Posted by: -deft- -=Red Falcons=- (Militant VVS Punk)
The p40b rocks :) Due to its weaker firepower, it is strictly an early
war RPS plane (softer planes flying around early in the war).
You should always try to get at least 12000 feet before engaging anyone.
Begin your attacks BnZ style using energy conservation. Since the p40b is
a much poorer power climber then its younger sibling the p40e you almost
always end up relying upon its good turning ability after a few high speed
The quickest way to turn your p40 is to bring the nose up into a climb
and bleed off speed to 100IAS, rudder in the direction you want to turn
and roll the plane in the same direction, pull back on the stick and you
will have reversed.
You should pick on planes with light armor in early RPS. Leave 109's

Posted by: Knfe Buccaneers
Message: Early war is not the only place for the p40b. Being that
it is my main ride I fly it throughout the rps. I get the BEST kill streaks
in the last week of the rps. And I have out turned your late model zeros.
As for the little guns. Yea I must agree. But with good accuracy I have
been known to take down b-17Gs and have about 50 rounds left in each gun.
Oh yea, I have played offline and on the deck 200mph you can get it all
the way around in a loop with the use of flaps. Turn like hell and you will
do just fine.
Gold P40B baby!!!

Posted by: Tigger VF-101
: You should pick on planes with light armor in early RPS. Leave 109's
Dunno Dreft, See a lot of 109's low and slow when ever I'm up, find them
fairly easy to knock down from within D2 with a P40B. Just my .02 worth.

Posted by: G-PAUL
Talking of P40b's, us WB flyers in the U.K will shortly be blessed with
the presence of the Worlds only airworty example thanks to the utterly brilliant
Fighter Collection at Duxford!! Having been restored by Steve Hinton's fighter
Rebuilders at Chino, it flew for the first time on Sept 2.
Once test flying is complete it will be shipped to Duxford. Roll on next
years Flying Legends!
Check out the TFC'S web Page
Paul |