Posted by: bjh
Posted on: 13:30:15 11/05/98
Message: I have to agree wholeheartedly Hobo, red tracers are
very difficult to see in most situations. I've switched to bright green
tracers which I find I can see much better. Before I'd always have to use
cannon only on mixed gun planes because I couldn't get feedback on the big
guns. The yellow tracers dominated my vision.
Now on mixed gun planes I can at least consider using mg's with cannon
as the green dominates the yellow which is what I most want to see! I've
also left the primes yellow so I can tell when I've forgotten to switch
to cannon or dual guns on my main trigger.
(up over 20% shooting and loving it)

Posted by: DocDoom
Posted on: 20:17:25 11/05/98
: Now on mixed gun planes I can at least consider using mg's with
cannon as the green dominates the yellow which is what I most want to see!
I've also left the primes yellow so I can tell when I've forgotten to switch
to cannon or dual guns on my main trigger.
: -bjh--
: (up over 20% shooting and loving it)
I would have thought the absense of big thumping cannon sounds and hearing
just pissy little machine guns was a dead giveaway ;)
(it is when I forget !)

Posted by: Dnil Maj. 900th Bloody Jaguars
Posted on: 10:47:28 11/05/98
Message: Before the patch the brakes were MUCH better, yea it
was kinda stupid to nose over at 5mph but after the patch its like some
freakin arcade game, an imaginary nose wheel pops out and WON'T let you
nose over, try it, it wont happen just freakin stupid now. I prefered the
old pre patch brakes once i got used to it. That and the d10 pings are really
the only thing driving me nuts.

Posted by: Bugjam - VMF-58 Wildcards
Posted on: 10:33:31 11/05/98
Message: : Second, used to be that I had trouble seeing the
red cannon tracers. Now, using the WB's color utility I've changed the red
cannon tracers to yellow and I'm able to see them better. This allows me
to adjust my aim better.
I have the same problem... I can't see RED cannon tracers! Someone pls
tell more about this WB color utility!!!
Thanks, Bug

Posted by: hobo ***MOL***
Posted on: 11:12:05 11/05/98
Message: : : Second, used to be that I had trouble seeing the
red cannon tracers. Now, using the WB's color utility I've changed the red
cannon tracers to yellow and I'm able to see them better. This allows me
to adjust my aim better.
: I have the same problem... I can't see RED cannon tracers! Someone
pls tell more about this WB color utility!!!
: Thanks, Bug
Go to WB's setup (from main menu) and choose the "colors" tab.
You'll see an area with 4 sliders for changing the colors of your primary
and secondary gun tracers. Change it to your preference and hit "apply".
Works great!
Hobo |