Posted by: worr :
Message: : I close on this fw at 15k and just before I shoot he hammers
his stick forward. I follow suit and all I see is REDOUT. It is obvious
to me that he made some blind manuevers because when I regain site he is
We talked about this very move at the con lecture on guns defense. Its
a simple below thenose negative g slide. Its very effective against someone
who has a snap shot on you. Itwont work the best against a tracking shot,
I saw other's mention rudder moves and slides, just remember one thing.
The rudder isn't going to produce that much yaw when you forward rate of
travel is minimal. If you are slow get fast if you can.
BTW....I posted up the outline from the con. If you want it I can repost
it. trgo's server keepskicking out on him.
Worr, out

Posted by: Beagle
Message: : On the reverse side, my biggest weakness is gun defence.
Anyone want to share some tricks?
This isn't really guns defense, but in a way it works :-) It is almost
the same thing as the dora in your situation did to you - using the red
out as a defense. If, for some reason, you find yourself without E or about
to be shot at, pushing down on the stick and kicking rudder will do the
trick. I fly the 38J, and whenever I find myself in a tight spot (which
happens too often ) I turn until I think I have about a second until my
pursuers have a shot...then jam the stick forward and hit the rudder pedals.
True, you don't know where you're going...but with a little practice you
can kind of judge what your plane is doing, and when you come out of it
you're almost invariably clear, or at least in a better position than before.
PS - I learned that tactic from a book about Eric Hartmann - and it works,
by golly! :-)
BeagleWB: bega
Posted by: hoof
Message: : I saw other's mention rudder moves and slides, just
remember one thing. The rudder isn't going to produce that much yaw when
you forward rate of travel is minimal. If you are slow get fast if you can.
I think you mean sideslip, not yaw. You flew the P39, and 2.0's P39 isn't
much different. That baby yaws 30 degrees or more with full deflection at
120mph! :)
At high speeds, a 109 or 190 with good rudder authority could easily
sideslip at a very rapid rate. Which could really throw someone off. At
slow speeds the yaw action mostly misleads the opposition as to where you
are going (as most people use nose position to determine direction of travel).
You need to do this subtle-like, and not jerk into a yaw at the last minute
(otherwise your ruse fails).

Posted by: hoof
Message: : On the reverse side, my biggest weakness is gun defence.
Anyone want to share some tricks?
IMO, the #1 defensive manoever for guns defence if a bogie is on your
6 or 12 is a barrel roll.Time it so that a 360 takes 4-8 seconds (too fast
and it doesn't work). You are then carving a circle for the enemy which
is really tough to track. Compound that with the flight path prediction
algorithm and the 2 updates/second, and you have a situation where you appear
to the shooter to roll, he adjusts, he's about to squeeze off a few rounds
(or he does and they're in flight), boom an update arrives and you micro-warp
out of the way.
Make sure to reverse the direction of the roll every revolution or so
otherwise he'll start to learn how to anticipate where you will micro-warp
Also remember that you don't need more than 1 to 1.5 g's to do this (this
allows you to retain your E and your altitude, while he's pulling g's to
get the shot). I learned about this part when I was in a SpitV with no elevator
(back when no elevator meant *NO* elevator, not the minimal elevator control
you get now :) and I was able to hold off 4 pursuers for a whole sector
while pulling only 1 G.
The beauty of this technique is that it seems to the average WBer that
they can get the shot, so they pull that extra G, roll that much harder,
vector themselves downwards or so, and end up blowing E trying for a very
low percentage shot. I avoid getting hit 99.5% of the time in HOs this way
while retaining E and not giving away any angles advantage. I also use this
against diving Doras, since I know they don't want to slow down. I also
use this to drag nme low and slow to a friendly airbase if I'm in a bad

Posted by: para
Message: Biggest thing for me is to be aware of when the approaching
opponent is about to shoot, and change the plane of my maneuver to throw
off his aim. It often doesn't take much, and his frantic effort to keep
the shot may provide you advantage as well. Be aware because of net lag,
what he is seeing on his computer is you where you were perhaps a second
ago. That is, imagine you are trailing a "hit me" ;) sign a bit
behind you. Don't trail that vulnerable area in front of him (in your view).
When he's camped on your 6 o'clock it's a bit harder, because just about
any maneuver you can think of to get away, a canny persuer can use to his
advantage to build or maintain an energy advantage enabling him to remain
a threat. It's important to do rolling manuevers with some stick pull so
he has to roll after you - leaving him snapshots rather than deadly tracking
If he gets wings aligned and pulls for gunnery lead, then you should
have been evading again a half sec or so earlier. His bullets might be already
on the way.
Take him to where you can drag effectively for friendlies.
Take him down low - perhaps you are better at low altitude than he is...
but be aware of giving him one of those great "pull up" shots
he can anticipate as you avoid terrain.
When rolling to evade, consider pulling under his nose requiring him
to roll over to resight you. (Be careful about pulling through his line
of sight, though. ;) Anytime he loses sight is a chance for you to escape.
Particularly against a slower rolling plane, if you can get him committed
to a bad roll direction then pull away while he's trying to get sight of
you again.
- Matt WB: para

Posted by: Gimp
Message: : I close on this fw at 15k and just before I shoot he hammers
his stick forward. I follow suit and all I see is REDOUT. It is obvious
to me that he made some blind manuevers because when I regain site he is
Hehe, he tempted ya, hey. Well, if it happens again. Climb. An imiallman(I
know it ain't spelled right) will keep E and let you decide what to do next,
and the speed in the dive might get you back on his six. If not at least
you have alt and you don't have to worry about him coming up to get ya.
Smoetimes I pull up and aileron roll to keep an eye on the con. Then
a good swoop down after they quit wiggling around for a good snapshot and
it's all B&Z after that. Although the dora is quite fast so be ready
to cut your losses and split when need be.
Hope this helps...
Gimp |