Last update - 29 January 1999 |
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:22:52 +1100
- When trying to turn your AC as sharply as possible is it better to
- going faster or slower? It seems to me from a gut feeling that you
- should be going slower as then you don't have such a larger turning
- circle (ie a jet fighter needs a lot of space to turn around in compared
- to a prop) but then I have read that the faster you are going the more
- lift or deflection or something the wings will generate on a bank and
- therefore you will turn faster. So which is correct?
- Kingar
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 22:51:11 GMT
- In article <36AC621B.569B98AB@bigpond.com>, Kingar <shazzah@bigpond.com>
- Define "fast"
- When you go slow your rate of turn may not be high, but your radius
- be smaller. At high speeds (up to corner) your angular velocity will
- higher, but your radius will also be higher. If you're trying to turn
- inside someone slow is probibly better (smaller radius).
- On the other hand flat, horizontal turns are pretty much something
- demonstrations and not combat. A circle of given size will have a
- smaller 'footprint' in the horizontal plane if you tip it up into the
- vertical.
- Take a dinner plate and hold it under a light parallel to the ground.
- will make a circular shadow of fixed size depending on relative
- positions. Without moving it up or down tip it, and the shadow it
- will suddenly be elliptical with a smaller circumference.
- Did any of that make sense?
- -puck- is the old Geometer
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:35:05 +1000
- Turning at corner speed will give you the greatest turn rate available.
- That is, at corner you can get around that circle faster than you could
- you were flying either faster or slower.
- Flying at a very slow speed minimises turn radius, but the difference
- between turn radius at slow speed and corner speed is not that remarkable.
- In combat, its turn rate that wins fights, and also enables you to
evade an
- opponent's gunnery solution. So try to turn at corner speed for your
- particular aircraft. If you're travelling slower than corner, make
a nose
- low turn, if faster than corner, a nose high turn.
- The corner speeds of WB aircraft seem to range from about 145 mph for
the early Zekes to approx 315 mph for the Fw190D9.
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:18:52 -0500
- Kingar <shazzah@bigpond.com> wrote in message
- news:36AC621B.569B98AB@bigpond.com...
- >When trying to turn your AC as sharply as possible is it better
to be
- >going faster or slower? It seems to me from a gut feeling that
- Well, your "Gut" instinct is correct, there is a direct relationship
- how fast you are going and how large your turn radius is going to be..
- At extremely high speeds your turn radius is so large it takes a long
- to complete a 180...so unless you were smart and converted that Speed
- altitude by NOT turning in a flat circle..your prob. in trouble :)
- At EXTREMELY low speeds your turn can actually take pretty long to
complete as well since your RATE of TURN..(In degrees/sec) is very slow
- The radius might be smaller but you didn't get the "Pointy End"
aimed back at the bad guy any faster..
- In between EXT HIGH and EXT LOW is a "Sweet Spot" known
ad the "Corner Velocity" of your plane its a range where your
rate of sustained turn is highest..meaning you can turn a lot of degrees
per second and continue to do that as long as you keep your speed in that
- Since WB has a pretty broad range of planes, its hard to tell you the
- velocity for all..but between 250-300 is a pretty good place to be
- your in one of the ends of the spectrum..even then your not going to
- grossly wrong.
- There is always a lot of questions about this point, and the most people
- confused by turn rate and turn radius...one is degrees per second and
- other is a measured distance (Radius of the turn) They are both very
- important and very related.but the are not the same...
- John "Jagr" Tasker
- IMOL Warbirds Training Staff
- trainers@imagiconline.com
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 23:36:38 +1100
- Thanks a lot. That was very informative. The hard part I guess will
be trying to watch my airspeed indicator and fly at the same time. ;)
I posted a question about trim here once and the responses I got beggared
description in the complexity that some of the 'pilots' out there were
going to. Trimming for this situation, then trimming when this happened!
Man, there is a lot going on in this sim and I'm only scratching the surface
(which I then lick my finger and rub hoping no one will notice the mark
- Kingar (just wishes he could logon, kill all the bad guys, receive
all the
- wtg's, logoff and sleep the sleep of the righteous!)
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 23:54:45 -0600
- >When trying to turn your AC as sharply as possible is it better
to be
- >going faster or slower?
- First define "sharply as possible" and we can give you an
answer. Its much
- more complicated than your language above can bare.
- Sharply as in degrees of angle? Sharply, but not smartly as in time
of the
- turn and degrees achieved per minutes?
- You see you can be really slow and get a great angle per second but
- angle per minute as your energy bleeds out.
- The safest answer to your question now would be at "corner speed".
- Worr, out
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 23:58:08 -0600
- >In combat, its turn rate that wins fights,
- Hmm...that would depend too. For me it is instant turn rate that wins
- sustained...and that all follows on positioning rather than pure muscle.
- >The corner speeds of WB aircraft seem to range from about 145
mph for the
- >early Zekes to approx 315 mph for the Fw190D9.
- Well, that should be KIAS not MPH. The corner velocity range is really
- 150-240.
- Worr, out
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 00:00:24 -0600
- >Since WB has a pretty broad range of planes, its hard to tell
you the
- corner
- >velocity for all..but between 250-300 is a pretty good place
to be unless
- >your in one of the ends of the spectrum..even then your not
going to be
- >grossly wrong.
- That's a good place to be, but I don't think that is a good corner
- range in MPH for those who don't know the kind of planes you fly, jagr.
- Maybe you meant KIAS?
- Worr, out
- Newsgroups: warbirds.training
- Subject: Re: Turning: Fast or slow is best?
- Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 00:12:55 +1100
- Its difficult to explain these things in words as you probably well
know. But I think the answers I got regarding corner speed do address
the points that I was raising and relate to my question correctly. I wasn't
asking "what is the best way to turn on to someones 6 who has just
passed you at d20 below your ac" but more a general idea of wether
a faster ac completes a horizontal turn (of 180 degrees say) quicker than
a slower moving plane. I didn't state the question that way, but then
it was more a 'Something that always bugged me is...' type of question
that I thought up while reading the WEP posts above. Thanks for your reply
- Kingar