fergus posted 01-11-99 04:09 PM ET (US)
Its the stick settings in the WB configuration! Set sliders from 50%
on the left in equal increments to 100% on the right for pitch and roll.
Yaw is not so important.
If you use too high input across on the first few sliders (100%) you'll
jump all over, and if you use too low (0%) you'll have a hard time getting
you'r cross-hairs on target, 'cause your stick won't react untill you yank
it too much.

nrts posted 01-11-99 04:26 PM ET (US)
Last nite in the ACA I got into a goatrope with another f4f and could
not quite get my guns on him. We went round and round a few times but I
could not turn inside him.
Finally I remembered to try pitch up-trim and my nose immedietely swung
out into lead position and I shot him all to pieces. Trim offers rates *above*
what full "stick" deflection can produce.

Kodiak posted 01-11-99 05:07 PM ET (US)
Most of the time poor gunnery can be traced to 2 main problems. Pitch
scaling and the gunsight.
Scaling. I like to start very soft to start gradually working toward
full deflection at max throw. Small steps to start (5,8,13....) and large
ones near the end (...85, 100). Think the default scaling is in increments
of 10 (10,20,30,40...) Thats too coarse for my setup. Seems to make fine
adjustment easier and still allows more than enough stick to black out at
speed. Keep experimenting.
Gunsight. Use a custom gunsight. When I went from the default cross to
"yoss'" sight my gunnery jumped 10%.
Kodiak III./JG54 |