fly and BOMB from
40000ft in the final versions
420mph at 13000ft
for some very odd reason the power in the WB version falls off as soon
as you get above should be good to 13000ft in the early version
its combat record speaks for itself as it has the lowest combat loss
of any plane in WW2..not bad as most of them had no air to air weapons
Tomb posted 04-06-99 12:33 PM
You can't bomb a field at 250 ias.
Beg to differ - the Norden is off target at that speed, but with a bit
of practice you know where to drop to hit at a certain alt. I might be a
bit sceptiacal about hitting fuels, but even that should be ok if you cut
throttle to 0 and make the Norden "creep".

DocDoom posted 04-06-99 01:06 PM
All the Mossies are busy figuring out where all the Fw190s are ... and
flying somewhere else
Seriously, I have brought down every Mossie I've seen, bar none, in an
That isn't a great many, I'll admit, but it is every one I've managed
to find
Their biggest problem seems to be that they insist on running, and then
when it's too late, they try dogfighting
Many many accounts of Fw190s and Mosquitos. Especially from the real
633 Squadron. The Mossies did real well when they stayed together (99.9%
of the time) and fought like a cross between a wagon train and a snake under
When the Fw190s could contain their formation (basically = have plenty
of fighters there) the situation was often reversed and the Mossie pilots
were in serious kim-chee.
The main reason that the Mossie forces (as a whole) lost fewer aircraft
than pretty much any other type (number 1 in this regard, no ?) was that
the aircraft in question were high, fast at that height, and often difficult
to actually find/intercept given real world constraints like fuel state/speed/closeness
or otherwise of friendly destinations ... operational proceedures that never
prevent WB pilots from "getting their man no matter what" but
certainly did in the real world.
A flight of 633 on a mission, cornered, was always going to be a hard
fought engagement where anything could happen. Both the Mossies AND their
opponents could could home on either end of the outcome.
(sorry, have to go, just spotted a mossie co-e to the west of me about
4,000 yards)

lazs posted 04-06-99 01:17 PM
Yep, just goes to show ya.... Don't put to much faith in the opinions
expressed on this board. Both the Mossie and the (LOL) JU87 were THE most
requested planes at one time. Huge threads about how much everyone would
use em.... Both Dodo birds.
Now, contrast the Mossie and 87 with say a Mustang MKI/P51A/A36. The
Stang would appear in the '42 no plane choice era. How many people do you
think would find the Stang a usefull ride?

roblex posted 04-06-99 01:32 PM
I fly Mossies a lot and I rarely get shot down on the first pass. I haved
never found a need to slow down to 150 though I may throttle back to 75%
about 15 seconds from drop and I usually destroy even the difficult targets
such as radar first time. The only times I get shot down is when I have
been distracted on the run in and had to come back or I have got cocky and
hung around to watch the fight. Yes the mossie goes down fast when caught
but with a little care you can reduce the chances of being caught to almost
zero. The thing that kept mossie crews alive in WWII still applies in WB,
most interceptors will get caught with their pants down by the speed and
height of the mossie attack. The film and book of '633 Squadron' tells the
tale of a mossie squadron getting decimated on a mission but that was because
like the real life Dam Buster mission they were attempted a very unusual,
near suicidal mission that they were not ideally suited for and would not
normally attempt.
It's a lovely plane pity it does not have a better bombload or the 633
bomb bay and guns combination.
Roblex 633 Sqdn

bjh posted 04-06-99 02:40 PM
Yep, just goes to show ya.... Don't put to much faith in the opinions
expressed on this board. Both the Mossie and the (LOL) JU87 were THE most
requested planes at one time. Huge threads about how much everyone would
use em.... Both Dodo birds.
lazs, I'm really going to have to disagree with you on that one. I seemed
to see Mossie IV's only slightly less often than b25s. You don't see the
FB version terribly often, but that's likely due to the relatively poor
ordanance loadout as compared to it's contemporary fighter bombers.
Personally, if I really want to make sure that something gets buffed,
I take a mossie. It's quick enough to get there in time, it carries a usefull
load and with proper tactics can deliver them accuratly. Just wish I could
do full speed runs like roblex. <salute>
And although I don't do it very much, if you're going buff hunting, the
FB is a great tool. Twin engines for survivability with the firepower of
the FW and no convergence issues. Except for the seeming fragility of the
elevator, it's right up there at the top. And, if you want loiter time,
NOTHING beats it.
I guess I'm saying that *in my experience* it's been a very worthwhile
addition, both for me and from what I've seen of others using it.
On the other hand, no, the ju87 does not routinely make apperances in
the MA, but there is a whole world outside the MA. You might as well say
that they should never have bothered creating the SBD or TBF in the first
place. Only see those maybe every other TOD. And yet, they all serve a purpose
don't they? They add to the mix elsewhere. Blitzkreig, 'nuff said.
I guess my perceptions of things differ lazs. I think they've made their
investment back. Both stuka and mossie.

