Strykr posted 02-13-99 07:12 PM ET (US)
Wait! I thought the P40 was the secret uberplane of WB. Been flying it
right along with fantastic results. Thought after Blitzkrieg, where thr
P40 really shone, more would fly it in main. Guess it's our little secret.
Strykr out

Konrad posted 02-13-99 07:15 PM ET (US)
P40 is a great plane before the 109F comes out. I don't fly it because
I know I dont stand a chance against any competent 109 drivers and if anyone
from my JG would see me I would suffer greatly at their hands holding the
stick to their uber-109s .
I guess other people don't fly it becuase they don't think its any good
or they just want cannons like they get in a spit.

Wells posted 02-13-99 07:33 PM ET (US)
One of my absolute most satisfying sorties was in a P-40E. I was flying
CAP and these Spitfire's kept coming over in sweeps. They must look at P-40's
and say 'ah, no threat...' or something, cause they seemed to just ignore
me as I picked em off 1 by 1. I ended up with 6 Spitfire kills on that sortie
and landed. It is slow though and doesn't climb as well. I prefer the P-39
over the P-40. It's a bit faster, climbs better and turns pretty much the
same as the P-40E. I still haven't got the hang of that 37mm though...probably
never will! hehe

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 02-13-99 08:49 PM ET (US)
Well ccasey, after 1940 the P-40 is an easy plane to beat if your enemy
knows what he is doing. Unless they're accustomed to flying Sbd's, most
pilots who try it will find it to be inferior and go back to their normal
ride. I do like the P-40 though, and I fly it from time to time. The P40b
which can maneuver with Spits, just doesn't have good firepower, and the
P40e which does have good firepower, is easily beat by the Spit (unless
your name is deft). So it's kind of a catch 22. And you're really in trouble
if you run into a Hurri II.

Dixie posted 02-13-99 08:55 PM ET (US)
Nobody here. I fly the P40 quite a bit, mainly 'cause it has such a nice
disposition as turnfighters go. I have two 5-kill streaks to my credit in
WB, and the only one in which I successfully RTB'ed was in a P40E. Kittyhawk
power forever!

Deft XO Red Falcons VVS posted 02-14-99 02:36 AM ET (US)
The p40 stinks, it is probably the worst plane in warbirds. This plane
should be avoided at all costs. You should never even consider flying it.
I hate the p40, all p40 pilots are dweebs.

Dixie posted 02-14-99 10:46 AM ET (US)
Oh, wait, Deft's right. God, how could I think such a thing? You P40
pilots are sick, sick, sick people! Get help!

ccasey posted 02-14-99 11:47 AM ET (US)
As for ik's comment about if the enemy knows what he is doing, well,
it is possible to beat ANY a/c if the person knows what they are doing.
And well IMO the hurri2 hurts just about any aircraft it can get on the
6 of... and it hurts fast... Unless they used to flying SBD's ik? Wow, so
thats what you really think of the 109... lol :-)
See, I am used to the 109, Spit, Zeke, F4U, 262, and of course the P-40...
Ok now to be serious...
I can see the point about some people think the the P40 being inferior.
However since I never seem to live long enough to get high and fast like
most a/c need, I tend to aim at a/c that can be flown well under lots of
conditions. And see the P40 works for TnB in late war when everyone seem
to fly the less manuverable rides (I prefer the P40b myself), and BnZ in
early war against slower but more agile rides. However the biggest mistake
I see is when people see the P-40 and say "oh wow, P40 in late RPS?
A tuurkey shoot", and by doing so under estimate the target. And guess
who goes down in flames? (well they do, but sometimes I do, if the person
was better then I assumed)

