Bombom posted 05-03-99 08:48 AM
One thing that hasn't changed a bit is the effectiveness of wingman tactics
Try this for laffs, against sleeping stooges:
A booms in as usual (compensating for 2.6 gunnery) and zip away, cigar
or no cigar. The stooge wakes up and says "hey", then "gonna
keep an eye on that guy". Consequently, he points his prop at the quickly
vanishing A - while B motors in and effect the coup de grace.
Granted, it won't work every time due to that bloody NEON, but when it
does, you've got a chuckle coming
-bmbm-, XO 56th FG
56th Fighter Group:

Dslick posted 05-03-99 09:52 AM
I still B-n-Z.
I just do it in a Spitfire now.

funked posted 05-03-99 11:20 AM
Vadr I agree with you about the different tactics required for E fighting
But fortunately your victims are handicapped as well.
No more d10 pings during your pitchback.
This means you can go for a rope-a-dope with only d5 separation or so.
Which gives the bandit very little time to react when you reverse.
If you are dumb (like me lately) and run out of energy and the Hordes
come after you, and you have to run home, you don't need as much separation
to be safe. So you can get by with a smaller energy "cushion"
as long as you have a fast plane.
Finally, I'm pretty sure the planes will be softened up. So I'm hoping
my 20% gunnery will translate into more than .8 k/s!

Jagr posted 05-03-99 11:28 AM
Funked pretty well hit it on the head..there are advantages now too..that
being when going vertical at 1000 yards you dont get killed 50% of the time
The trick for me is not to push the shot..take what you have..hammer
the guy and continue your maneuver up...then look back and see what shape
he is in..repeat as necessary. I've noticed people tend to wait to see the
bad guy "Pop" and fly up his rear end or follw them in defensive
breaks losing all their E.

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 05-03-99 11:40 AM
I've just decided to accept a lower K/S count. There's not much else
you can do but that. I think 2.6 is a big step, but the lethality of your
weapons is obviously undermodelled (14 MG151 pings =28 20mm shells, from
d1.5 to kill a Spit9?). So, I'm waiting for the r1 patch before i really
start flying a lot again.

paarma posted 05-04-99 12:23 PM
Just made a check for gunnery%, once new tour has started: 22%. This
is about the same as it has always been.
Granted, at first it was kindof hard, but with time, pieces found their
Lethality is not the same (until the incoming patch, hopefully), but
so? It's the same problem for everyone, and it's temporary.
30mm has been a very pleasant suprise, just like MO wrote. It's a Killer
weapon, and feels easier to aim/hit too!
Low lethality raises problems on those hi speed diving passes, but that
should not be a biggie to 109 pilots - except R6 maybe, 109 can be competitive
in E contest with somewhat slower speed too. Have succesfully bounced &
killed spitfires with one pass behind (of course, have succesfully failed
too - usually because of too much speed).
The speed margin needed is only such that he cannot get inside D5, in
case target smells ya and manages to do a barrel roll or something. If he
split-s's or breaks, he's gone, and can't catch.
I use all guns all the time. Once upon a time it was good to not use
mg's at the same time to not to get confused by mg hit sparks, and be lost
with cannon.. Now the shooting takes place SO close, even closer than before..
so close - "and then he of course falls down"
Patience will be rewarded! Once one gets happy with current settings,
how bout after the R1?

Fenris posted 05-04-99 09:19 PM
Yes I've noted that with the cons come the pros of the new guns....
Was in a 109G6 the other week and got into a scrap with a Spit9 down
low after chasing (and killing ) a Ki84 near his base. Did a bit of fancy
stuff and ended up in a spiral climb He'd started with alittle alt advantage
and we was able to gain on me....I ended up looking back over my left shoulder
in a tight climb watching this spit at d1.6 firing at me. Dunno what the
story was but I took 2 or 3 pings but no major damage. I managed to escape
by doing a complete roll all the way to the left and the ending up climbing
in the same direction...He followed half way and broke right, he must have
lost me under his nose or something Sure was a great fight...
But then there's been times when I'm in a 109f and you can ping away
with the 20mm till the cows come home, conversly tho the new model lets
you stay in real close and live.
There are good and bad things in the new model and we just have to adjust
and wait and see what happens in the next update/version - I'll wait and
see, luckily for me there have been some other things that have come out
that have taken my interest away from WB.
In the end my current gut feeling is that I prefer 2.6 to 2.5
Still looking forward to an ETO SL
Hptm Fenris

ik Jagdgeschwader 77 posted 05-05-99 02:10 AM
Fenris, the Spit9 climbs better than the 109G6. You're very lucky that
guy couldn't shoot.

Fenris posted 05-05-99 03:02 AM
Rgr that ik, was cool seeing the muzzle flash of his guns...he must have
been low on ammo and out of 20mm or something, couldn't believe I survived...Too
bad I wasn't able to reverse and kill him that would have made it perfect,
I bugged out and went home
I still think 2.6 sure makes 109 moves even more doable and the rewards
are quite sweet.
'Tis a beautiful bird..
ps - Aviation History mag has a large article on the 109 this month and
even they call her a sinister a/c - haha - lets start the mystique debate
again! |