ddot Spectre posted 04-06-99 02:41 PM
I love the mossie My bomber sorties this last tour were exclusively
in the Mossie. I flew about 30 sorties and never got shot down. I had to
run a couple of times, and the only time anyone got in guns range it was
a 190-by the time he caught up to me I was at F1 so I dragged him through
the ack and he died (why some people insist on following you down from 20k
to 10ft to just die in the ack is beyond me).
Sure it dosen't take much punishment, but if you always have your eyes
open and spot that con as soon as he pops in range, just drop the nose and
haul ass for home
-ddot- Spectre

Strider posted 04-06-99 02:52 PM
You don't see the FB version terribly often, but that's likely due
to the relatively poor ordanance loadout as compared to it's contemporary
fighter bombers.
Exactly the problem. They were supposed to carry 4 bombs, not 2! That
PLUS the cannons in the nose. Also, didn't the bomber version carry the
4 in the bay plus the 2 on the wings.
On another note, I once got bounced by a 190D in the HA. I was running
for home after a drop in the mossieIV. He missed on his first pass and then
put the brakes on to turn with me. We went into a flat turning circle at
100ft, and before long I was on his tail. He started to run, with me in
hot pursuit....
I had to laugh... here I am in an unarmed mossie, CHASING a dora! Whenever
he gained enough separation to break back in at me, I'd turn hard and we'd
go back into the circle. Before to long, however, he'd just get spit out
again with me behind him. The dance finally ended when a fellow 417'er in
a mustang polished him off.
Lousy 190 pilot for turning, but its suprising how well mossies CAN turn
if needed, particularily with a bit of flaps.
Mossie stories, got to love 'em

SnakeEyes posted 04-06-99 02:58 PM
Beaz is dead-nuts on... d8 elevator losses and a laser-guided Otto make
the Mossie a relatively unsustainable aircraft choice.
Lazs is also dead-on. IMOL has this mentality that we need additional
aircraft for use in Scenarios and SLs. Frankly, I'd rather see some of the
latewar birds than another SL throwaway aircraft that nobody ever uses (can
you say F2A?).
Fourth Fighter Group

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 04-06-99 04:25 PM
You don't see many mossies because most of the guys who were wishing
for one wanted a furballing uber plane. Similar thing happened when the
P47 was voted into the planeset, no one flew it at first.
We'll see more mossies when 2.6 comes out. The nose guns will be a big
plus and it will lose its glass tail that is characteristic of our 1.5 foot
diameter tracers.
"I fly close to my man, aim well, and then he falls down."
-Oswald Boelcke

funked posted 04-06-99 05:21 PM
A LOT of the desire for the Mossie was because Fighter-Bomber tactics
were very common before the "upgrade" to WB 2.5.
In 2.01 you could take fighter bombers, close the field, kill the cons,
and capture the field with a landing. It was fun! You could play strat and
win the war while still getting kills and not having to fly a bus. I can
remember taking out 5 targets, getting 5 kills, and capturing a field all
on one hop.
In 2.5 you have to get Ju-52's in. Now it's (perceived to be) more important
to just knock down the ack and vulch while your Ju-52's come.
Also 2.5 brought much increased .50 cal, 20mm, and 40mm ack accuracy,
and the ack can not be suppressed anymore!
As a result, fighter-bomber skills have gone down the toilet. I can't
remember the last time I saw a well-executed jabo attack. It's been months.
Most of the buffers seem to be still dropping stuff, but the non-buffers
seem to be exclusively furballing just outside their own ack, or vulching.
Anyways, I think both Mossie variants are great planes. But the porking
of the strat model has removed the demand for them.
BTW Yes add the extra bombs! And add the 2 x 250kg wing bombs on the
Fw 190A!

triggr posted 04-06-99 07:19 PM
One other point. The external view for the Mossie buff is porked on the
Mac version so I don't fly it as much as I would like.

ddot Spectre posted 04-06-99 07:27 PM
There is no external view on the mossie buff because thats how it's supposed
to be. Only buffs with robogunners get the external view to simulate all
those eyes scanning the sky.
-ddot- Spectre

