Posted by: lazs
Moose, I think you have given it a lot of thought and pretty much nailed
it. You pretty much explained the popularity of the spit in the main.
You maybe left out the fact that they are available the whole time and
that makes for less (or no) acclimation time. Also, with so many varieties
that are usable they have the advantage of surprise "which version
am I fighting?'.
To go a step farther... I think that we could very easily get more
variety in the arena (if people do indeed want some variety). The introduction
of good T&B early planes like the P51A would go a long way towards
adding some variety, plus, have an early 51 for people to transition from.
Additions like the stuka and (to a lesser extent) the mossie are all but
useless in the main.
You mentioned the ability of the FM2. I believe that we have an untapped
source of variety in the Navy planes. Simple artwork fixes would make planes
like the FM2, Hellcat and Hog much more appealing to the masses and new
guys and..... deadly to the experts. Plus, it's the right thing to do and
it's probably inevitable anyway. Obviously the best and most correct solution
would be the addition of rearview mirrors but I was told that they needed
to get temp. guages modeled first.... Another simple art fix would be to
give the P38 series the "wonder woman" braceing that that the
190 series enjoys for "playability" reasons. Again, it would be
the fair thing to do and it would make the arena a more interesting place.
Lastly, ... Model coolant loss. A hit by even 1 riffle caliber bullet
to the fragile and cimplex liquid coolant system of inline engines would
put that ac out of action in very short order, probably 1/3 the time it
would take for oil loss to become a problem. If you think about it, this
would have a huge effect in the arena and als,.... it is correct so far
as reallism goes and very simple to implement. I mean, we allready have
white smoke and temp guages!

Posted by: hilt (Spectre)
You make a lot of good points. The spit is one of the best all-round
airplanes in WB right now. The beauty of them (the 5 and 9) is that they
can function as both furballers and e fighters. But, as usual, it depends
on why you fly that determines what you do. If you just want to tnb in the
fur, you're gonna die, no matter what you fly. But I love flying the spit5
during late war not for the furballs (which i try to avoid), but because
it's one of the best planes to capitalize on an enemas mistake. I get great
satisfaction when I'm following a bnz ac when all he has to do is put his
nose down and he gets away, but no-they turn-and then I'm waiting for them.
Anybody with half a brain can get away from a spit5 during late war. But
somehow I still seem to rack up the kills.
If you anti-spit people can lay some evidence on the table that the the
WB spit is modeled wrong, I'm open to it. I'm all for historically modeled
aircraft. But if you can't, the you better develop better tactics against
them. Here's one-don't turn. A good example: the other day in my spit5 i
got bounced by a ki84, a few pings but no damage, I followed him for a while
and he pulled away to d15 or so. Suddenly, inexplicably, he decides to pull
up to try and go over top. I lazily followed him through his loop and finished
him off. His mistake. If you don't make them when you fly those ac, the
spits (5 and 9) will never touch you.

Posted by: =ram1=
I also think you are seeing more Spits because many of the trainers,
myself included, recommend them to the newer pilot because of they are
so well rounded and are good vehicles to learn about warbirds. It used to
be the P38 was recommended but with the RPS it easier to recommend a Spit
since they are available from day 1.

Posted by: ik Jagdgeschwader 77
I can see why a newbie needs a well rounded plane. But for how long
are you guys going to keep recommending "spitfire?" (G) Till they
make up 90% of the main? hehe.
ik |