mmouse posted 04-16-99 12:25 PM
So far after flying for a few hours offline and using a friendly convoy
as targets, here is what I've found so far:
2x2 min. rule (200ft AGL/200 IAS) same as torpedo runs.
It would appear you have to be fairly close, d4-5 and have timing right.
The bomb seems to do about 4 skips before detonating itself.
On a moving convoy, I found my attacks worked best coming in at a 45
degree angle to the bow of the ship, (I think them squid types call it the
beam, not sure tho...only a grunt ; usually by the 3rd/4th skip, the bomb
would impact midships or slightly aft.
Again, bear in mind that this was done with no one trying to shoot me
down or done on a hostile convoy, so it could be different in the arenas.
Hope that helps a little and hopefully others more knowledgable and experienced
can add to this...
Now I'm off to try the para-frags!
*Pale Riders*
"Who is General Fail E. Ure and why the heck is he trying to read
my hard drive ?!

Ram1 posted 04-16-99 01:32 PM
mmouse I would change your analysis to the following.
1. Alt for drop 100 feet.
2. Speed, as fast as you can control.
3. Plane must be level and stable on the target.
4. You get 4 skips, each skip gets smaller. If you impact something it
explodes, if not it explodes after 4th skip.
5. Effective range will depend on plane speed but use 2-4 destroyer lengths
as a rule of thumb for max taget range.

Baxl posted 04-16-99 01:42 PM
Get on over to Cuda's gunsight gallery, and download the gunsight for
the B-25H. Using the bottom line of this gunsight, and going at 200 ft at
200-225 mps, drop when the bottom line on the gunsight hit the ships hull
line. Hits every time!
Warbirds: CO *Pale Riders Squadron*

Stump posted 04-16-99 04:36 PM
Awwww... Baxl... thats not as much fun as watching the bomb skip up into
the side of the hull... just lots more efficient! I've been useing a small
mod of that sight for about a year now.. love it!! one bomb, one kill on
an ack. 2 side by side 25's should cause havoc in the shipping lanes now!!
"The Volunteers" HA and Scenarios
501st <Fighting Flys> MA and beyond!

timber posted 04-16-99 04:54 PM
OK Stump
Whats the mod?? Fess up.
<snip from Stump>
I've been useing a small mod of that sight for about a year now.. love
it!! one bomb, one kill on an ack.
RDCM USCG (Retired)

SnakeEyes posted 04-16-99 05:05 PM
Raml... I'm not certain about your bounce analysis there... I've definitely
gotten some variability in the number of bounces I get depending on angle
and speed.
I suspect that there's some sort of limit based upon angle and speed.
Above the limit you get an additional bounce, below it... Boom!
Fourth Fighter Group

Stump posted 04-16-99 05:18 PM
Timber: Sorry, nothing special.. I just went and lowered the aim point
one line and swapped the box thingy with an "X".. It forced me
not to guess when to release.. I just release on the line, at the apex of
my "X" and "BOOM" dead target.
Wish I had a better "mod", something truely inspired...

scrump posted 04-16-99 06:06 PM
Hey Stumpp! Not only do I remember that B-25 gunsite you made .. I *still*
use it religiously to this day. It works for me
P/O Scrump
416 RCAF "The Lynx" |