Beaz posted 04-07-99 05:00 AM
There is no way I'm going to fly a Mossie FB when I can fly a P-51 or
an F4U on an FB mission when they carry the same amount of ord and I'm twice
as likely to survive because I don't have an elevator that goes "ping"...
Also... my personal belief is that the Mossie is way too fragile in general
but maybe thats simply because of this thing with the bloody elevator again
and my perceived annoyance over a period of time... probably. I'll pass
judgement once 2.6 is out. I'm hoping the new gunnery system sorts out the
problem. I don't think it will entirely but it should be a hell of a lot
better than what we have right now.
To answer "ik" Mossies are flown stupidly in the arena anyway...
alot of people think they can take off in one of these "hot" rides
loaded to the gilles with bombs and rocks and hit the nearest airfield,
turn with the cap and come out heroes... just doesn't happen... if your
in the bomber version then there is no better IMHO and once you get upto
about 18k+ very few people are going to be able to catch you but if you
use it as it was historically intended then you can seriously piss alot
of people off ...and it is real adrenelin rush even in the MA... try this...
Into the Lions Den
Try this if you want something different. Its an acquired taste and it
doesn't appeal to alot of people... but for me it tastes really good when
you get it right This is how to have fun in a Mosquito and seriously piss
off alot of people on the other side at the same time... depends on what
frame of mind you happen to be in... if I'm pissed off in any way and feeling
particularly nasty I fly these intruder type sorties, this is the number
one adrenelin rush in the main arena IMHO and will only get better when
the new gunnery model comes out. This is a high risk sortie. The chances
of you coming back alive are about 3 to 4 in 10. This is increased in the
HA arena to about 6 in 10 due to the decreased icon ranges... but still
very dangerous! I often imagine that I've just sneaked up on someone and
ended their 30-40 kill streak ... makes me feel so much better... hehe
If you happen to try this with a wingman doing the same thing then your
survival goes up by a factor of ten as you can cover each other while the
other guy attacks. Voice comms is essential for this!
The idea here is to stake out the back of an opposing airfield in an
unexpected place and vulch people taking off or coming into land... nasty
I know... evil I know... satisfying?... Oh yes, especially when you play
cat and mouse with people in "The Lions Den" and eventually land
the sortie with 4+ kills The best time to try this are the 3 days following
the introduction of the Mossie FB into the RPS so that you don't get run
down by P51's and high powered FW's or Spits.
Take a look at the map in the tower and study the directions that enemy
aircraft are moving too and from. If you can see on radar a steady stream
of aircraft taking off for an opposing airfield, maybe your own but these
are usually not the best, then chances are that there is some sort of operation
on to take the other colours field. Situations like this that entail two
other opposing colours are absolutely ideal, they just don't expect you
at all. A target field with only one runway is often the best as you can
predict the flight path of aircraft taking off and coming into land. You
want to pick an airfield and "hunting" position whereby the enemy
aircraft taking off ususally turn immediately towards the opposing airfield
and start to grab... idealy directly over the top of you... its human nature
you are preying on here... the need for the other guy to get back into the
fight ASAP The absolute ideal situation is if two opposing colours are
really going hammer and tongs at it. It becomes obvious after a while that
if one side has a numerical advantage then that one side will eventually
launch Ju52's to try and take the opposing field... you have a window of
opportunity. When this happens you have reached the "holly grail"
of intruder flights.. lots of nice fat slow juicy targets
Once you have picked your target field for your intruder flight grab
a light Mossie FB, lots of nice cannons , put no more than 20% fuel in the
tanks. The Mosquito will fly for ages on 20% fuel... its probably way more
than you actually need for the sortie! Take off and fly no more than 50ft
above the ground so that your icon doesn't show up to any enemy aircraft
over d21 to you and you stay off the enemy radar. Fly flat out at 50ft and
watch the speed rise to 340-360 knots. Proceed to the target area via a
non-obvious route... keep the speed high by making slow shallow turns...
use rudder in the turns to keep the nose down. Use hills to hide behind
and valleys to travel along until you get to your target area. Once at the
target area stake out the back of the opposing field and wait at 50ft for
something to appear... learn the lay of the land... plan your approach and
escape routes. This takes alot of concentration flying so close to the ground
and at such high speed... all part of the fun You can get quite close to
the opposing airfield without the ack going off but be careful... this is
also all part of the fun
When something does appear you have to way up all the pro's and con's
of wether to attack or not... identifying the aircraft is probably your
number one priority. Decide wether the guy has seen you or not... which
direction is he flying... is he ascending or decending... wether or not
he may be damaged and unable to manoevre properly? What is his energy state?
Put yourself in the other guys cockpit... ask yourself what is he doing?
Are there other enemy aircraft in the circuit and if you attack will you
be seen by those other aircraft?
Once you have decided to attack you have to time your run on the enemy
aircraft so that he is far enough away from the airfield so that the ack
doesn't go off and yet he is still low enough so that you can disappear
in the weeds quickly if the need arrises. Plan out your escape route before
hand because once you go above 300ft to engage your target then your icon
will appear to enemy aircraft all the way out to d69 and you will be seen
on radar... so be careful
I usually steer clear of B17's and B25's as otto usually does you alot
of damage. Other Mossies are sriously good fun as are Ju88's, 110's, Ju52's,
Zero's (because they go bang nicely)... infact any other plane that you
think you can sneak up on and escape from the situation. You need to approach
from obviously very low 6 and keep your time above 300ft to a bare minimum.
Streak in and fill the opposing aircraft with 20mm cannon shells and then
get out the area. One pass is all thats needed. You might be able to stay
around the airfield if no one has seen you... the next 20-30 seconds are
critical in deciding this as you try to hide in the undergrowth again. The
pilot of the aircraft you just killed probably won't be any wiser as to
what actually killed him if you did it right. If you stay too long though
then someone will eventually pick you up. I usually stay for 2 kills and
then rtb... anything over that then you are definately pushing it. Once
you have rtb'd then choose a different target airfield for your next sortie...
the simple reason being that people wise up pretty quickly and enemy "search"
aircraft start appearing in places that they have no right to be
Now... one Mossie flown in this way is all thats needed to seriously
piss off an entire countries effort in taking another airfield. If you time
it right and a whole load of Ju52's appear then you can just wade into them
and escape before any fighter escort has the slightest inkling that you
are indeed in their neighbourhood.
Try it... its a pure adrenelin rush... brilliant nasty fun But beware
it is high risk and the chances of you coming back alive are about 3 to
4 in 10 in the MA.... not for the feint hearted
Beaz CO
249 Squadron RAF "Gold Coast"
"With Fists and Heels"
Part of the Duxford Wing