Deft XO Red Falcons VVS posted 02-14-99 07:51 PM ET (US)
The best asset of the p40e is that people assume its a dog. And it is.
It turns terribly (horizontaly)
It accelerates terribly (nothing like being outrun by troops when your
taking off)
It likes fuel and drinks alot of it. (never tried fp oil in it but look
forward to it at the next con )
It's roll rate and elevator response (trim assisted) is excellent all
at all speed ranges. The p40 is probably the single easiest plane to break
out of compression lock in.
It maintains its energy well after building up a head of steam. I like
to approach a furball 5k above, dive to 3k below the highest con (450-475
ias). Most of my kills come while I am nose up.
It's a stable gun platform, and it's a pig that can absorb alot of punishment.
The trick is to keep your e up through a rapid progression of maneuvers.
I don't know what the other 40 pilot's main tactic is, but 9 times out
of ten i'll bate with my 6 let them overshoot and hold my fire until they
think they arent threatened. (let em jink from 2-5 range while they extend)
Rather then burn my E by trying to acquire a jinking target, I just wait
for him to level. A p40 can keep up with a rolling FW for a LONG time in
a dive and high speed shallow run if you wait for him to level before acquiring
If it's a spit they all break into a climb. Since it's predictable (it's
the correct thing to do in a superior climbing plane right?) It makes them
IK was right about the hurri II, mortal enemy of the p40. Aside from
the hurri II there is only one other aircraft type I fear on sight in a
coalt situation. The f4f.

Dnil posted 02-14-99 08:05 PM ET (US)
The f4f is a piece, only dweebs fly it. The worst plane in WB, highly
over modeled. Please do not fly the f4f.
Maj. 900th Bloody Jaguars

Dixie posted 02-14-99 08:20 PM ET (US)
Nice to hear that someone uses the traits of the P40 correctly in his
dogfighting I, OTOH, use the P40 largely in a dual role. First, I climb
to a really nice altitude. Then, I begin circling a possible target. Cut
the eng, dive, and let 'er rip with those .50 cals. When I (hopefully) have
taken out target number one, I begin to utilize the low-alt abilities of
the P40. Personally, I don't find that it turns badly, so I can keep pace
with Spits and F6F's pretty well.
From a hi-alt start, the P40 can become a good E fighter. Lower down,
it turns pretty well, but since it gets low and slow a little TOO easily,
you hafta have air superiority when you engage (more of your color than
their color)

wapner posted 02-15-99 12:16 PM ET (US)
Dunno guys...
I don't really see the slowicane as a big threat to the 40...just dive
away if you need to. Ditto the f4f...
The great enemy to me is the ki-84. The only thing you can do is try
to dive away, but if hes smart he'll just follow you high and ease down...he
can catch you easily over the long haul.

Konrad posted 02-15-99 01:13 PM ET (US)
Deft wrote: "If it's a spit they all break into a climb. Since it's
predictable (it's the correct thing to do in a superior climbing plane right?)
It makes them vulnerable"
How does it make them vulnerable? I did a h2h with a relatively new guy
to wb, he was in a 109F I was in a Spit5, and I couldn't touch him. Why?
Becuase he would just climb out easily whenever I got on his tail.

Kevdog posted 02-15-99 02:05 PM ET (US)
I think Deft is referring to how he dives to gain speed, then levels
out below the con and climbs up on their 6. They think the p40 can't follow
them up, so start climbing, but since he's just dove for speed, he follows
them up when they're slow and fat and shreds them with the 50s.
If the P40 didn't have smash (extra E) in speed, then no, it wouldn't

GunsGG posted 02-15-99 08:34 PM ET (US)
My favorite tactic is just to loiter over a furball untill I see an nme
with no wingman...not a hard search. I usually start 3-5k above them, flying
level until they disapear under my nose, then roll inverted until they are
directly under me. I cut the throttle to zero, point the nose straight down
and use "old exterminators" roll rate to wind up on the poor guys
tail at about d1 to d3, then i hold the trigger down till I'm sure he's
dead. Then WEP in a safe direction and claw back for altitude.

