Posted by: Strykr
Message: : I'm not one of the hottest pilots on WB as many
opponents already know much to my shame. But if I have one real strength
it's in using SA to call 6 to a fellow Countryman.
Wish I could make 6-calls. :-( If I see a fellow countrymen in danger
and try to make a 6-call and fly at the same time I usually lose my bearing
and end up fodder for some observent 109 jock or spin out and lose my e
advantage. If I set auto-trim I am a true sitting duck. You guys that can
type and fly at the same time amaze me! I feel I will be more effective
by concentrating on the a/c that is closing on my countryman and shake him
with some 50 cals. I feel bad about not making calls and if I am in a safe
position to do so I will, but you guys that can fight and type at the same
time are great. Sure wish I could do it, but I can't. I have to look when
I type. Maybe no 6-calls, but I'll never run from a fight, won't rtb with
one round left, and never leave ya hanging if you need a clear.
C'ya in the skies
Strykr out

Radar calls help too! (NT) - Quagmire (The Volunteers)

Amen! Try to call ALL enemy cons. Never assume your countrymen has
spotted a bandit. NT - funked =925 CABS=

Posted by: Stiglr Stab JG5
Before I get into this, let me say that personally, I give 6 calls whenever
I can! But I never *expect* or *rely* on them, except for my squadies. Now,
that out of the way....
I've said this before and I'll say it again:
YOUR 6 is YOUR responsibility; don't try to pawn it off on others because
YOU'RE fixated or inattentive. Work on your SA!!!!
You assume a *helluva* lot when griping about not receiving a 6 call;
here's the list of assumptions you make:
1) The other guy(s) sees what's happening and doesn't himself assume
you see the bogie on his 6.
2) The other guy can type fast enough to warn you, and speaks your language.
And oftentimes, he may be faced with the dillemma, "Do i type a warning
or fly in and blast the guy off his 6"? He may choose the latter.
3) The other guy has country radio in his buffer (he may be a committed
squaddie who ignores anyone not in his squad and tunes out 100).
4) The other guy is experienced enough to see what's going on and make
the decision to warn you.
5) The other guy *gives* a rat's butt. (in all seriousness, not everyone
plays with the team approach)
Too many variables. And, how many times have you been pissed about not
getting a 6 call, died in a orange and yellow fireball, then looked back
at the buffer to find 2 or 3 people actually *did* warn you, but it scrolled
by too fast or you just didn't notice it??? Be honest...I know it's happened
to me many times.

Posted by: -deft- VVS -=Red Falcons=-
Keep calling sixes. If you dont get any in return call them anyway.
I think you will find, if you call peoples sixes, although they may not
return the favor immediattely, they will in the future (as they learn).

Posted by: Jester ~Hell's Aces~
Message: I find that I call 6 very often, better than most, to
my fellow purples and in general find that they call 6 for me as well.
When i call 6 I tell the guy (usually) the position of the con..
ie --jstr long hi 6... so the purp doesnt just split -s right away..
because bad 6 Calls are annoying..!
sometimes I call 12o, a con is in front of you.... as you may know you
cant see all of whats in front and below you when flying.
i may call 12o lo..
ie --jstr 2x 12o lo (2 cons 12 o clock low)
if your in a fight or bz about to be in a may want to call
"ibs" or inbounds. I tend call ibs to get that purp im flying
near ready to either ditch the inital fight we or he/she may be in or prep
for the "in bound bogeys".
ie --jstr 3x ibs ur 3o (3 cons inbound your 3 o clock)
remember that the way you call 6 can dramatically improve your survival.the
more friendlys in the area the greater YOUR chances of staying alive are
if it gets hot.
Jester ~Hell's Aces~

Posted by: =Gryf=, CO Rogue Gryffons
I have to agree with the issue if six calls even work sometimes. I know
I call them as regulaly as my SA and level of ability allow. it's hard deciding
on getting the guy on someones six, or calling the six.
Too often you call the six, miss your shot because of the call, and the
guy dies anyway cause he's not reading the buffer.
Ellobo, If I see your 6 in trouble, I'll call before I chase :)

Posted by: delta-
Good post ellobo,
I try whenever possible to give 6 calls. However, I am usually not in
a level attitude situtation, where I can jump to the key board and take
(perception here) the inordinately long time to get the buffer up and type
away. Another minor problem is my cheap keyboard. The key spacing is definitely
tighter than what I use at work. 70 to 80 % or so of my typing at a keyboard
is done at work. Thus, I 'm used to a certain feel and when I attempt to
type anything on WB, I usually get the world's worst "fat-fingered"
text you've ever seen. My gut reaction is to correct the typos (usually
do). It's an artifical limitation but one none the less.
Back to level attitude. It usually bad (for me) to leave the stick and
go (two handed) to the keyboard, especially when the A/C in Not on Auto
and level. I am trying to develope a one handed technique (left one at that
- I am right handed) to type calls. It'll take some time.
I do agree with you 100% that giving and receiving 6 calls is extremely
important. The current computer and software limitations are such that sometimes
1) put yourself in a possible dangerous situation by taking the time
to type (the majority of the prob) the 6 call - or
2) apply 100% of your resources to your immediate situation.
If there were an easier (I've read of some using macros to do so) and
faster way to give 6 calls - you certainly would hear them from me, ***
provided you fly for gold ***.
PS maybe someone who uses macros to type 6 calls could post on the details.

Posted by: popeye
Message: : PS maybe someone who uses macros to type 6 calls
could post on the details.
I use a programmable throttle (CH Pro), and have a simple macro that
helps with six calls. A single button will send: (space)666(return)".
To transmit a six call, I need to type the player ID, then hit the macro
button. I also have the impluse to correct typos, but find that a quick
garbled ID is better than a slow corrected one.
When I find myself winging with a particular player, I'll tune a private
radio channel to him. Then I need only hit two buttons, the radio and the
macro, to send "666".
Other macros that I use are: "dragging", "in", and
popeye |