roblex posted 04-07-99 07:40 AM
Somebody mentioned that JU88s do not get used a lot. I can tell you what
JU88s excel at...dragging! Try it sometime. Load up with bombs drop them
on a field from about 5K and keep going. As with the Mossie you will probably
get in unmolested but as you leave you will pick up two or three fighters
on yr tail who will follow you for ages not believing that they are not
catching you. Slow down a little until they are just in range and they will
obligingly sit there as you pick them off with your rear guns. For some
strange reason people see a JU88 and think 'Slow bomber without lethal rear
otto' and chase it where then would have let a Mossie go. They then sit
there ignoring your rear guns when your speed means you can place them exactly
in your gun range but out of range of theirs.
I have done this several times and it always works. Those of you who
fly in DOA just imagine how stupid it would be to chase a Bristol Fighter
that has rear guns above and below.

fltp posted 04-07-99 07:54 AM
As far as the mossie being a useless plane that people just whined about,
I disagree. I don't think the mossie is useless, I think that IMOL has neglected
to put in any targets of value that the mossie would have been historically
used to hit. I may be wrong, but I seem to recall that the mosquito was
used on precision strikes on targets with strategic value. We don't have
any of those. We have targets with tactical value, but not strategic (IMHO).
Put in cargo shipping, sub pens, headquarters for the enemy's army and the
like, and give me some reason to hit it. Make it hurt the enemy if I take
out the target. Then you'll see more of them.
Also, the mossie normally used weeds and underbrush as cover while moving
to and from the target area (IIRC). In the water terrain, there is none.
I can see mossies pretty well against the water. Give us a terrain with
mountain passes, valleys, forests, etc, and I bet you'll see more of them.
Just my HO-
-fltp- <4th FG, 334 SQ>

Starre posted 04-07-99 08:17 AM
I dont know whats so hard about hitting targets at full speed with the
The last sat of the last TOD our Squad sent Three of us out on a Tactical
strike mission. The three of us hit ALL the Frogs Radar at ALL FIELDS with
no RTB in between. All three were in Mossie IV
I Myself got the radar at f14 and f13. another hit f26 and f25. and the
other hit f12 and f11.
The purps had gotten f31 as I was approaching f13 so thats all the fields
that the frogs had at the time.
For my runs I was at 19,900ft at full throttle.
I dropped one hashmark above the center and dropped 2 bombs on each radar.
Frogs promptly started to lose fields after that.
Any frogs that were on that saturday, Thats why your country went blind
for 1/2 hr or
so (another gold had also hit the port at same time)