Deft XO Red Falcons VVS posted 02-16-99 03:50 AM ET (US)
no wingman...not a hard search.
I usually start 3-5k above them, flying level until they disapear under
my nose, then roll inverted until they are directly under me. I cut the
throttle to zero
I NEVER cut the throttle for any reason other then letting a wingman
form on me.
I don't really see the slowicane as a big threat to the 40...just
dive away if you need to. Ditto the f4f...
The hurricane can catch a p40 in a dive. The f4f can dive with a p40
for a good while, and it also accelerates quicker.
The great enemy to me is the ki-84. The only thing you can do is try
to dive away, but if hes smart he'll just follow you high and ease down...he
can catch you easily over the long haul.
Just out turn him. ki-84's have a horrible wingover stall. A move the
40 excells in. Coupled with a 40's superior roll rate, a ki-84 shouldn't
be able to lock up on your six for very long before you can shake him.
How does it make them vulnerable? I did a h2h with a relatively new
guy to wb, he was in a 109F I was in a Spit5, and I couldn't touch him.
Why? Becuase he would just climb out easily whenever I got on his tail.
Take a spit diving on a p40e's six about 50 mph faster then the 40. The
p40 should dive at whatever angle necessary to achieve 300-325 IAS and time
it so that he reaches that speed when the spit is d6 behind him. Fake a
split S, roll back over and pull up. If the spit is at 350 ias, and the
p40 is at 300-325 ias it can easily turn inside of the spit in a vertical
loop even if the spit starts the climb before he overshoots.
Even if he went straight vertical, the p40 pilot has ample time within
range to hammer the spit by following him.

zooom posted 02-22-99 01:40 PM ET (US)
One of my friends says this is his favorite plane. I always had the impression
it is a dog in WB. On his advice I am going to try flying it more. Any advice
to a dweeb like me.

fd ski posted 02-22-99 02:13 PM ET (US)
Pjmy, i think that's streaching it P40's were charged with bombing mission,
therefore you can't use the results to compare 40vs 109 and 190 as a pure
Bartlomiej Rajewski
S/L fd-ski Sq. 303 (Polish) "Kosciuszko" RAF

Pjmy posted 02-22-99 02:47 PM ET (US)
Obviously, the P-40E is a mid-war plane (actually a late-early war plane)...but
as we say but tend to forget, it is the pilot, not the plane, that often
matters most.
401 RCAF Rams
CM Staff

scrump posted 02-22-99 07:50 PM ET (US)
Let's put it this way .. with a full fuel tank and humping a 500 lb.
bomb ; the P-40 is so slow it has calander in place of the rate of climb
indicator. And is so slow .. it's been known to take bird strikes from the
rear :-)
416 RCAF "The Lynx"

Stiglr posted 02-22-99 07:56 PM ET (US)
There was actually a time when I just *couldn't* fly the 109E (and actually,
I'm only somewhat better in it now). At that time, I flew the P-40B during
early RPS for a bit while I cooled my heels waiting for the 109F.
I discovered that the P40 is a commendable mount. No, it can't climb,
but if you're a smart flyer you MAKE time to get some alt,and don't just
take off from the nearest field under attack.
The P40 is a deadly *bastard* when diving on planes; nothing in its time
period gets away from it when it's got smash. It can turn till the cows
come home, it's tough and its got lots of spray and pray ammo for those
so inclined (me, I prefer a nice d2 or closer solution).
Haven't flown it much lately but with my little flirtations with the
Hawk I was very impressed.
And I sure as hell won't forget any time soon the effect these birds
had on Blitzkrieg.

BB Gun posted 02-22-99 08:15 PM ET (US)
The problem I always have with the 40 is it's VERY heavy elevator, and
I fly the 51D a lot, an ac not realy known for its light elevator.
When I fly the 40, I am ALWAYS banging on my trim keys to assist the
poor elevator response. It fools me into thinking its locked up when really
it just
Needs.....More..... PULL!!!!
Once I get over the inclination to under control the elevator, and as
long as I gain alt, and dive away if and when I lose the advantage, it is
a pretty effective plane for me.

ccasey posted 02-22-99 10:29 PM ET (US)
The P-40 is a great plane. So far most people are talking about its disadvantages
and very few advantages. Well the TOD's I do the best in are the ones in
which I fly the P40...
Its turns with spits, it rolls with 109's, it has reasonable to good
guns depending on the which version. It is a very easy plane to fly with
very accurate guns. It dive great. Compression is almost not noticeable.
It has lots of ammo. Good visability. It can take a bunch of damage and
still make it back, and it is the easiest plane to ditch. No in my opinion
if you are a good enough pilot to take advantage of those things, those
advantages out weigh ANY of its disadvantages. If you are a smart pilot,
then it is deadly... if you oftem fly zekes and take off from a vulched
field then... well... good luck... |