Vertigo posted 02-13-99 12:00 PM ET (US)
One of our bombers, Phenix, has created a Ju88 torpedo gunsight which
helps a lot. You can see and download it from
Just promise you won't use it against the Purple fleet
Vertigo (-vert-)

bod posted 02-13-99 03:49 PM ET (US)
Thanks a lot. I can promise you that i wont use it against the purple
fleet since i'm flying for The Wild Vikings, which is purp of cource (what
other colors are there, i mean COLORS :-)

ccasey posted 02-13-99 06:51 PM ET (US)
Ok, if you want to hit the CV easyer, don't attack it on its broad side.
when I normally torp things I try to attack at a 45' or 0' angles from it.
Also, I do not drop until the last possible second to pull out and make
it over the CV's deck. This works in any torp carring plane, this also I
bomb them, but with bombs I go in with WEP on.

Toad posted 02-14-99 11:19 AM ET (US)
Ok, if you want to hit the CV easyer, don't attack it on its broad
side. when I normally torp things I try to attack at a 45' or 0' angles
from it. Also, I do not drop until the last possible second to pull out
and make it over the CV's deck. This works in any torp carring plane, this
also I bomb them, but with bombs I go in with WEP on.
I've never survived a torpedo attack where more than one escort was shooting
at me. I can't conceive of an attack where you drop at the last second and
pull up "over" the target ship!
Sorry, just can't believe it.
My only attack method that worked was to drop just before (or just as)
the nearest escort opened up .. and then whip her around and get the hell
outta Dodge at full throttle, jinking all the way (and with tracer all around
me for a while too).
And I'm pretty doggon good at torpedo attacks too. Even without that
nifty Ju torp sight (which I now have installed on everything).
Toad, Torpedo Toad

idri posted 02-14-99 03:11 PM ET (US)
Here's a torpedo aiming sight you can use for hi res. You can add these
lines to your current gun sight file or create 3 new ones so the torpedo
aiming points will not be visible in most of your cockpit art. The specific
files to create are:
Copy the gun sight file you are currently using to the F6F53.gst file
and then add these lines:
Increase the first line of the .gst file by 4. Then copy that file to
the other 2 files.
I subscribe to the 90 degree angle attack. By waiting to launch the torpedo
until the CV fills the space between the aiming points you will have a high
probability of a hit. Also, by using these points to time your torpedo launch,
you will have time to reverse your course before the aaa opens up on you,
increasing your likelyhood of surviving the attack.

ccasey posted 02-14-99 04:00 PM ET (US)
Toad.. I left out one detail... I normally dont make it back home...
lol... The escorts nail me while leaving. Its hard to explain my approch
but it works... but its nothing close to a striaght line... The escorts
are not the problem. Its the cons flying over the CV that hurt most. See
when torpedoing or bombing, I my first goal is to drop the payload on target,
then I start worrying about making back to base.

NO SHIP IS SAFE cvkilr posted 02-15-99 10:09 PM ET (US)
torpedo bombing is fun as hell, has always been fun for me. Your sights
are cool but i prefer the built in sights like the ju88 window screen with
the little latch doohicky to the left i get about a 90% hit ratio on all
three torp planes (oh right there are four now) using cockpit window references
on attack at certain angles. anyways, i would love to do an attack with
you guys sometime. incidently i did two passes on a lone gold cv last night,
i watched all four torps hit but as it was like last year when 2.5 first
came out, my torps still are not scoring on my score page as hits. anyone
else have this problem? i did it with ju88