Moose posted 04-07-99 11:49 AM
Man, when the Mossie VI came out, I was in love. I even ran up a couple
of 8-kill streaks in it flying against other fighters. Eventually I went
back to planes that didn't shed their elevators in strong wind gusts, and
ones I could see out of. Nevertheless, if flown with the same kind of discipline
as a P-47 or Dora, it's a pretty fearsome opponent--just get out fast if
anybody higher shows up.
But the Mossie VI is still damn good at a couple of things. Otto notwithstanding,
it is the best bomber interceptor in the game, bar none. It will continue
to climb and fly almost 400 mph TAS at altitudes where most 190s are wheezing.
The four 20mm cannons are concentrated in the nose so they are much easier
to aim than those in the 190 and can concentrate their hitting power on
one spot--plus they have more ammo and are easier to aim than the twin 30s
on the Bf 110G. And it has the performance, speed, range, and durability
(except for that glass elevator) to take on a B-17 and win. Remember, Otto
may be able to hit you easily at d8, granted. But you can also gut or de-wing
a B-17 at d8 with the 20s--I've done it many times. Hopefully both of these
will no longer be possible with v2.6.
The FB.VI is also a king-hell vulcher. It's a fantastic field-suppression
plane while waiting for the Ju 52s to show up. Use the bombs on any acks
that happen to come back up, use the 20s to vulch, and use the near-endless
supply of ammo for the quad .303s on any Zekes that happen to roll. Just
keep a couple of single-engined friends handy to scrape the parasites off,
and you're golden.
Flying Pigs

Baal posted 04-07-99 10:58 PM
Both Mossies are wonderful planes, but they are lacking somewhat....
1. The elevator and in fact the whole tail unit comes off waaayyy too
easily. Perhaps the new gunnery model in 2.6 will help this. I sure hope
so. Currently if I attack a Mosquito while in my Spit IX I only need a 2-3
second burst with the two .50s only, no cannon, for a guaranteed kill. Unfortunately
I've only got anecdotes, no hard stats, but in my IMO its' durability should
be about the same as a B25.
2. The pilot's seat is waaayyy too low resulting in lousy visibility.
Eye level should be about 2/3rds of the way up from the fuselage to the
top of the canopy, not an inch above the fuselage. Also, the Observer spent
a great deal of his time kneeling on his seat facing backwards to watch
for badguys. A real life advantage that's sorely lacking in the WBs mossie.
I wouldn't want to see an outside view like with other buffs, but something
should be done to address this. Very unlikely until IMOL completely reworks
all the cockpit art though.
3. IMOL gave us the bombloads of the Series I Mossies. Perhaps because
they were afraid it would be an uber-plane if they did the later, and far
more numerous, Series II. The FB.VI should definitely be able to carry 2
500lbers on the wings as well as 2 in the bomb bay. And although I can't
be bothered to look it up right now, I'm pretty certain the rockets weren't
used until late 1944, in which case Series II would make a hell of a lot
more sense. As for the B.IV, 4 500lbers is the proper loadout in the bomb
bay, but again, 2 more could be carried externally of the wings. The Series
II could carry a 4000lb cookie instead, but if 500lbers were being used
the load was limited to 4 of them in the bomb bay. Right now there's absolutely
no reason to have a 4000lb cookie, but maybe soon we'll get some interesting

Yoyo posted 04-08-99 03:15 PM
Personally, I love the Mossie for what it does. In the AWT it's a great
bomber to march down the island chain (F22/30/32/27) with a JU52 below.
Climbs like a batouttahell.
I'm hoping the new gun modeling will somewhat alleviate the fragile tail
problem. And a larger bomb load would be nice...

JayJay posted 04-08-99 03:48 PM
I agree with Baal.........
For me..the Mossie bomber is bar none THE bomber to get in and take out
those last pesky acks or hit radar. I have yet to be intercepted and shot
down in the mossie bomber.
while the ftr version does have good firepower, the VISIBILITY reaally
s***s! I spend way too much time rolling and yawing trying to see/identify
cons, and in any type of a dogfight...way too easy to lose sight of your
opponent. Because of that..I rarely take up the ftr version...and only then
for a buff intercept. |